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Duality Neutrality Singularity/WhimsicalNotes

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, "Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere@h...>


> Dear Colette


> You may already have picked up from my posts that I have great


> difficulty with the idea that opposites exist as reality. The only


> they may have is as an outdated ephemeral tool for the continuation


> illusion and suffering. We cannot continue to use the concept of


> as the basis of our philosophy if we aim to reclaim comprehensive



> Anyway, Colette just bear with me...


Hello Wim :-)


> You wrote:

> > His name is Rodolfo Scarfalloto .. the book is "Alchemy of


> > "We experience *duality by thinking*. We experience singularity by


> ..


> I take it that the rest of your post was quoted by you from his





> There maybe something to it. Hhhmmm.

> Have to think about it some more. Hhhmmmm.

> As long as he does not treat 'duality' (two-ness) the same as a



Yes I believe Rudolfo doesn't when old brain new brain have integrated


> Hhhmmm

> A fight between seemingly opposing forces. Hmmmm.


> We get things so easily mixed up when we think, speak and act

unclearly and

> without lucidity.


> Hhhhmmmm.


Your point is well taken. I thought this so important I myself placed

some comments on how opposites are not in opposition on my web site

here .. It is written by another ..


The Real Nature of Polarity


Our world is a realm of opposites which we perceive in a distorted

fashion because we view it through the clouded lens of the alter ego.


"Male and female, positive and negative, peace and war ...

everything we know is of polarity.


We experience these forces as opposing one another and feel

them as conflict in our bodies and minds.


But are the forces of life really oposing each other as we perceive


Let us see.


Everything is universal energy in one form or another ..

This energy has a postive and a negative charge.


This charge ought not to be understood in terms of good or bad

- these are human evaluations.


The I AM is neither good nor bad, it just Is.


It Is the ALL GOOD.


Terms such as postive and negative should rather be interpreted

as the principle of male and female energy.


Polarities are opposite reflections of one another, of the All There

Is - the God I AM.


This Universal energy, if allowed to express itself freely, represents

a harmonious interaction of these two charges.


Although opposites they do not oppose, but merely reflect one



Peter O Erbe



> Enough thinking, yes... It is good, this article's fresh perspective


> duality. We tend to think that whatever the mind does, that it is


> NOT good....

> How many of us have not gone through that episode of hating our

> thoughts....?





> Whatever philosophy we have, it must allow for total and loving


> of everything that arises.


I agree. Love is unifying. It unifies the opposites as one harmony &

reveals they are one from the same source.


If philosophy does not do that, then it

is not

> loving (philo) wisdom (sophia). Hehehe. (Another AHA?)


> > The correlations of duality with thinking, & of singularity with


> is

> > simplistically reflected in the anatomy of the brain. The cerebrum

or New

> Brain,

> > houses the capacity to think, discern, dissect, analyse & compare.


> > brainstem, or Old Brain, contains centers for raw animal desires,


> &

> > instinct .. Like two partners in a dance, they interact in a


> infinite

> > variety of ways to create the unique tapestry of physical &


> > qualities of the individual ..


> Oh, I like that.


> > the cerebrum uses its power of discernment to simply report the

> > truth *without censoring or distorting* it ..


> Right.


> > To be in duality is to perceive opposing forces.


> Hmmm, Hmmm again. That is acually NOT SO... but OK for now. Hmmm

> No, not OK. Some more hmm, hmmming.


Yes that was his one sentence that went clang with me too.


> When we are in the *duality by thinking* mode, nourished and

supported by

> sense perceptions (skandas) *without censoring or distorting*, we


> see that there are...

> NO opposing forces. (...void = form=void=form...)




The concept of 'opposites' is

such a

> temporay tool that has to be discarded after use.


And yet the play of form continues using structuring elements of

opposites in harmony no longer at war but as Love.


I am so glad you shared this Montessori teachings with me. I am early

childhood trained. I work at a school with all ages actually but

predominantly with the youngies. They are from multicultural

backgrounds. So I found this VERY interesting! I am also a mother too

so have wondered what would be a better way to educate a child in

harmony with their own Nature.


> Interlude:

> That is why in the Montessori environment opposites are not

(supposed to be)

> used. I made that quite a point when I trained new directresses.

Words like

> higher, warmer, larger or heavier are to be used, words that express


> grade, gradients or gauge measurements.




> need to take children out of the world of the 'black versus white',


> versus bad' absolutes. ('Schroedinger's cat' isnot a problem as

there is the

> absolute yes versus no is a senseless distinction.)

