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Perception etc / Jan

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Hi Jan,


Nice to hear from you again. :)


By the way,

:) I just turned down a job on Tenerife, joining a sales team of selling

timeshare apartments to Scandinavian tourists.

I have missed a chance for a stay at the bliss inducing isles.

I'm afraid sunlight now after the long Northern winter might cause my dry corpse

body to burst into flames.



On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 23:42:02 jb wrote:

>Thanks for the info and the most enjoyable thread - I was reminded of a few

changes that occurred but were

>forgotten to mention. Ajna chakra can be felt for quite some time and indeed

one can feel it is a

>meeting place of the three main nadis. But there are a few events that will

wipe out all perception of this

>center, together with the phenomena associated with it - all "inner" visions.

When wiped out, it is as if

>Ajna chakra never existed. Extrapolating, that will be the "fate" for all

chakras - it will be as if they

>never existed


Thank you for telling me.


I find the notion of the energy taking over sensations of all chakras or wiping

out sensations of them odd, but have had episodes were all sensation of anything

was gone, so I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. :)

>Another observation relates to ojas - in the course of events, the flow will

(seemingly?) reverse

>direction - "nectar" always descending and energy levels always high. That

could indicate there never

>was an ascending to begin with, ascending being interpretation based on feeling

instead of

>phenomena. "Nectar" flowing down all the time and "filling up" the mind-body

(giving the sensation

>of rising K.) until the system overflows and is interpreted as "descending". At

least that would

>explain the abundant energy :)


I definitely see your point.


The downward flow of energy is certainly more subtle and softer than the upwards

flow, which can feel like a bunch of children being let out into the sun,

yelling and laughing as they go. :) Magne Aga has written a few things on the

"male" and "female" aspects of the flows.


Maybe the flow can be likened to the downward flow as being constant, like

ripples on a small lake made by the wind. Only when the wind reaches a certain

energy level, do the ripples reach the lake shores and the ripples bounce back

across the lake, in the opposite direction of the ripples.

>There is one type of effect, related to K. that is striking, it is that the

body can acquire a rather

>large electrical charge "out of nowhere" as I could exclude the possibility of

static electricity. Even

>the crackling sounds of discharge could be heard, and relatively heavy objects

would fly to the body

>and "stick", until the generation of electrical charge stopped. Is there a

biochemical explanation for

>this? The issue is that normally, electricity is generated in opposite charges,

not just one polarity :)


:) Human velcro.


The only related phenomenon of strong electrical discharge in nature I can think

of, are those of strongly electric fish, such as the electric eel or the

electric ray (torpedo).


These fish have electric organs that contain specialized cells. These cells can

generate an eletrical charge over the cell membrane and this charge is added up

as in a battery (not sure exactly how, whether its parallell or serial coupled,

I know next to nothing about eletronics). Since there are a lot of cells in each

organ, when the electrical organs discharge, the fish can give off something


500-700 V, which is a rather high discharge.


I have no theory as to how a human can create strong electrical discharges by

itself, but since the muscle cells of mammals have similarities with the

electrical cells of the electrical fish, some explanation may lie in those












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On 11/17/00 at 9:40 PM mumble cat wrote:


ºHi Jan,


ºNice to hear from you again. :)


My pleasure too :)


ºBy the way,

º:) I just turned down a job on Tenerife, joining a sales team of selling

timeshare apartments to Scandinavian tourists.

ºI have missed a chance for a stay at the bliss inducing isles.

ºI'm afraid sunlight now after the long Northern winter might cause my dry

corpse body to burst into flames.


