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November the 20th, 2000


Dear [...] and [...].....

I'm crossposting these message to two discussion forums about Kundalini and

Advaita respectively, and to other individuals who may find it interesting.




During Autumn, Earth inhales. The elementals exhaled during Spring, returns

to the bosom - the womb, of the Earth. The Elementals which in midsummertime

went out into Cosmos, beeing infused by the energies of Uriel, began to

return at Michaels mess. In midwinter, they are intimely united with Earth.

This is what the Theosophs called "manvantara" - Silence between two

epochs, in one of the 7 occult meanings of the symbolic language from

Gandhâra, from Lam-Rim.

Everything of spiritual substance exhaled during summertime, are inhaled. In

wintertime, Earth is mostly Earth - a reticent, a taciturn Beeing. Earth is



Earth is mostly covered by water - Oceans upon which the continents floats.

The water continues into the atmosphere, penetrating it with humidity -

constituting a globular shape infused from Cosmos. Universe IS globulary

shaped; stretching itself in all directions as a phere. Clairvoyantly, these

waterball wandering around in Space has the shape of a drop - a giant drop

of mercury, of quicksilver in the Universe.

And within these drop, substances has a the tendency to materialize into



And within these trinity of crystals, water and air, air is penetrated by

"Heat". And it's these "heat" which generates the "sulphur" from outer

Space, mentioned by the Christian mystic Jacob Boehme in his visions.

Turning our attention towars Earth in a similar way, which in springtime is

connected to the growing and germinating Life, we meets the salts and acids.

The process of making salts during wintertime is something Earth does

completly by itself. In summertime, the air is penetrated by rolling

sulphure, the *rolling dragon* in the lightening and the thunder. This

process penetrates Earth so deeply that everything participating in the

rhytm of the Year becomes *phosphorized*. Thus, the Holy Guardian Angel up

here in Scandinavia, in Norway and Sweden, were portraited by the archetype

*Thor*, meaning thunder. And *Oden* or *Wotan*, the archangel of

Scandinavia, penetrating the air, *the wind of the world*, generated our

native language. When the Michaels Mess arrives at Autumn, the iron of the

meteors surpress these *sulphur*.


In midsummertime, quicksilver, sulphure and salts are mixed together. But

when approaching midwintertime, these trinity are beeing divided into three

separate prinsciples. The salts are beeing drawn back into the Earth, the

quicksilver of the Oceans receives a stronger tendence to form everything

into a ball, a sphere. The robe of snow marks a globularity outwards. And

the *sulphure* moves upwards during these season.


Earth thus can be divided into a trinity:


Air + Fire = "Sulphur" (atmosphere)

Water + Air = "Quicksilver" (Oceans)

Crystals = "Salts" (Earth)

>From springtime to autumn, the vegetables has generated germinating seeds.

These germs experience a mighty combustion when meeting the *sulphure*. In

midsummertime, the vegetables are most *sulphurized*. At autumn, these

combustion ends and creates ashes. And the ashes falling to Earth after the

faded flowering, is the result of Nature's comustion, it's process of

boiling. And the creation of ashes begins in October. Midwinters, we again

see three prosesses, prepared at Michaels Mess and reaching it conjuction

hights at Christmas times:


The processes of the salts

The processes of the quicksilver

The processes of the ashes


Salts have the feature of ever beeing penetrated by the spiritual, giving

the spirit free entrance. Therefore, salts have certain effects on the front

of our brain. Midwinters, Earth consolidates itself with salts, making

itself more ppen and receptive towards certain spiritual influences. The

elementals, reunited with Earth, can find a pleasant place of occupation

during the whole winter.


But these layer of salt just beneath Earths surface, becomes attractive to

other spiritual beeings who wants to take it into their posession as a home.

They are the ghosts in the *eight sphere* as Blavatsky called it, or

Da'ath - the 11th sphere, of the Jews. The *whore of Babylon* in Revelation

*having seven heads and ten horns*, while the addition is the sphere of

damnation eternal (kala or chakra), going round and round... Blavatsky

refered to these beeings as residues from the separations of the Moon from



Beneath the surface of Earth, beneath the robe of snow which due to its

relationship to water seeks the quicksilver-like, Earth is penetrated by

spirituality. Wintertime, Earth becomes penetrated by spirituality by its

crystallized substance of salts. The water, which in a way is the cosmic

quicksilver, allways has a tendency to take the shape of a ball. And these

tendency is connected with Life itself. The water gives Life to the

substance of Earth, preventing Earth to stagnate in the salt. The water

moves these spiritually penetrated substance into something living.

Midwinters, an intensive life exists beneath Earth's surface. In these

season, there's an severe, intensive effort in Earth's surface to unfold

life. But such a life would be a *moonlife*, generating *moonchilds* as the

black magicians - those left behind, calls themselves. It would be a life

BENEATH the traditional Quabbalah *Three* - the 11th sphere. But since Earth

at midwinter has these tendency to accumulate a spiritual substance into the

pranic material, to unfold a living beeing, the ashes from the faded flowers

becomes transformed from *moonchilds* into *Earthchilds*. Through the ashes,

the moonforces are forced to develope Earth life - not Moon life. When we

look at the ancient Moon clairvoyantly, we must realize that we have to do

with a previous incarnation of our Earth. *In the beginning, everything was

Spirit*, mystics says. And everything material connected to our Earth have

materialized out of these Spiritual state. But if we look further backwards,

countless of eons backwards in time, we find that our Earth previously had

been materialized. Our planet therefore appears to be a new incarnation of

an ancient planet. These planet was a bit more polite towards it's Sun than

our present Earth, since it allways had the same surface directed towards

the sun. It didn't rotate. Another trait with these earlier incarnation of

Earth was that everything was to a larger extend intervowen than the case is

today. The ancient moon was in a sense a living beeing by itself. In the

folklores here in North, this is mirrored in the tales of *Balder* (the

present Earth of Independent Life) who was killed by *Loke* (Lucifer). These

murder happened indirectly through a misteltoe. And the misteltoe lives on

threes, just as life lived on other life forms on the ancient moons. There

are spiritual beeings who were not able to follow the regular evolution.

