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Morning Zen / Steve

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On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 01:27:32 Steven Mclachlan wrote:



>>That simple belief(?) will be transformed into I KNOW and I AM when

>>quandary and belief (what is belief anyway?) stops.




>Can you really ever 'know'. Is there a truth that is >not partial or



Hi Steve,


I'm probably snatching this post from Wim, but he will most probably not be

angry with me for doing so, and he will also add his own views to it. :)


There is a truth that is not partial, or divided, but which is whole and

completely open to everyone and everything.


This truth is both subjective, in that it exists in individuals, what we think

of as subjects or experiencers of subjective truths, and it is objective, in

that it is not generated by any one individual. Rather, this objectiveness is

generated by itself and the objectiveness also generates the subjects, or more

accurately, it is the objectiveness experiencing subjectiveness, experiencing

the feeling of individuality and of being an individual.


Belief is a set of ideas, a set of thoughts in the mind. It is something that

the mind witnesses and feels comfortable witnessing, as it judges the belief to

be "right" and thus "true". However, belief is a carrot dangling in front of the

mind, the mind sees it and chases it, but it's not the mind itself.


The mind itself contains a secret, namely that it experiences subjectiveness and

subjective truths, thoughts and emotions etc, but that it itself is

objectiveness. When the mind stops running after carrots such as belief, the

mind takes a long good look at itself and sees its own objectiveness, that it is

not tied to anyone subject or individual. This is knowledge not tied to belief,

because it is being, it is without modification of the mind, it is the mind

itself, or rather, that which makes up the mind itself. This knowledge is not a

thought, not a verbalization, not a mantra, it is being, it is pure lasting

is-ness, expressed and symbolized as the words "I am".


However, the words "I am" are not the "I am" itself, although it is confusingly

expressed as such. It is being being being, isness, existence, the sensation of

pure existence and being (there we are again), what the words "I am" are meant

to express in their simplest and most direct sense.



It is not a truth/knowledge that is far away or a stranger to anyone, it's very

near and it is which reads these words. :)



Now I leave the stage for Wim. :)












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