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Consciousness & form ~ Yogananda

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Does Consciousness have form to Be aware, to think & feel?


~ Paramahansa Yogananda ~


"The physical body is directly created & sustained by the forces of

the astral body. The astral body & powers are principally life current

or prana. Life current is amixture of consciousness & electrons, to

which I have given the term 'lifetrons'. The difference between

lifetrons & electrons is that the former is intelligent & the latter

is mechanical.The electricity shining in a bulb does not grow a bulb.

There is only a mechanical relation between the bulb & the electricity

burning in it. But life current present in the united sperm & ovum

cell develops that primal cell into an embryo & ultimately into a full

grown human being.


The creative life energy of the astral body descends into the physical

body through seven subtle centers in the spine & brain, & remains

concentrated in, & expresses outwardly through these centers. Within

only days after conception, a 'neural groove' may be distinguished in

the embryo. From this first developmental phase is formed the spine,

brain & nervous system, & from these developing parts, the rest of the

human organism evolves ~ all the work of the forces of the astral



As the physical body has a brain, spinal cord with nerve pairs forming

plexuses at the cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, & coccygeal regions,

& a many branched peripheral nervous system, so the astral body has an

astral brain of a thousand rays (the thousand petalled lotus), an

astral spine with subtle centers of light & energy, & an astral

nervous system whose myriad luminous channels are called nadis. The

physiology of the astral body animates the physiology of the physical

body ...


As the physical body is made principally of flesh, & the astral body

of prana, intelligent thought or lifetrons, so the causal body is made

specifically of consciousness, idas, which I have termed

"thoughtrons". It is the presence of the forces of the causal body

behind the astral & physical bodies that causes & sustains

their very existence & makes man a conscious, sentient being.


The causal body has a spiritual brain of wisdom, & a spiritual spine

called the brahmanadi. The brahmanadi has n covering of light as does

the threefold astral spine; it is made of a strong current of

consciousness ... Within the causal cerbrospinal "channel" or

brahmanadi, are seven spiritual centers of consciousness

corresponding to the subtle centers of light & power in the astral

body. The physical, astral, & causal bodies are knitted together at

these centers, uniting the three bodies to work together: a physical

vehicle, empowered by astral life, with causal consciousness providing

the power to cognize, think, will & feel.


The causal brain is a reservoir of cosmic consciousness, the ever

existing, ever conscious, ever new bliss of Spirit, & of Its

individualised expression, the soul."


Good stuff to explore,





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