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Second brain / Fasting / Perception -Long

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Hi again Jan,


On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 20:49:18 jb wrote:

>It is quite possible there are more centers involved with basic emotions.


>consider reproduction to be linked to the digestive system and hence the

requirement for

>diet - an elementary tool enabling the discrimination between the sensations of


>love and chakra piercing. The question would be how these centers are "fired"

and if there is a



It would be natural that reproduction is somehow linked to the digestive system.

For animals in nature, when food is plentiful, the reproductive organs could

also be active, preparing the rearing of the next generation when there is lots

of food available. :)


One example of a link between reproductive organs and the digestive system in

yogic connections may be the kechari mudra. The kechari mudra is the start of

natural transformation of ojas in the physical body, natural urdhva reta. Ojas,

whatever biological entity they are (reproductive cells or simply energy), can

be felt linked to the reproductive organs in the mudra. Preceding the mudra, the

signals coming into the throat chakra seem to have their origins deep inside the

digestive system, and the navel chakra, as well as the reproductive organs and

2nd chakra. From there, signals go from the throat to the (back half of) the

ajna chakra, which may be the chakra directly causing the mudra.


Hence, there seems to be a sequence of reproductive -digestive fireing, going

from 2nd chakra to navel to throat to the ajna chakra. In addition, the 2nd

chakra seems to be especially well associated with the throat chakra, at times

almost taking over the sensations of the (temporarily paralyzed) 2nd chakra.

Another corresponding pair of chakras is the navel and ajna.


The fear centers in the head are also well connected with the navel and ajna



>:Perhaps it can be found as a "center" in the deeper laying brain cortex


>:I say this because it is the presence of the body in the mind, and brain, that

we feel, not

>actually the body itself. And body feeling resides in the motor and sensory

cortices of the



>Although there isn't a one to one correspondence with chakras and glands, the

>glands do have a relation to energy and a chakra could be translated as "energy


>That makes it likely to find a representation of a chakra in all bodies. What

is rather

>suggestive of this, are chakras in the palms of the hands and in the feet -

they almost feel



I am reminded of the maxim of sensory neurobiology, which also some western

philosophers and many eastern philosophers have pointed out: The mind is the

perceiver of all things, nothing is perceived as it is on its own (as Kant's

"das ding an sich") except for in Nirvikalpa Samadhi. When watching the prayer

flag move in the wind, the mind is moving the flag and not the wind.


Biologically speaking, this means that nothing is perceived by the mind except

for that which is signaled / observed in the perception areas of the cortex of

the brain. So although a center feels very physical and its physical countepart

can be found as a nerve plexus in the body, it is not the nerve plexus or the

center itself which is felt, but its presence in the mind, i.e. the signals it

presents to the perception cortex.


This also means, in spiritual terms, as I see it, that although all the centers

are there, in every human being regardless of spiritual experience and

"stature", it is only when the brain perceives these centers that they are felt

for the mind.

And what makes such a discovery of the centers that were previously hidden in

the mindbody possible, are new or changed connections in the brain's perception

centers. When the wave of signaling synchronization or increased capability for

signaling or what it is,

that Kundalini may be,

reaches and reconnects previously unperceived areas of the cortex with those

already existing, the various centers are suddenly perceived and appears as if

by magic.


Perceptually and psychologically, for the mind, the process feels like there is

a lot of new things appearing, but it may well be that there is simply a lot

more being shed light of. In this view, the passive Shiva of the mind, that

which perceives, will be the perceiving cortex, and the active Shakti the wave

of increased electrical activity which passes over the cortex. When the

perceiving cortex has been expanded to certain deeper located centers in the

cortex and the electrical activity has reached a certain threshold and this

activity has become stable, the perception of non duality ensues.


My theory of reconnection is based on observation of signaling and activity in

the brain (my own) during REM sleep, during "OBEs" and when on the verge of

entering samadhi.

>It is true that the crown center is the most complicated one and also the one

that changes

>"form" quite dramatically. But I wonder if a profound change in both psychology


>physiology (like slowed down metabolism) solely can be attributed to the brain

- if so,

>nonduality would be as easy to induce as an NDE (ketamine).


Ketamine has certainly been seen to have some very interesting effects.

In addition to causing NDEs, ketamine has also other effects, such as strong


This in itself indicates its unspecificity.


Like all ways of chemically

influencing the brain, ketamine and also the socalled specific serotonine

reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs, used to combat depression, are not as specific as we

would like them to be, because of their molecular functions.

Actually they are not specific at all when thinking of influencing a single area

of the brain.


The perception of non duality may not be easy to induce because it requires the

synchronization and functioning of many brain centers at once in a specific and

unknown way. This may not at all be mimicked with chemical manipulation alone.


The reason I suggested that perhaps non duality can be a question of perception

is that when area 24 of a deeper laying part of the human cortex has been

temporarily damaged by ischaemia, a state where the self cannot easily be

distinguished by the surroundings and the desire to to any kinds of actions is

prominent (reported by patients after improvement of ischaemic condition). I of

course found these descriptions very interesting. :)

>My observation has been that the entire mind-body partakes in "realization" and


>entire puzzle isn't solved yet -



Yes, I agree with this of course.


There does seems to be a mind body make over.

But since no internal organs seem to be changeing very much except for attaining

optimal performance,

I wonder if the changes in the body is not started in the brain cortex and

directed by the changes that go on there. That there is a kind of feedback


When a certain area of the cortex corresponding to an area of the body or an

organ of the body, has been made available for the mind, the increased

perception of the mind of this organ and its function, engenders a change in the

function of the organ itself, a recalibration back to the optimal functioning.

When this recalibration has been done, the signaling of this organ to the

perception cortex of the brain is also recalibrated, which enables another

recalibration of the organ directed by the changes happening in the cortex.

>when physical feelings (temporarily) are absent, the "bladder

>full" message is received nevertheless :) But eventually a situation arises,

when physical

>feelings won't return... and by inference it is >known that "alarm" messages

still are received. Not only sensory perception changes, one could

>say that in the course of events feelings will vanish, as if they never

existed... The most

>striking example being the disappearance of emotional memory. When that is

absent, a so

>called "near kill" (like when driving 70 mph on a scooter and suddenly the

transmission blocks

>completely) leaves one untouched as if nothing happened, contrary to the

onlookers who are

>shocked :)



Yes, when perception has become filled with perception, that which is perceived

cannot overshadow the light of perception itself.


This is not the regular suppression of emotions where they are left and just

kept away from attention, this is when the subconscious has become sublimated

into the conscious and emotions slide off the mind like food from a teflon pan.

:) Even dreams become almost devoid of emotions.



This got to be too long, so I am finishing off here.











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Whew! Excellent post Mumble Cat (worthy of a print out to digest now

and for leftovers;)... transformation of every cell (as in digestion

- the Miracle of Life) in the body, fired by the Mars force of



Thanks... love, Robert

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