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[K-list] The Exceptional Human Experience Process #8

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This will cover # 11 Critical juncture and (finally! :) ) the

concluding # 12 Crossroads to next stage.

(See below for the 5 "stages" and 12 "characteristics.)

Stage 1: The Initiating Event/Experience

# 11 Critical juncture: Realization and insight that answers may not

all be found within the mainstream world view (paradigm); that

authorities may not have adequate answers and/or the explanations are

not sufficiently satisfying.

#12 Crossroads to next stage: Awareness that there may be alternative

approaches of exploration that lie outside of the traditional ones.

Stage 2: Search for Reconciliation

# 11 Critical juncture: Realization and insight that all roads have

some truth; discrimination to separate the wheat from the chaff so as

to glean personally-meaningful answers.

#12 Crossroads to next stage: Awareness that there are many questions

and many answers that go beyond the EE itself; that the EE served as a

catalyst into other levels of consciousness and personal discovery;

that exploration of alternative perspectives is enlightening,

meaningful, and may generate additional EEs; additional EEs are

sought and encouraged, often testing a wide variety of tools and

personal hypotheses.

Stage 3: Between Two Worlds

# 11 Critical juncture: Realization and insight that the experience(s)

served as a vehicle toward a new level of conscious self-awareness and

as a gateway to greater self-discovery. Accepting, understanding, and

integrating all personas of self into a more integrated whole, a

collective personality of Self.

#12 Crossroads to the next stage: Awareness that one is greater than

the sum of one's parts and that there is no need to sacrifice a

portion of oneself in order to be wholly oneself; that the EHEer does

not have to choose either one world or the other, but may assimilate,

integrate, "choose" both, and is thus more integrated, healthier by

doing so.

Stage 4: In the Experiential Paradigm

# 11 Critical juncture: Realization and insight that one's

purpose/way is integral to a larger purpose/way and that any and all

actions, thoughts, emotions, imaginal desires are seamlessly

interconnected within and without. Understands that perceptions are

(largely) based on personal and cultural world view (i.e., maya),

that cognitive boundaries (e.g., I-Thou, subject-experimenter,

cause-effect, life-death) are convenient constructs for human

communication only (e.g., symbolic representations, approximations of


#12 Crossroads to next stage: Awareness that we (the collective All)

are dynamic, evolving co-creators of the Universe as the Universe

dynamically evolves and is being defined and co-created by the we

(All). Implicit trust that "all will be as it is" as well as

(paradoxically) understanding that "as it is" does not necessarily

mean (then yet again it may mean) what it appears to mean at any

selected, perceived moment of time/space.

Stage 5: A New Way of Being in the World

# 11 Critical juncture: Realization and insight that there is no

magic bullet or fast food package called "the Truth,the Way to

Enlightenment" nor does the EHEer self singularly embody (all) truth

and enlightenment. That reality is constantly, dynamically being

re-formulated, destroyed and re-created, and with that knowledge

there is a responsibility of choice as to where to place one's

energies and service. That the universal self is necessary, integral

to the Universe as the Universe is perceived through the lens of self;

that alignment choices made (including no-choice) can co-create (have

the imaginal power to shape) potential tangible outcomes. To

transmute EEs to EHEs has more or less become second nature; EHE is

understood as humankind's first nature.

#12 Crossroads into the next stage: Awareness that dynamically,

fluidly, organically aligning, harmonizing, refining, reinventing the

self resonates and enlightens throughout the universal

village/kingdom, the Universe. The EHEer has leaned for him-or

herself a personal way to navigate, reiteratively re-negotiate, the

staging areas of the EHE process in any permutation as needed, when

needed. The EHEer returns home "simply" to be, life, serve, fulfill

and embody the matter of self, works and discoveries made along the


End of excerpts. This is really just the bare bones of the article.

The article *The Exceptional Human Experience Process; A Preliminary

Model with Exploratory Map* by Suzanne V. Brown of the Exceptional

Human Experience Network (www.ehe.org) appears in the International

Journal of Parapsychology, (The Parapsychology Foundation) Volume 11,

Number 1, 69-111 for those interested further.

Love, Hillary


It starts with an outline of 5 developmental stages worked out by Rhea White of the EHE Network:

1. The initiating event/experience

2. Search for reconciliation

3. Between two worlds

4. In the experiential paradigm

5. A new way of being in the world.

Suzanne V. Brown has taken these stages further, saying that "within

each of the stages there are qualitative sets of attributive

characteristics that could be used to distinguish (more or less) one

stage from the others."

So each stage is divided into 12 sets of characteristics, ultimately forming a matrix of 60 cells.

1. Definition

2. Examples

3. Search focus

4. