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Duality Neutrality Singularity

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Hello everyone. This post relates to Frank Maiello's recent post on Natura

on the advaitin list ~ My post may be interesting for anyone who is relating

to animal totems & Nature sprites & the many symbolic archetypes

form plays in for the lila


Duality Neutrality Singularity ~ From Personality to Witness to Totality

I know that many of us in returning to oneness awareness sometimes wonder

about what is the realtionship of form to formless (absolute to duality).

Are we just absolute (nothing zero), or is absolute Self also the one playing

as form (zero dancing ~ totality)? Lately I have been exploring the two

as one, & would like to share this ..


it is my pressnt theory that formless first forms as Nature & the

spirits & caretakers of those forms, then as human beings in a seemingly

concrete jungle. The way back may be through Nature .. through our Nature

archetypes. We see these spoken of in the mythologies of every culture.

This writer below shares how he feels our primal Nature becomes integrated

with our thinking dualistic brain ..

His name is Rodolfo Scarfalloto .. the book is "Alchemy of Opposites"

"We experience duality by thinking. We experience singularity by feeling


The correlations of duality with thinking, & of singularity

with feeling, is simplistically reflected in the anatomy of the brain.

The cerebrum or New Brain, houses the capacity to think, discern, dissect,

analyse & compare. The brainstem, or Old Brain, contains centers for

raw animal desires, impulses & instinct .. Like two partners in a dance,

they interact in a seemingly infinite variety of ways to create the unique

tapestry of physical & psycholgical qualities of the individual ..

The two parts of the brain are reunited when the cerebrum recognizes

& accurately gives voice to the urges & feelings rising out of

the brainstem. In other words, the cerebrum uses its power ofdiscernment

to simply report the truth without censoring or distorting it ..

The harmonious blending of human discernment in the new brain withthe

primal impulses of the old brain results in the everyday experiences of

compassion, kindness, kinship, honor & integrity. This blending of

the new & old brain deepens as the former trains itself to be still,

so that it can listen more deeply to the echoes of singularity rising up

(as feelings) from the Old Brain. The deeper & fuller integration of

new & old brain may translate into religious ecstasy, transpersonal

bliss, timeless peace, & the feeling we are one ..

To be in duality is to perceive opposing forces. To be in singularity

is to perceive unity. Duality sees life in its diversity. Singularity sees

life in its sameness ..

Singularity is not neutrality. Going beyond duality does not mean

we are "neutral". Neutral is just another way of being in duality. Neutral

is zero; singularity is infinity. Neutrality is neither, singularity is

both. Neutrality sees the two opposing forces as mutually exclusive; singularity

sees them as the two sides of the same coin. Neutrality

sees incompatibility; singularity sees that one contains (&

is contained within) the other.

Neutrality perceives that one side can destroy the other; singularity

does not judge for it sees no separation. neutral means, "I don't care

who wins", singularity means, "I care about both, for I am both." Neutrality

is the earnest attempt to forgive sins; singularity is the awareness that

there never was any sin. Neutrality is dispassionate;

singularity is intensely passionate. Neutrality is androgenous; singularity

is simultaneously both male & female. Neutrality is a thought we contemplate

in the mind; singularity is a feeling.

Neutrality is reached by being disengaged, propped squarely between

two polarities. Singularity is reached by being fully engaged & going

all the way to one side which allows us to discover the seed of the other.

The inner call to go beyond duality compels us to move beyond neutrality.

As long as we remain neutral on any two opposing views, we cannot discover

that one is contained within the other; we do not experience the birth

of one in the heart of the other, so that we can know them to be singular."

Thanks for sharing,


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Dear Colette


You may already have picked up from my posts that I have great philosophical

difficulty with the idea that opposites exist as reality. The only reality

they may have is as an outdated ephemeral tool for the continuation of

illusion and suffering. We cannot continue to use the concept of opposites

as the basis of our philosophy if we aim to reclaim comprehensive integrity.


Anyway, Colette just bear with me...


You wrote:

> His name is Rodolfo Scarfalloto .. the book is "Alchemy of Opposites"

> "We experience *duality by thinking*. We experience singularity by feeling



I take it that the rest of your post was quoted by you from his book?


There maybe something to it. Hhhmmm.

Have to think about it some more. Hhhmmmm.

As long as he does not treat 'duality' (two-ness) the same as a 'duel'.


A fight between seemingly opposing forces. Hmmmm.


We get things so easily mixed up when we think, speak and act unclearly and

without lucidity.




Enough thinking, yes... It is good, this article's fresh perspective on

duality. We tend to think that whatever the mind does, that it is somehow

NOT good....

How many of us have not gone through that episode of hating our



It is like not appreciating your own reflection in the mirror, it does not

go away unless you walk away. And then, when you take a quick peek in the

mirror to ensure that your reflection is gone, you see your reflection

again. Hehehe .

It is not for nothing that we use the word reflection for thinking.(There is

an AHA in there!)


(Remember that Marks Brother's sketch in which THERE IS NO MIRROR,

hilarious. What was the title of that movie? Duck Soup? (There was an HAHA

in there!)


Whatever philosophy we have, it must allow for total and loving acceptance

of everything that arises. If philosophy does not do that, then it is not

loving (philo) wisdom (sophia). Hehehe. (Another AHA?)

> The correlations of duality with thinking, & of singularity with feeling,


> simplistically reflected in the anatomy of the brain. The cerebrum or New


> houses the capacity to think, discern, dissect, analyse & compare. The

> brainstem, or Old Brain, contains centers for raw animal desires, impulses


> instinct .. Like two partners in a dance, they interact in a seemingly


> variety of ways to create the unique tapestry of physical & psycholgical

> qualities of the individual ..


