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You have a reason to love yourself

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, "Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere@h...>


> You have no reason to love yourself,

> because you don't need a reason to love yourself.


I think there's a reason to love self .. that is because we have been

conditioned to not love self. Through unloving thoughts we

manifest self betrayal & self abuse. Whatever we think about ourself

effects our life. If we self judge we turn upon ourselves. God beating

up on God ain't pretty. Some project that conflict on others. That

isn't pretty either. That is why we must take responsibility for what

we see/be.







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Dear Colette,


Re: You have no reason to love yourself


There were actually some additional lines that I decided not to include in

the post, in order to have the lines that I did post stand out more.


I posted:

> You have no reason to love yourself,

> because you don't need a reason to love yourself.


I was originally going to send:

You have no reason to love yourself,

because you don't need a reason to love yourself.

You have no reason to hate yourself,

because that hatred comes from someone else

who unfairly blamed you for their hatred.


You wrote:

> I think there's a reason to love self .. that is because we have been

> conditioned to not love self. Through unloving thoughts we

> manifest self betrayal & self abuse. Whatever we think about ourself

> effects our life. If we self judge we turn upon ourselves. God beating

> up on God ain't pretty. Some project that conflict on others. That

> isn't pretty either. That is why we must take responsibility for what

> we see/be.


Part of your first line is especially important...

>.... that is because we have been conditioned to not love self....


Now read your following line with your above one in mind

>Through unloving thoughts we manifest self betrayal & self abuse


I think it would be good to rethink that sentence.

This "self betrayal & self abuse" originated with others who *betrayed and

abused us*, while forcing *us* to take responsibility for *their* acts. As

in: "You had it coming, you asked for it, you only have yourself to blame."

They, the perpetrators of betrayal and abuse, did not even give you the

freedom *not* to take responsibility. The culprits always and immediately

blame their victims, it is part and parcel of their heinous acts. Then,

(they always come back later) they tell you that it was your choice to

accept blame and responsibility. They even put *that* on you ... a double



Like a judge who lets a rapist go free and blames the woman for being raped

because she was wearing a short skirt. Like the same judge who decides that

her suffering was her own choice, as she could have enjoyed the act if she

would have just surrendered to it. Like the same judge who decides that

there was no rape and no rapist, just a woman who has a hard time loving the

man who could not help but loving her... but... she resisted that love.

A tripple whammy!


One could say that your sentence: " That is why we must take responsibility

for what we see/be." comes originally from such a judge.


We have to get rid of such judges,their decisions and sentences. They take

decisions out of our hands but tell us that that is our choice. If we cannot

make up our minds they will do it for us.

These judges play *god* but blame us for our *own creation*.


No wonder we have difficulties.


We have to find and identify the perpetrators of betrayal and abuse, analyse

and eventually understand their actions. Part of that is *initially* to put

blame where it belongs, where it came from, from whom it came.

I had to return my self-recriminations to my father, my brother, the pastor,

my uncle, my mother, the overseeer of that sanatorium, a monk in that

monastery. I had to understand the dynamics of their actions and eventually

and unexpectedly... compassion came in... It always will, I found out, when

we are willing to fully understand.

This is the way we will eventually compassionately free ourselves from

unfair self blame, self betrayal and self abuse.

Compassion heals all ways, inwardly and outwardly, the inflictor and the





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, "Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere@h...>


> Dear Colette,


Dear Wim, much love. This is such a precious topic.


> Re: You have no reason to love yourself


> There were actually some additional lines that I decided not to

include in

> the post, in order to have the lines that I did post stand out more.


> I posted:

> > You have no reason to love yourself,

> > because you don't need a reason to love yourself.


> I was originally going to send:

> You have no reason to love yourself,

> because you don't need a reason to love yourself.

> You have no reason to hate yourself,

> because that hatred comes from someone else

> who unfairly blamed you for their hatred.


> You wrote:

> > I think there's a reason to love self .. that is because we have


> > conditioned to not love self. Through unloving thoughts we

> > manifest self betrayal & self abuse. Whatever we think about


> > effects our life. If we self judge we turn upon ourselves. God


> > up on God ain't pretty. Some project that conflict on others. That

> > isn't pretty either. That is why we must take responsibility for


> > we see/be.


> Part of your first line is especially important...

> >.... that is because we have been conditioned to not love self....


> Now read your following line with your above one in mind

> >Through unloving thoughts we manifest self betrayal & self abuse


> I think it would be good to rethink that sentence.


I will explain why I wrote it like that Wim. I am aware that we are

abused by conditioning. Raped & abused minds. Yes :-) Beautiful

innocent children ..

