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Hi Jan,


Thanks for your comments :)


On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 23:38:42 jb wrote:

>Thanks for the excellent commentary Amanda. My interest was aroused because

science and Yoga are >meeting too. According to the Shandilaya Upanishad, the

nabhi chakra (navel wheel) is where the psyche

>(jiva) resides "like a spider in its web". My experience is also that all

emotions feel to

>be "wired" from this center.


Yes, that is what it feels like to me as well.

When deeply rooted contents of this center are being illuminated for the

conscious mind, the center feels like a plum sized knot sitting by the navel,

having threadlike connections that fan outwards from the center and upwards to

the brain, resembling an upper half of a spider's net. :)


So yes, the article of the discovery of a complex nerve plexus in the belly is

very interesting. :)

Thank you for sending.



In addition to this emotional center, I feel that there may be other centers of

more basic emotion as well. Closely connected with the digestive system and

probably being some kind of feedback system to it, is a system of very basic

emotion, that of fear, sitting at the back of the neck, at the base of the

brain. This system is probably the fear evoking/controlling system of the

amygdalas behind the ears. Not so strange, since the fight or flight reflex of

fear would be tied to digestion from early evolutionary times in mammals.

>So I wonder, when the "spiritual" heart center (the one at the right from the

"yogic" heart center) will

>be discovered.


I wonder if this center can be found in the body itself.

Perhaps it can be found as a "center" in the deeper laying brain cortex itself.

I say this because it is the presence of the body in the mind, and brain, that

we feel, not actually the body itself. And body feeling resides in the motor and

sensory cortices of the brain.


In this context, I also doubt that Kundalini exists in the body itself. I

believe Kundalini resides in the brain only, as a synchronized wave of signaling

going through the motor cortex primarily, but spreading through other and deeper

situated cortical centers, as well as those areas in the cortex registering

signals from the brain stem and cerebellum. When this wave of synchronization

reaches certain deep cortical centers and establishes lasting connections with

the areas receiving signals from upper and lower centers, the sensory experience

changes permanently to that of non duality. There are illness states where

various centers in the brain are disabled whose descriptions remind me of those

of non duality, but where the body and mind is not functioning due to the

centers being malfunctioning compared to the normal situation.


Well, that is just a theory I have been chewing on in private. :)

>An indication that there is a conditioned equilibrium between the influence of


>centers comes from fasting (water only). It will drive the body into ketosis

and that causes the brain

>to go on "economy mode" - so one would expect a dulling of all senses and the

"sharpness" of mind,

>because of the lack of carbohydrates. But the contrary is true, the mind

becomes more "awake" and

>life gets a more "spiritual" dimension. As ketosis could be called the very

antithesis of fruitarianism,

>I'll take the experiment myself to see what happens this time:) The previous

time, some 30 years ago, was

>quite spectacular - the smell of acetone coming from my body was so strong that

I was afraid to lighten up

>a cigarette in a closed room :))


:) Better go outside and smoke Mr. Nailpolish Remover. ;)


As Harsha said, be careful if you do this again.


Didn't he also indicate that the experience of Jain monks is that the ketosis

will become stable after some time's fasting ? If I remember correctly, that is

what the textbooks on biochemistry (also based on observation) say as well.


Your observations of fasting and equilibrium bvetween various brain centers are

very interesting.

I look forward to hearing more about it as you feel inclined to share with us.










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On 11/14/00 at 7:14 AM mumble cat wrote:


ºHi Jan,


ºThanks for your comments :)


You're welcome :)


ºOn Sun, 12 Nov 2000 23:38:42 jb wrote:


º>Thanks for the excellent commentary Amanda. My interest was aroused because

science and Yoga are >meeting too. According to the Shandilaya Upanishad, the

nabhi chakra (navel wheel) is where the psyche

º>(jiva) resides "like a spider in its web". My experience is also that all

emotions feel to

º>be "wired" from this center.


ºYes, that is what it feels like to me as well.

ºWhen deeply rooted contents of this center are being illuminated for the

conscious mind, the center feels like a plum sized knot sitting by the navel,

having threadlike connections that fan outwards from the center and upwards to

the brain, resembling an upper half of a spider's net. :)


Interesting - the "feel" of the right_heart center is like the hub of disc on a

wheel and many nadis are attached to the disc. But it takes some time before

that center will be perceived that way :)


ºSo yes, the article of the discovery of a complex nerve plexus in the belly is

very interesting. :)

ºThank you for sending.


You're welcome again :)



ºIn addition to this emotional center, I feel that there may be other centers of

more basic emotion as well. Closely connected with the digestive system and

probably being some kind of feedback system to it, is a system of very basic

emotion, that of fear, sitting at the back of the neck, at the base of the

brain. This system is probably the fear evoking/controlling system of the

amygdalas behind the ears. Not so strange, since the fight or flight reflex of

fear would be tied to digestion from early evolutionary times in mammals.


