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In every second

every instant

we are reborn.

Are you

what you were

last year,


or even

an hour ago?

In all of nature

when does birth

not involve pain?

Clinging to the shadow

of remembered pain

rarely serves the process

of entering the light.



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  • 7 months later...
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, "Gloria Lee" <glee@i...> wrote:

>still one may say... life is just like this... it is inevitably full

>of suffering.


Suffering is far from inevitable, as any 'study' of Buddhism will

demonstrate. In fact, suffering is both "unnatural"

and "unnecessary."


It's a shame that so many accept suffering as "my fate in life," but

usually it takes a lot of suffering before one grows tired enough of

it to "take the permanent cure."


For many, suffering is not even noticed, humans have grown so

drastically "institutionalized."


Joy & Happiness,



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My dear Tim,


You wrote:

> Suffering is far from inevitable, as any 'study' of Buddhism will

> demonstrate. In fact, suffering is both "unnatural"

> and "unnecessary."


Yep, "unnatural," and... ... "unphysical !"


Give me a second...


In Dutch "natuur-kunde" means physics. In that sense, in Dutch you can

say something like "suffering is not physical." But there's more.

According to the way I distinguish pain from suffering, I have written

about that plenty now, one could say that pain is physical, therefore

pain is natural. Suffering on the other hand is mental, therefore

illusive, therefore not natural.

As you said it !!!

Suffering occurs, according to my distinction, through manipulation by

power mongers of pain (disapproval) or gain (approval) through

conditional threats and promises to "force control,Dwang" in Dutch.

(One example, "I threaten you with pain, if I don't get my way.")

Suffering does not take place in the physical realm of nature it occurs

in an illusive mental pseudo inner space. One could say that it occurs

in the pseudo world of de-natured humans.

Torture, manipulation, mental force ("dwang" something like

"manipulatively forcing ones will") does not occur in nature, it occurs

in human de-nature.

The natural human, according to my distinctions is by definition divine.

Human nature in reality is divine, plant nature is divine, animal nature

is divine, nature is divine...

The human in wonderment is realizing innate divinity...

Penelope also! (smiling whiskers)


Tim, you are a wonderful guy...

If we would live in the same town I would invite you over for coffee,

tea or hot chocolate...

We would have great talks of mutual acknowledgement and we would

celebrate each other with a hug or two :-)


As we do not live in the same town, we'll just do it digitally. Thanks

for being here. So a digital hug, some digital tea from digital cups.

I'll have some digital honey...


Love, Wim

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