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symbol of conch and personal stuff

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I have not been able to follow the posts due to time constraints but

something here caught my eye. I will forward this to a as



Having some guidance in spiritual matters can be helpful, especially in the

beginning. In the old days, a disciple would have to study and meditate for

12 years under the watchful eye of the Guru. Why so long when the Truth can

be seen in an instant? It has to do with practical matters of living in a

stable way while realizing and integrating different aspects of

consciousness. The mind and body are instruments of perceptions. Advaitins

say that mind/body itself occurs in consciousness. Yogis say that most

people have to pay attention to their body before the nature of the

perceiver and perception becomes self-evident. There is no difference in

practical orientation, however between the two. A gradual preparation is

recommended as it allows increasing sensitivity to mental and unconscious

contents without overstraining the body. Even engaging in long periods of

meditation should be gradual. Of course, when inclined one will not be able

to help it. Paradoxically, spiritual maturity takes time. Ramakrishna

pointed this out to Naren (Swami Vivekananda) when Naren was practicing very

hard to attain and straining himself in the process. Swami Sivananda used to

say where there is Yukti (application of common sense), there is both

enjoyment and liberation.


Love to all




jetanoir [jetanoir]


Hi there, it's Jen who thinks this website is 'awesome'...


I have another question if anyone has time to get back to me:

-what is the secret meaning of the conch? if it is different in

different instances, what are the most important ones to understand?



Also I wanted to say that I resonated with Frank's recent letter and

was interested to read Tim Gerchmez's letter of intro. from a year

ago. Both people I felt I could relate to.


I have personally just gone through what is called now a Spiritual

Emergency but what I understand to be 'getting to into the highest

leelas of Krishna with too little preparation/eligibility/fitness'...


I am fine now but for months I thought I was either going to die or

go crazy...


Anyhow, I feel the time is now for me to undergo a great revolution

of consciousness and I am scared. How will I be? What will be my

frame of reference? HOw will my family and friends react when I'm on

the verge of renouncing the world ALL the time? What will my world

view be? Will I be able to hold on to one at all? How will I earn

money to live on? Will I be able to meet the real, culturally

abnormal and very strenuous demands of alert watchfulness, self-

sacrifice, suffering and all the rest. What of my personal faults- do

I have what it takes to go so far? ...



Many, many questions but what choice do I have... I am frightened by

the flames of samsara and of living life without religion... I feel

that during my "spiritual emergency" experience I underwent an

initiation and to do anything but live the religious life now would

be a sin...


(I hope it is ok that I am saying all of this on this website...)


Anyhow, since I'm on the topic, does anyone else feel that a sudden

violent experience or Knowing of Atman can cause mental illness?


And does anyone have any advice for when your past karmas are being

fructified and you are in the realized state and acting these karmas

out like a madman (it can be very difficult to have all of this

occuring at once).


Like I said, I am fine now (consciousness is not going to explode,

etc.)but, as well, I am afraid of backsliding too much and that is

why I joined this group- To study scripture with others who are

serious about the spiritual life...


Blessings, jen


ps. I apologize if this entry (personal details) is entirely

inappropriate to this site but if anyone has any words of advice,

encouragement or wouldn't mind answering my conch question, please

email me at jetanoir Thanks...

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