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On Sat, 25 Nov 2000 21:50:55 Jessica White wrote:



>:As I have posted here before, it seems as though I am straddling two worlds

>:~ so I can understand that at a certain level ( taken out of context)


>:of the body could be, as you say, classified as a behavioural disorder. But

>:then again, in 'my own' journey, letting go of what was once a way I


>:this world is now appropriate.


Hi Jess,


Maybe you would like to share more with us about this letting go of the

identification with the body ?




>When invaluable, that is another indication of the deplorable state society

>is in: when happy, the issue of "body real or unreal" wouldn't arise, yet

>the demise of the body would be accepted as a "normal" fact of nature as it

>always has been in so called "primitive" societies, familiar with



Hummm... I share your views on the dissolution and memory issue, Jan. Slowly,

the body is seen as being a part of nature and seeing that the signals it sends

out such as demands for water, food, sleep, rest etc are not inconveniences for

a 12 hour work day in modern society, but natural expressions for optimal (non

volitional) performance and Self expression.


And I find this view on the question of the body in "primitive socities" very

interesting indeed.


Are you thinking about ideas such as the Native American and indigenous peoples

of South America's Great Spirit ?











Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

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On 11/26/00 at 10:00 AM mumble cat wrote:





º>When invaluable, that is another indication of the deplorable state society

º>is in: when happy, the issue of "body real or unreal" wouldn't arise, yet

º>the demise of the body would be accepted as a "normal" fact of nature as it

º>always has been in so called "primitive" societies, familiar with



ºHummm... I share your views on the dissolution and memory issue, Jan. Slowly,

the body is seen as being a part of nature and seeing that the signals it sends

out such as demands for water, food, sleep, rest etc are not inconveniences for

a 12 hour work day in modern society, but natural expressions for optimal (non

volitional) performance and Self expression.


To my knowledge, the dissolution can go as far as something called "awake while

asleep", denoting that the need for sleep no longer can be felt and as a result

sleep is no more. The statement "witness to whatever happens" becomes rather

literal then - witnessing the dissolution of the mind-body until functionality

ceases. However, physiologically that seems to be impossible - sleep is a rather

basic requirement.


ºAnd I find this view on the question of the body in "primitive socities" very

interesting indeed.


ºAre you thinking about ideas such as the Native American and indigenous peoples

of South America's Great Spirit ?


Once I posted some of the lectures from a Polynesian chief - he could see that

the missionaries were bringing the "light" from a book but didn't have the

"light" in their heart. His message to the tribe was that ultimately "the way of

the white man" would make his brothers and sisters very unhappy. The symbology

of a "higher Self" is present in the Americas and K. is known in Africa but no

traces of renunciation or "path". And India too has known an era where

renunciation wasn't the issue it has become... Most funny was a documentary on

Indians living in Amazonia. For them, the "way of the white man" was utterly

unnatural too - they were laughing their ass off when confronted with Germans in

a cinema. They couldn't believe people to be so stupid as to enjoy illusion

instead of "real life", whatever the "content of real life".














ºAngelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com





ºAll paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


ºTo from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

º www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

º on the left. This menu will also let you change your


º between digest and normal mode.

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"mumble cat" <mumblecat


Sunday, November 26, 2000 10:00 AM






....But then again, in 'my own' journey, letting go of what was once a way I

viewed this world is now appropriate.

> Hi Jess,


> Maybe you would like to share more with us about this letting go of the

identification with the body ?



Hi Amanda & All,


(Words are tricky/sticky but I''ll try.) As long as there is identification

with a body/mind there will be problems. Guess this body/mind has been taken

through enough of the 'track', to where Awareness has shone ~ coming to this

place is just the next part of the track/the view from here. Anything I

could say about what "i've" done to let go would be nothing more than an

egoic deluded statement. But, what 'appears' to have happened is that in the

midst of extreme suffering, coupled with 'meeting' and an instantaneous,

inexplicable love for Robert, there was an intuitive recognition that he was

the embodiment of Love & Wisdom. This allowed for the acceptance of his

(paradoxical/contradictory) words, which have proven helpful to quiet the

mind , but perhaps even more than that is a resonance that happens. His

admonition was "do whatever it takes to get into the Silence". So from a

certain standpoint, applying what he/Self gave (in the dream) worked/works

to lift Maya (momentarily) and what is, is ~ beyond words. And now, going

back to being 'involved' in this world the way I used to; viewing this

world/others the way I used to, serves (feels) like a ball and chain that

keeps me tethered to Maya and taking the acting as serious! ; )


As Michael would say,





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"Jessica White" wrote:

snip >


So from a certain standpoint, applying what he/Self gave (in the

dream) worked/works to lift Maya (momentarily) and what is, is ~

beyond words. And now, going back to being 'involved' in this world

the way I used to; viewing this world/others the way I used to, serves

(feels) like a ball and chain that keeps me tethered to Maya and

taking the acting as serious! ; )


> As Michael would say,



> Love,

> ~jessica


Lovely laughter!

How what you say resonates!


Do you find that it is almost impossible to return to that

former way of existance?


The old patterns are still 'there'; observable, part of the human

experience. The glue that bound them to 'me' is dissolved.


That glue could be described as, oh, I don't know - ego? That

attachement to the self importance of 'my' being.


When that dissolving happened. Wow! I was there all along.


Did 'I' do it? No, not really. Did it just happen? No, not really.

There was this 'desire' to know. There was this realization that I had

to stop anticipating what would happen. There developed a complete

openess to being.


What happened? Uh, well, that's hard to describe. At least in a way

that someone else could read and then say' "Oh! So that's what you



There was a great peacefullness, the 'world' disappeared into 'light'

and conciousness. When things 'reappeared' the joy remained and the

awareness also has remained. Now, from time to time things still have

a tendency to disappear.


But, I would be lying if I said that the so-called ups and downs of

life have ceased. Or, that I don't have to make choices about the

'situations' that arise. I am, after all, only a mortal person.



And that's a good thing!


We all are beautiful expressions of the infinite joy of being.




Peace - Michael

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"Michael Read" wrote:

> Lovely laughter!

> How what you say resonates!


> Do you find that it is almost impossible to return to that

> former way of existance?



> almost impossible but at times I get hooked like a fish and when I do it's

soon to be hangover time!

But at times Awareness shines on that ~ umm ~ 'silly idiot' performing with

great panache and it's always an Academy Award performance!!!





> But, I would be lying if I said that the so-called ups and downs of

> life have ceased.



Doesn't seem to be in the cards for a 'human'. Surfing is the only way out!

: )




Or, that I don't have to make choices about the

> 'situations' that arise. I am, after all, only a mortal person.



eh ???





> And that's a good thing!


> We all are beautiful expressions of the infinite joy of being.




> Peace - Michael




Thanks for the fun Michael. Nice meeting you : )




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