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[K-list] The Exceptional Human Experience Process #7

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This will cover # 10 Challenges:

(See below for the 5 "stages" and 12 "characteristics.)

Stage 1: The Initiating Event/Experience

# 10 Challenges: To address the EE directly, investigate it further,

and recognize its uniqueness within the overall stream of everyday

life events.

Stage 2: Search for Reconciliation

# 10 Challenges: To avoid the common pitfalls of guru worship

(idolizing another), inflation (idolizing self); to stay balanced

with shifts of affect, activity, life focus; to balance dramatic

life-style changes based primarily on the EE and its shorter-term

aftereffects; to not adopt a "know-it-all" attitude and/or "spiritual

bypass" to counter concerns of family, friends, colleagues, or


Stage 3: Between Two Worlds

# 10 Challenges: To avoid the common defensive pitfalls, especially

when no new insights or meaning appear forthcoming. Understanding

that EEs are typically not delivered upon demand or "willed" into

being by merely requiring them at one's convenience. To find a

personal comfort zone that includes a renewed sense of self. (At this

stage experiencers may exhibit any or all classical characteristics

inherent in the grieving process: numbness, denial, anger,

negotiation, and so on, while an old ego identity dies and a new one

is being formulated.)

Stage 4: In the Experiential Paradigm

# 10 Challenges: To discover purpose and align with those actions,

people, and circumstances that add to fulfillment; follow intuition;

to maintain balance; recognize, accept, have compassion and love self

and others for the essential "who" that they are. To have the courage

to let go of out-worn attachments, including belief-structures and any

residual reoccurring patterns that no longer serve the evolving self

and new perspective. To have the courage to return to Stage 3 (and

even Stage 2, less likely Stage 1) when necessary to "gather one's

self" as self may (once again) undergo a cycle of grief at loss

(destruction) of a former ego identification.

Stage 5: A New Way of Being in the World

# 10 Challenges: #To remain open to all facets of EHE, including those

insights, and circumstances that will enhance calling, and not to

become stuck in a particular method, means, or mode to accomplish it;

to serve as a human embodiment of one's purpose/calling. To

consciously, seamlessly, reiteratively return to the "operations

center" (Stage 3) to regenerate batteries, while assimilating and

integrating new (Stage 4) transcendental information as needed to

resolve cognitive dissonance. To seamlessly (automatically)

accommodate and fine-tune evolving shifts of both inner and outer

perspective and awareness as they are presented.

Next to come #11 Critical juncture

Love, Hillary


>From the International Journal of Parapsychology (Vol 11, No 1, 69-111)

It starts with an outline of 5 developmental stages worked out by Rhea White of the EHE Network:

1. The initiating event/experience

2. Search for reconciliation

3. Between two worlds

4. In the experiential paradigm

5. A new way of being in the world.

Suzanne V. Brown has taken these stages further, saying that "within

each of the stages there are qualitative sets of attributive

characteristics that could be used to distinguish (more or less) one

stage from the others."

So each stage is divided into 12 sets of characteristics, ultimately forming a matrix of 60 cells.

1. Definition

2. Examples

3. Search focus

4. Questions asked

5. Cognitive dissonance

6. Depotentiating activities

7. Results of depotentiation

8. Potentiating activities

9. Results of potentiation

10. Challenges

11. Critical juncture

12. Crossroads to next stage.

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