It is quite possible there are more centers involved with basic emotions.

Rosicrucians consider reproduction to be linked to the digestive system and

hence the requirement for diet - an elementary tool enabling the discrimination

between the sensations of lust, love and chakra piercing. The question would be

how these centers are "fired" and if there is a sequence. My perception has

always been that although the "form" of these centers will vary in the course of

events, the centers remain active even when feelings like fear, shame, guilt,

embarrassment etc. have been "burnt out" and the remainder of emotions

continues to be linked to manipura.


º>So I wonder, when the "spiritual" heart center (the one at the right from the

"yogic" heart center) will

º>be discovered.


ºI wonder if this center can be found in the body itself.

ºPerhaps it can be found as a "center" in the deeper laying brain cortex itself.

ºI say this because it is the presence of the body in the mind, and brain, that

we feel, not actually the body itself. And body feeling resides in the motor and

sensory cortices of the brain.


Although there isn't a one to one correspondence with chakras and glands, the

glands do have a relation to energy and a chakra could be translated as "energy

wheel". That makes it likely to find a representation of a chakra in all bodies.

What is rather suggestive of this, are chakras in the palms of the hands and in

the feet - they almost feel "physical".


ºIn this context, I also doubt that Kundalini exists in the body itself. I

believe Kundalini resides in the brain only, as a synchronized wave of signaling

going through the motor cortex primarily, but spreading through other and deeper

situated cortical centers, as well as those areas in the cortex registering

signals from the brain stem and cerebellum. When this wave of synchronization

reaches certain deep cortical centers and establishes lasting connections with

the areas receiving signals from upper and lower centers, the sensory experience

changes permanently to that of non duality. There are illness states where

various centers in the brain are disabled whose descriptions remind me of those

of non duality, but where the body and mind is not functioning due to the

centers being malfunctioning compared to the normal situation.


It is true that the crown center is the most complicated one and also the one

that changes "form" quite dramatically. But I wonder if a profound change in

both psychology and physiology (like slowed down metabolism) solely can be

attributed to the brain - if so, nonduality would be as easy to induce as an NDE

(ketamine). My observation has been that the entire mind-body partakes in

"realization" and the entire puzzle isn't solved yet - when physical feelings

(temporarily) are absent, the "bladder full" message is received nevertheless :)

But eventually a situation arises, when physical feelings won't return... and by

inference it is known that "alarm" messages still are received. Not only sensory

perception changes, one could say that in the course of events feelings will

vanish, as if they never existed... The most striking example being the

disappearance of emotional memory. When that is absent, a so called "near kill"

(like when driving 70 mph on a scooter and suddenly the transmission blocks

completely) leaves one untouched as if nothing happened, contrary to the

onlookers who are shocked :)


ºWell, that is just a theory I have been chewing on in private. :)


I added some observation from experience :)


º>An indication that there is a conditioned equilibrium between the influence of


º>centers comes from fasting (water only). It will drive the body into ketosis

and that causes the brain

º>to go on "economy mode" - so one would expect a dulling of all senses and the

"sharpness" of mind,

º>because of the lack of carbohydrates. But the contrary is true, the mind

becomes more "awake" and

º>life gets a more "spiritual" dimension. As ketosis could be called the very

antithesis of fruitarianism,

º>I'll take the experiment myself to see what happens this time:) The previous

time, some 30 years ago, was

º>quite spectacular - the smell of acetone coming from my body was so strong

that I was afraid to lighten up

º>a cigarette in a closed room :))


º:) Better go outside and smoke Mr. Nailpolish Remover. ;)


Still better, stop smoking - I did some 23 years ago :)


ºAs Harsha said, be careful if you do this again.


ºDidn't he also indicate that the experience of Jain monks is that the ketosis

will become stable after some time's fasting ? If I remember correctly, that is

what the textbooks on biochemistry (also based on observation) say as well.


I know that ketosis will stabilize itself and there is a lot of information on


For instance, http://www.lowcarb.org/ketosis.html


ºYour observations of fasting and equilibrium bvetween various brain centers are

very interesting.

ºI look forward to hearing more about it as you feel inclined to share with us.







The so called "spontaneous" sadhana I underwent was a full 8 months in a state

of stabilized ketosis, due to the low amount of food consumed during that

period. Because of K., none of the phenomena mentioned in literature could be

observed. Physical reactions were fast, mental agility was heightened, energy

level was extremely high, sleep just 3 hours daily. If the present "experiment"

(still in preparation) will give additional insights, I will share them.




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