Oh, I like that.

> the cerebrum uses its power of discernment to simply report the

> truth *without censoring or distorting* it ..



> To be in duality is to perceive opposing forces.


Hmmm, Hmmm again. That is acually NOT SO... but OK for now. Hmmm

No, not OK. Some more hmm, hmmming.


When we are in the *duality by thinking* mode, nourished and supported by

sense perceptions (skandas) *without censoring or distorting*, we actually

see that there are...

NO opposing forces. (...void = form=void=form...)


Look it up in my posts, Adam figured it out, (look up 'opposites').


The *concept* of 'opposites' is a temporary assumption, a mental construct

just for the time being, a thinking tool to be discarded after use, like a

milk carton, except that it does not polute our environment but our mind. We

mentally conceive of such a tool to understand complex realities. Once we've

figured them out, we have to let go of the concept. Most people think that

the insights discovered with the perusal of some concept proves the reality

of that temporary concept as well. The concept of 'opposites' is such a

temporay tool that has to be discarded after use.



That is why in the Montessori environment opposites are not (supposed to be)

used. I made that quite a point when I trained new directresses. Words like

higher, warmer, larger or heavier are to be used, words that express scale,

grade, gradients or gauge measurements. There is the 'pink tower' and the

'cylinder blocks insets' with graded sizes to be sorted and/or stacked.

There is the 'bells' materials to order frequencies of sound. There is a

method devised for children to discover temperature gradients without having

to start with the concept of hot versus cold. They discover that

multiplication and division, addition and subtraction are not opposite

mathematical operations, but relativity approaches, they depending on where

you are coming from, they depending on the position of the experimenter. We

need to take children out of the world of the 'black versus white', 'good

versus bad' absolutes. ('Schroedinger's cat' isnot a problem as there is the

absolute yes versus no is a senseless distinction.)

It is very important that we start children off with concepts that are at

least closer to current scientific findings (gauge fields) and not outdated

concepts from the time that humans still lived like flatlanders in a pancake

shaped world. Five-year olds can playfully discover 3 dimensions on their

own, and will take it from there. You should see their faces when they have

just figured that out and come as littles Archimedeses to you, only wearing

their naked Eurekas. Ah, the binomial and trinomial cubes, I remember my

discovery of the regularity still, when I was 5.5 years old with Terry

Luyten. Never had any algebra problems later, just a problem with the math

teacher, as I thought he did not understand beyond formulas and the rote

learning. Children actually discover counting in base two on their own. Or

base 16 if needed. Maybe that is why my son became at a very young age such

a computer expert and fantastic programmer.


Picking up the thread again:

After we have discovered the diversity of ALL THAT IS within ONE, we clean

out the basement of our concepts, and we do not get tempted to sell those

used tools at a garage sale to be reused, they are to go to a museum. "The

museum of concepts".


Let's say that you are building your own house. After you have finished

building you can actually throw your hammer away. The hammer is a temporay

tool that was used to build the house. By the time you need to repair the

house or build another one somebody has already invented a pneumatic nailing

gun, or you will use some new-fangled adhesive glue or... that nuclear

cohesion force 'epsilon' where .007 of the amount of energy that wafts

around each cluster of nuclear particles can be tunneled back and forth with

the use of a new type of nano size micro-wave oven. They can hold everything

together even a gobble-d-gooked and shattered mind . (Unless you live in a

museum of concepts of course ;-)

> To be in singularity is to perceive unity. Duality sees life in its



That is right. See, that is exactly what I meant!

> To be in duality is to perceive opposing forces.


That is wrong. See, diversity is not the same as opposing forces.

> Singularity sees life in its sameness ..



> Neutrality is reached by being disengaged, propped squarely between two

> polarities.


Wrong! It has to do with "gauge fields", some newish microcosmic entities.


Are right and wrong opposites?

No right-wrongness, just like left-rightness, even polarity and direction of

spin are relativity concepts, they depend on the location of the observer

and the observed, a mutual functionality. It depends on whether they are

coming or going in relation to each other. It depends on the speed of light

and the fastness and weightiness of their thoughts, the energetic clarity of

their thinking. We can use these concepts as a tool to discern, a tool to

use in the philosophic method. Right and wrong in themselves do not exist,

nor do left and right, nor positive and negative. Duality in terms of

opposites is not a reality, it is only a point of intersection, a place

where interference occurs.


Duality, Neutrality, Singularity

Did you notice the way this appears in your subject line of this post:

Neutrality in the middle and the other concepts on either side. As though to

subliminally indicate that Singularity is opposite of Duality.

As though ONE can be the opposite of TWO.

Something wrong there!


Only trying to be naughty, Colette

You know I love you, and 99.3 percent of this post is actually true, the

rest is dissipating hot air. Poof.....






"Second-hand knowledge gathered from books or gurus can never emancipate a

person until its truth is investigated, applied, experimented with and

experienced. Only direct, factual and actual realization does that. Realize

your whole self, reintegrate your mind and body." - Tripura Rahasya, 18: 89



When we can finally shift easily again between the realities,

functionalities and modalities of our entire being, we have it made... we

recognize our divinity.

We remember that we are now forever(y)one.

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Attachment: (image/jpeg) Pink Tower.jpg [not stored]

Attachment: (image/jpeg) Cylinder Blocks.jpg [not stored]

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