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Ivan Frimmel


One of the concepts that keeps recurring in the writings of mystics

of all ages is the concept of sunyata, void, emptiness, nothingness,

as the substratum of all that exists – a concept that has until

recently been conveniently ignored by the scientists.


Some religions, including Judaism and Christianity, speak of creation

out of nothing. In Hinduism and Buddhism, sunyata (void, voidness) is

beyond cause, thought or intellectual comprehension, but not beyond

direct knowing through mystical experience. In Nagarjuna's Madhyamika

this great Indian (second century AD) philosopher speaks of sunyata

very eloquently and convincingly.


In classical physics one soon realises that atoms, which are like

miniature solar systems with electron "planets" orbiting nuclear sun,

should not exist at all: the circling electrons should gradually

radiate away their energy and spiral into nucleus. But atoms do

exist, together with many other phenomena which cannot be explained

by classical physics. That's why the modern physicists introduced

quantum mechanics, which is in essence a set of mathematical rules

attempting to explain what actually happens in the Universe.


In quantum physics the concept of Zero Point Energy was recently

introduced in order to overcome the shortcomings of classical physics

and is gradually gaining the respect it deserves. Zero Point Energy

refers to the vast and inexhaustible background sea of subtle energy

that is always present everywhere, even in a totally "empty" space,

or vacuum, from which everything springs into existence. This sea of

energy is constantly replenishing the energies expended by the

circling electrons, thus keeping a state of constant dynamic

equilibrium throughout the Universe, at all times.


The postulates of modern science about Zero Point Energy remind us of

the intuitive teachings of Vedic mystics about Brahman—the infinite

sea of all unmanifested potential energy, from which everything comes

into manifestation; of the teachings of Taoist mystics about the

unspeakable Tao—the perfect harmony of the Universe; and even, with a

tiny stretch of imagination, of the opening sentences in the Bible.


It appears that the scientific discoveries, postulates and

statements of modern physicists are now beginning to resemble the

intuitions and revelations of mystics of all ages.





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Nicely said, Ivan!


Love, Mark


Ivan Frimmel wrote:



> Ivan Frimmel


> One of the concepts that keeps recurring in the writings of mystics

> of all ages is the concept of sunyata, void, emptiness, nothingness,

> as the substratum of all that exists – a concept that has until

> recently been conveniently ignored by the scientists.


> Some religions, including Judaism and Christianity, speak of creation

> out of nothing. In Hinduism and Buddhism, sunyata (void, voidness) is

> beyond cause, thought or intellectual comprehension, but not beyond

> direct knowing through mystical experience. In Nagarjuna's Madhyamika

> this great Indian (second century AD) philosopher speaks of sunyata

> very eloquently and convincingly.


> In classical physics one soon realises that atoms, which are like

> miniature solar systems with electron "planets" orbiting nuclear sun,

> should not exist at all: the circling electrons should gradually

> radiate away their energy and spiral into nucleus. But atoms do

> exist, together with many other phenomena which cannot be explained

> by classical physics. That's why the modern physicists introduced

> quantum mechanics, which is in essence a set of mathematical rules

> attempting to explain what actually happens in the Universe.


> In quantum physics the concept of Zero Point Energy was recently

> introduced in order to overcome the shortcomings of classical physics

> and is gradually gaining the respect it deserves. Zero Point Energy

> refers to the vast and inexhaustible background sea of subtle energy

> that is always present everywhere, even in a totally "empty" space,

> or vacuum, from which everything springs into existence. This sea of

> energy is constantly replenishing the energies expended by the

> circling electrons, thus keeping a state of constant dynamic

> equilibrium throughout the Universe, at all times.


> The postulates of modern science about Zero Point Energy remind us of

> the intuitive teachings of Vedic mystics about Brahman—the infinite

> sea of all unmanifested potential energy, from which everything comes

> into manifestation; of the teachings of Taoist mystics about the

> unspeakable Tao—the perfect harmony of the Universe; and even, with a

> tiny stretch of imagination, of the opening sentences in the Bible.


> It appears that the scientific discoveries, postulates and

> statements of modern physicists are now beginning to resemble the

> intuitions and revelations of mystics of all ages.


> Love,


> Ivan.


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