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Ivan/ Who am I?

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In a message dated 11/08/2000 9:01:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,

harsha-hkl writes:



Yes, Ivan-Ji. It is a good idea. We discuss it often. The discussion has a

vitality of its own and perpetually reoccurs. I am delighted that you are

raising these questions with energy and passion and pointing out the need to

consider such things deeply.



Harsha >>


Ditto, Ivan, I was just teasing you and Wim, please do continue,

it is very refreshing and enjoyable to read you both.




~ bo ~ Leela

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Hi Ivan... what a fantastic pleasure it is having you here!

During an ego/personality loss experience where I lost ALL knowledge

of who I am, I asked that question over and over because I really did

not know!

"Who am I? Who am I?" I screamed! A psychologist friend was called

who came to my rescue immediately. He grounded me by having me say

over and over "I am Gayle! I am Gayle!"

Note: (I became Gayle when I moved from Ga. to Fla. when I was eight

years old because some little boys in Georgia called me peepee

instead of Teegee. :-) Gayle, my middle name, seemed to be a more

acceptable name. Teegee remained for close friends and family only.

I took back the name after my kundalini awakened).

Which brought me to ask/scream "Who is Gayle?!" I didn't know if *I*

was you, you, you, or me -- and didn't even know who 'me' was.

It wasn't long before I began to see who *I* am - these various

personalities that began being magnified to me in a fasinating

experiential one-at-a-time way, over a three day period.

As the observer of this interesting variety of selves, it became

obvious I was not my personality(s), although they made up who I

thought was me. If I am not these personalities, and I am instead,

this 'observer', who am I, where am I? Who is the *real* Gayle?

Without an *I*, I could be any person, any personality.

During ego/personality loss, it felt as if I had to choose who to be,

as *I* could not exist if I didn't make a choice. To be possibly

any one and not know who I am was frightening. To be no one was even

moreso. With a personality, one can be the observer and the

observed. Without a remembrance of the personality, there was no

observer. There was no 'me' to observe.

What I realized was that even with what I thought was ego/personality

loss, the fearful personality came into being, full-force. There

was no ego-loss. I became ego itself.

And with this fearful ego, we always forget who we are.



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Ivan Frimmel [ivanf]


Dear Mark (and Amanda, and whoever else cares to join us),


the KNOWLEDGE I am refering to in my DON'T HIDE YOUR LIGHT is the

knowledge of The Answer to the question "Who am I?" - which Sri

Ramana Maharshi was so fond of asking everybody - which is the same

question I asked Amanda in 12148 (and she tried to answer in 12163) -

the seeking of the answer/s to which question is the

stated "objective" of this lovely group.


I don't have the time to go into it more deeply tonight, but, you and

Amanda, and whoever else is interested in this subject, watch this

space for more to come.


In the meantime, perhaps you can start the discussion without me, and

Harsha can let me know, if you ever discussed this most important

question in life here in this forum, and if not, whether we can try

to go into it together for a while, knowing very well that the answer

to it is well beyond the reach of intellect and beyond any verbal

descriptions. But maybe we can try and see what happens.


What do you think, Harsha-ji?







Yes, Ivan-Ji. It is a good idea. We discuss it often. The discussion has a

vitality of its own and perpetually reoccurs. I am delighted that you are

raising these questions with energy and passion and pointing out the need to

consider such things deeply.




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Dear tg,


Yeah, don't you think it is good to have Ivan with us. Really a surprise!

What a neat story about your self recovery. This actually should be

clarifying to many who are searching and are having a hard time getting it

(cliché, I know). Most search to deeply at the wrong side of their being.

They think they ought to find something far out... which of course what they

find when they just stay within.


Love, Wim

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