They became left-back beeings, forming the *eight sphere* or *Da'ath*. But

through the residues of the ashes from the vegetables, these *moonforces*

are forced to develope Eartly - not Moon-like, life.


The air is also penetrated by a certain amount of heat from the Sun. At

daytime, there's living something up there in the atmosphere making attempts

to release itself from Earth. The 3 winter-processes of (a) salts, (b)

quicksilver and © ashes, becomes transformed into a cosmic shape by the

beams from the Sun. Watching at these processes clairvoyantly, we observe

that - from a certain distance from Earth, another tendency occurs. Earth

tries to make everything global-shaped. Up there, the ball-shape has a

tendency to continously expand everything into *sheets*. The forces in the

atmosphere has a tendency towards pressing the energies on Earth as a

stright plane laying as a huge plain in the universe (stratus clouds).


If these should happen, the effects from Earth would disappeare from the

air, and we would get a kind of *air* strongly interwowen by the energies

from the Stars. By breathing in the Sun-borned air, humanity are drawing the

effects from Earth (the salts) away from our brain, which then can take part

in the whole cosmos. In wintertime, our brain energies has a tendency to

manifest *plane-shapes*. The effects from the Sun gives them a certain

charachter of the light, the easily, the slightly, an adaptability.


Going back to the time of Lemuria, or especially the *polaric* periode

preceeding the hyperboreic and the lemurian, things were quit different than

now. At that time humans were more influenced by everything that happens

during the 4 seasons. At a time when humans were married with the processes

in nature, the salt-generating moonforces affecting the female organism

during pregnancy was more necessary for the creation of a new human on Earth

than now. Woman changes during pregnancy. They then becomes influenced to a

larger degree by the salt-generating moon-forces.

During pregnancy, the woman becomes *Moon*, just as Earth itself becomes

*moon* when we getting closer to Christmas and the salt-generating forces

beneath the surface of Earth expands their uttermost activity. While the

woman absorbes the moonforces, the Sun-forces becomes free so that they can

work on the embryo. During pregnancy, the woman becomes *moon* in order to

create a Sun-embryo:


/ \

_ \___/ _

\ \______/ /



In the instinctive, clairvoyant views in ancient times, they understood

these on another way. Encompassing the entire Europe in times long

forgotten, existed the view that a newborn child was completly different

before and after having been nurtured from Earth. In the consciousness of

the ancient germans and scandinavians, a newborn babe which haven't drunk

milk and a child having drunk the first drop of milk was two completly

different beeings. The newborn child which haven't been nurtured, didn't

belong to Earth. According to occult teachings and laws, the german child

became laid in front of the fathers feets after the birth. And according to

the justice system of the ancient german and scandinavian tribes, the father

had the right to let the child live or kill it - since it was not yet a

Eartling. But if the child has tasted the smallest drop of milk, then he

didn't dare to touch it, since it then - according to the Earth, the Sun and

the Universe was decided to be an Eartling.


As is said in a black magical ritual: "The Gemini are exhausted, seven is

this night. Gemini is rising, as the red lips kiss to bite. Seven angels,

seven demons, fighting for his soul. When Gabriel lies sleeping, these child

was born to die..........."




Soon we experience Christmas.

In these season, we celebrate the birth of Jesus who was predetermined to be

infused by the Christ-spirit - the Son (Sun) of Good into the Sun of Man.


And it's important to understand that these image of the Immaculate Virgin

and the child was NOT born from the physical world. These image was actually

seen clairvoyantly by the ancient Christian mystics. And especially in the

*Sixtin Madonna* painting by Raphael, we see a painting born out of the

great, intuitive spiritual understanding of Nature and Spirit among Christan

mystics from ancient times.


It's the Mighty Spiritual Revelation seen at wintertime - if we have

commited ourselves to live with the seasons spiritually. It appears in our

imaginative Chakra at Christmas time as a cosmic imagination.


The shape of Mary, carrying the Jesus-child, is such that her head protrudes

into Heaven, into the sphere of the stars. Her face, her eyes, expresses

something Heavingly. She prepares to receive the Sun-child, these child

whose body is created by the consolidated Sun-forces beeming down through

the atmosphere.

The lowest parts of her body, her feets, stands on the laying, horisontal,

yellow sickle of the *moon* beneath the surface of Earth. Her face is red

coloured *star-beaming*. In her breast, the Sun-penetrated breathing process

from the *green clouds* (atmosphere) becomes materialized into the yellow

child on her left arm.

Her body consists of *green clouds*, a wavy robe forming a cross-like

figure. And the vertical *green layer of clouds* is filled by small *human

heads* stribing downwards.

If we understand midwintertime in the sense that it reveals the connection

between humanity and cosmos, then these image of the Virgin and the

Immaculate Child appears in front of our imaginative, Manas Chakra at

Christmas Time.


Thus, I have finished the description of the rotating circle of images

corresponding to the 4 seasons, as they appears for the imaginative Manas

Chakra: Christmas (Gabriel), Easter (Raphael), Summer (Uriel) and Autumn





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