> It is very important that we start children off with concepts that

are at

> least closer to current scientific findings (gauge fields) and not


> concepts from the time that humans still lived like flatlanders in a


> shaped world. Five-year olds can playfully discover 3 dimensions on


> own, and will take it from there. You should see their faces when

they have

> just figured that out and come as littles Archimedeses to you, only


> their naked Eurekas.


Have you read Mr Archimedes Bath by Pamela allen? What about Who Sank

the Boat? Let alone Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

Anthony Browne & his Gorillas? Wily the Wimp, Buster Nose & Hugh Ape?

Such richness is kid's books nowadays! Also Come Away from the water

Shirley by John Burningham etc etc etc. Yum!


Ah, the binomial and trinomial cubes, I

remember my

> discovery of the regularity still, when I was 5.5 years old with


> Luyten. Never had any algebra problems later, just a problem with

the math

> teacher, as I thought he did not understand beyond formulas and the


> learning. Children actually discover counting in base two on their

own. Or

> base 16 if needed.


Hey maybe I should come to your class;-)


Maybe that is why my son became at a very young

age such

> a computer expert and fantastic programmer.


> Picking up the thread again:

> After we have discovered the diversity of ALL THAT IS within ONE, we


> out the basement of our concepts, and we do not get tempted to sell


> used tools at a garage sale to be reused, they are to go to a

museum. "The

> museum of concepts".




> > To be in singularity is to perceive unity. Duality sees life in


> diversity.


> That is right. See, that is exactly what I meant!


> > To be in duality is to perceive opposing forces.


> That is wrong. See, diversity is not the same as opposing forces.


I believe he is talking about when unity Self is unknown .. Remember?

yes they are in conflict the, That's why Jung guides us to embrace

animus anima.


> > Singularity sees life in its sameness ..


> Right!


> > Neutrality is reached by being disengaged, propped squarely

between two

> > polarities.


> Wrong! It has to do with "gauge fields", some newish microcosmic



I agree with him here actually. I see neutral stance as witnessing &

like Ken Wilber agree at a certain stage it is dualistic too & merges

into absolute absorption with what Is in any given moment. This is

when emptiness is form, form is emptiness ~ duality offers itself to

unity then unity offers itself to duality. One (playing!)


> Duality, Neutrality, Singularity

> Did you notice the way this appears in your subject line of this


> Neutrality in the middle and the other concepts on either side. As

though to

> subliminally indicate that Singularity is opposite of Duality.

> As though ONE can be the opposite of TWO.

> Something wrong there!


Dear Wim I can hardly write it as a circle!


> Only trying to be naughty, Colette


You arew icked & whimsical you rascal;-) Huggggssssz!!! haha

> You know I love you, and 99.3 percent of this post is actually true,


> rest is dissipating hot air. Poof.....


Even bodies still pass wind after awakening Wim.


> Love,

> Wim

> www./A+collection+of+Wims+posts


Are you advertising?;-)

Why not be here now?


I prefer Wim here now in communion. When you write in the moment to a

writer there's a different vibration which is gorgeous. Hey why don't

you make a wonderful web page with that stuff so we can see it easily?

> >


> When we can finally shift easily again between the realities,

> functionalities and modalities of our entire being, we have it

made... we

> recognize our divinity.

> We remember that we are now forever(y)one.


How blissed blessedness!


You scalliwag!





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Dear Colette


You suggested:

> I prefer Wim here now in communion. When you write in the moment to a

> writer there's a different vibration which is gorgeous. Hey why don't

> you make a wonderful web page with that stuff so we can see it easily?


I have started on that and hope to spend some time on that this weekend


I wrote:

>> Duality, Neutrality, Singularity

>> Did you notice the way this appears in your subject line of thispost:

>> Neutrality in the middle and the other concepts on either side. As though


>> subliminally indicate that Singularity is opposite of Duality.

>> As though ONE can be the opposite of TWO.

>> Something wrong there!

>Dear Wim I can hardly write it as a circle!


O-: You are right, right, right. :-O

Come to think of it, typing in a word-processing type program limits us. It

is actually quite one dimensional, line by line, just like talking, and

thinking. We suffer from linearity.

Just like with time that we usually perceive linearly.




> You are wicked & whimsical you rascal;-) Huggggssssz!!! haha

I think we can stand each other very well ;-) Huggggssssz!!! haha


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