> This "self betrayal & self abuse" originated with others who

*betrayed and

> abused us*, while forcing *us* to take responsibility for *their*



Yes so sad. I feel compassion for my mother who was lost in that

projection (hating herself yet transferring it cruelly). Yet she began

meditation first. Led us right into it after Catholic indoctrination

she had been bombarded with. I was fortunate to meet her essence

before she died & knew we both played roles for these lessons. I

embraced psychology as did my brother. Mum hadn't, though she had

embraced transcendence.


Transcendence is not enough Wim, & yet I hear the many argue just drop

psyche & body mind after transcendence, cause you haven't a choice.

Not true. A transcended individual mind, is cosmic mind & creative

source of dreaming. IMO


The programmed self hasn't a choice but the unconditioned mind has.

Source ~ I Am.



> in: "You had it coming, you asked for it, you only have yourself to



I mean it like this :-) I do believe that perhaps we come here to

overturn these centuries of abuse. We chose to come & help bring light

to our Earth Mother's body (Self).


And in the doing we have to discover that no matter what conditioning

we receive that when the perpetarotors are dead or gone, then whose

mind is still beating themself up with self abuse? Then we have to

decide do we deserve this? Are we still actually thinking these

horrendous thoughts? How many are actualy conscious that they do? They

hide so deep & silent. Hidden. Yet consciousness shines the light &

when we are ready (& it takes some time to be strong enough to face)

then we will see what thought patterns we do think! Wow what a



Just like what Holly was talking about.

> They, the perpetrators of betrayal and abuse, did not even give you


> freedom *not* to take responsibility. The culprits always and


> blame their victims, it is part and parcel of their heinous acts.


> (they always come back later) they tell you that it was your choice


> accept blame and responsibility. They even put *that* on you ... a


> whammy.


Dear sweet one they are lost in the dream (nightmare, turned aganst

themself). What parent would actually willingly choose to abuse their

child's mind via projection?


> Like a judge who lets a rapist go free and blames the woman for

being raped

> because she was wearing a short skirt.


Don't worry I have stood up to both my parents when I deemed them

ready & spoke to either their higher self or self, & set boundaries.

(One I helped set free. We are divinely aligned. We set the whole line

free. Our 'bodies' are joined.) We are all joined. Some we are

conscious of .. others .. ?


Conditional trapped love is coming from trapped God sparks. When we

wake to the lie then we can rescript the planetary DREAM. :-)


Like the same judge who

decides that

> her suffering was her own choice, as she could have enjoyed the act

if she

> would have just surrendered to it. Like the same judge who decides


> there was no rape and no rapist, just a woman who has a hard time

loving the

> man who could not help but loving her... but... she resisted that


> A tripple whammy!


No sweetie I just take responsibility for what may still lay hiding in

my psyche as distorting though patterns & make conscious, then

rescript the play (my Dreaming).


I have Aboriginal ancestry.


What we dream effects Mother earth & her children the animals & plants

& minerals. Maybe she is dreaming us, for all I know:-) As one with

All we have infinite possibilities at our disposal with which to

create the Dreaming ..


> One could say that your sentence: " That is why we must take


> for what we see/be." comes originally from such a judge.



No sweetie. Sorry if it sounds like that:-)


I do believe that until we wake up, then we choose ignorantly to keep

scripting the self hatred. It is our choice though. No blame here. No

condemnation. We don't know that is what is happening.


It's all a special process of God hiding from Self;-)))) so as to

really delight in meeting SELF haha! The contrast makes the bliss

brighter & more ecstatic.


> We have to get rid of such judges,their decisions and sentences.


Is observation ok? Witnesing & discernment?


Now sweetie we must not cop out & still blame the perpetrators when WE

choose to keep scripting from that past in the present. That is the

illusion. It is not real. Just thought, we beat ourselves up with:-)

My mother had died I could no longer blame her.



They take

> decisions out of our hands but tell us that that is our choice. If

we cannot

> make up our minds they will do it for us.

> These judges play *god* but blame us for our *own creation*.


> No wonder we have difficulties.


> We have to find and identify the perpetrators of betrayal and abuse,


> and eventually understand their actions. Part of that is *initially*

to put

> blame where it belongs, where it came from, from whom it came.

> I had to return my self-recriminations to my father, my brother, the


> my uncle, my mother, the overseeer of that sanatorium, a monk in


> monastery. I had to understand the dynamics of their actions and


> and unexpectedly... compassion came in... It always will, I found

out, when

> we are willing to fully understand.

> This is the way we will eventually compassionately free ourselves


> unfair self blame, self betrayal and self abuse.

> Compassion heals all ways, inwardly and outwardly, the inflictor and


> inflicted.



Love to you Wimsical minstrel,





> Love,

> Wim

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