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Navel in the Gravel/Antoine

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Antoine Carré

[carrea (AT) videotron (DOT) ca] Is it possible to know One's Own Self?

There is a beauty in looking, but then who is the Own looking at the Self?

And when there is being the beauty vanishes for there is nothing to look at and from at.




Three sides of a "coin" pointing to Brahman that cannot be formulated.


SatChidAnanda could be compared, why not, to the formula founding quantum physics E=h/f.


E (energy) would be here Sat (The absolute Being identical to Brahman): One

h (plank constant limiting the possibility of knowing matter as

particle and wave at the same time) would be here Chit (The I Am even

when I do not think in the cogito sense), a constant that does not

change: Own

1/f (the period of a wave or 1 divided by the frequency this wave

moves) would be here Ananda (The Pure Joy felt in Samadhi): Self



One's own self


3 fingers pointing in the direction that has no center.


Yes it is what I am if saying such a thing may mean something.




Thank you Antoine. I like your model and explanation, although I don't

know much about quantum physics. There are many ways of speaking.

Sat-Chit-Ananda is One Monolithic Whole. Because It Is Whole, it

admits of no point of reference. Sat (Existence) is not Separate from

Chit (Knowledge) or Ananda (Pure Joy). Here is a simple example. Take

freshly made mango ice cream (with soy milk, regular milk, almond

milk, or other fruits) depending on your preference. On a hot summer

day, you put the mango ice cream in a cup and fill a spoon and put it

in your mouth and slowly savor it. You have an experience of coolness,

sweetness, and creaminess in your mouth at the same time. Although

conceptually, sweetness, coolness, and creaminess can be separated,

the experience of mango ice cream is one monolithic whole. Similarly

Sat = Chit = Ananda. Pure Oneness of Existence (Sat) is It Self,

Self-Knowing, and Pure Joy simultaneous. It Is One Whole.



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