You're lucky - jobs in timesharing aren't very popular here. It's a kind of

con-job, based on influencing the mind in the "desired direction" and since my

stay here, several laws against those practices have been made. But for

Scandinavians, winter here isn't extreme because the sun is about as high in the

sky as in the South of Scandinavia at the end of June. To my experience, a yogic

body (active K.) will adapt very fast to the climate and if what you describe

(LOL) as "corpse body" means lean or skinny, the high temperatures in summer

will go unnoticed. Only "flabby frames" will suffer, even if native :))




ºI find the notion of the energy taking over sensations of all chakras or wiping

out sensations of them odd, but have had episodes were all sensation of anything

was gone, so I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. :)

>From the perspective of physiology, a "wiping out" is hard to understand indeed

but it can be "guessed" from the scriptures and experience, that transformation

doesn't mean annihilation of sensations in the sense of nothingness or void, but

that ultimately, all sensations will "drown" in the joy of Being. It makes a lot

of sense because otherwise one would have to explain a simple act like drinking

a cup of tea without sensory feedback. Nature has to be simple :)


º>Another observation relates to ojas - in the course of events, the flow will

(seemingly?) reverse

º>direction - "nectar" always descending and energy levels always high. That

could indicate there never

º>was an ascending to begin with, ascending being interpretation based on

feeling instead of

º>phenomena. "Nectar" flowing down all the time and "filling up" the


(giving the sensation

º>of rising K.) until the system overflows and is interpreted as "descending".

At least that would

º>explain the abundant energy :)


ºI definitely see your point.


ºThe downward flow of energy is certainly more subtle and softer than the

upwards flow, which can feel like a bunch of children being let out into the

sun, yelling and laughing as they go. :) Magne Aga has written a few things on

the "male" and "female" aspects of the flows.


I could divide the downward flow into distinct phases and each phase does end

with an almost zeroed physical sensitivity, so each time I thought physical

sensations would come to an end :) But each time sensitivity returned, more or

less in the sense of a flower that folds during the night and unfolds when the

sun has risen. Yet there was a change each time, in the sense of feeling

becoming more subtle and dislikes evaporating.


ºMaybe the flow can be likened to the downward flow as being constant, like

ripples on a small lake made by the wind. Only when the wind reaches a certain

energy level, do the ripples reach the lake shores and the ripples bounce back

across the lake, in the opposite direction of the ripples.


That's a good analogy - the "lowest" chakras forming the shoreline - they are

reflectors until the wind becomes too strong to notice them. And the wind does

increase in strength - this can be understood in the sense that selfish

tendencies (K. blocks) are sequentially "burnt" and some are quite strong.


º>There is one type of effect, related to K. that is striking, it is that the

body can acquire a rather

º>large electrical charge "out of nowhere" as I could exclude the possibility of

static electricity. Even

º>the crackling sounds of discharge could be heard, and relatively heavy objects

would fly to the body

º>and "stick", until the generation of electrical charge stopped. Is there a

biochemical explanation for

º>this? The issue is that normally, electricity is generated in opposite

charges, not just one polarity :)


º:) Human velcro.


That's a "first" - didn't know the word "velcro" :)


ºThe only related phenomenon of strong electrical discharge in nature I can

think of, are those of strongly electric fish, such as the electric eel or the

electric ray (torpedo).


ºThese fish have electric organs that contain specialized cells. These cells can

generate an eletrical charge over the cell membrane and this charge is added up

as in a battery (not sure exactly how, whether its parallell or serial coupled,

I know next to nothing about eletronics). Since there are a lot of cells in each

organ, when the electrical organs discharge, the fish can give off something


º500-700 V, which is a rather high discharge.


Interesting - the cells have to be in series to arrive at such a high voltage.

The current has to be rather high too, because salt water is a fairly good



ºI have no theory as to how a human can create strong electrical discharges by

itself, but since the muscle cells of mammals have similarities with the

electrical cells of the electrical fish, some explanation may lie in those








That's a very good suggestion indeed - even if one doesn't practice asanas, in

the course of events, K. will suddenly remove the major part of (hidden) tension

from the muscles and that could explain the release of an electrical charge.

Since such a "major" event, I can sit or lie down in "impossible" poses for

quite a long time without any discomfort or fatigue... Not my observation but

from an "uninformed" relative :)




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