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German experience revisited

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How many light year degrees of separation are there between

being in a concentration camp and reading email from German

people who, while never directly involved with the

Holocaust, have, through family and national intimacies,

suffered its effects?


Yet it is not until now that I can review the emails from

that month of October and organize a few of them into



If there is such a delay in facing these emails, there's no

surprise that decades might pass before individuals could

face the direct horrors of the concentration camps, or

before their family members, children and grandchildren

could face them; and there is no surprise that years might

pass before one can face being part of a family and a

nation which could be mobilised to inflict those horrors.


Perhaps the Germans involved in this email series are for

the first time in their lives telling the world about what

they call their national shame.


However, there is no sense being on the nonduality lists if

one cannot see, even on a far horizon, the questions

arising: Who does not live in that family and nation? Who

was not mobilised?' Who did not inflict and suffer?


And there is no sense in thinking we westerners are hearing

the Germans at all, if we muffle the wails of the Indian

Nation or of the Vietnamese.


The first article is this series features Ellie Seidel, who

is from Germany, and it is entitled I Do Not Wany To Stay On

a Plateau Called 'There Is No I'.


"Without feelings there is even a very dry enlightenment.

When I hear some of the western young lions asking "Who has

these problems? Who is suffering?" I do not smell the

flavour, I feel something is missing.


"I love the Sufis, I love the poems of Rumi. I love these

songs, singing of the Beloved. And my heart wants to join in

these songs. And there are lions who sing just now!!!!!!"

--Ellie Seidel


If not here and now, Ellie, at least on the far horizon. I

hope these articles on the German Way or German experience

can move a person not away from suffering, but away from

separation, by becoming intimate with separation, and toward

a very big and very nearly impossible celebration.


You'll find the article at





Jerry Katz

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, umbada@n... wrote:

> The first article is this series features Ellie Seidel, who

> is from Germany, and it is entitled I Do Not Wany To Stay On

> a Plateau Called 'There Is No I'.


> "Without feelings there is even a very dry enlightenment.

> When I hear some of the western young lions asking "Who has

> these problems? Who is suffering?" I do not smell the

> flavour, I feel something is missing.


Sure, that point of view is understood from here. But suffering is not

denied as unreal, just *unnecessary*.


Many who suffer, do so because they like it -- or are so used to it, they

know nothing else, and think that to let go of the suffering entity is

dryness, dullness. Suffering makes people feel alive. Many live for the

flow of adrenaline.


Following in the path of the pain/pleasure cycle, "feelings" exist against

a background of depression, momentarily relieved by brief happiness. Take

a look at the current worldwide epidemic of depression, finally recognized

by the psychiatric community.


Those who suffer in blind ignorance deserve the utmost compassion. Those

who suffer knowingly deserve what they get. They get what they want, which

is continuation of suffering.


The only solution to suffering is to allow the "suffering entity" to drop.

Otherwise, suffering is *inherent* in the human condition. Buddha was

Awake to that. Most people will rail against the end of suffering. It's

all they know. To forgo suffering is to step out of the familiar prison

cell into utterly unknown territory. Easier to turn on the TV set and

forget for a few hours, or to be a workaholic and lose oneself in work.

Everyone is trying to "lose oneself" in this or that. Most succeed.


The NOW presents us all with the opportunity, NOW and NOW and NOW, to drop

the entirety of "past" and BE, HERE, NOW. Until that is a reality, there

is total blindness to the absolute peace and bliss of dropping the notion

of "past." If "past" drops (the clinging to memory, the addiction to

memory and its accomplice, "future anticipation"), that is Freedom, that is




Those who have not intuited, speak without the slightest idea or notion of

what it can be like, speaking from a position of ignorance. OF COURSE it

appears dry, dull from that point of view. To a cocaine addict, freedom

from active addiction also appears dry, dull, boring, and the addict

wonders why the rest of the world isn't using this glorious substance. So

it is too for those addicted to the pain/pleasure cycle (suffering), and to

destroying the experience of Presence (Now) by alternately existing in the

past/future, endlessly alternating.


If there are those who wish to bitterly suffer the affects of the Holocaust

years later, then let them suffer, perhaps they even deserve their

suffering because they knowingly and purposefully cling to "past." This is

not dryness or cruelty, simply realism.


Those who "choose" to live in the past are in bondage of their own making,

and are very obviously enjoying their suffering, the endless perpetuation

of past. The Jewish saying "never to forgive, never to forget" (or however

it goes) indicates that very clearly.


The human race DOES NOT WANT PEACE, does not want an end to suffering. If

it did, it would end it, NOW. Rather, what is desired is the constant

adrenaline flow, the addictions and the pleasures and pains. "Ignorance is





Tim [mother's side of the family is Jewish]



You pray for peace, you pray for love, you pray for others...

Why do you never pray that you won't need to pray anymore?


Tim's Websites --

WWW Hub: http://core.vdirect.net

Spiritual: http://coresite.cjb.net

Radio Site: http://swlinks.webalias.com

Shareware: http://tshareware.webjump.com

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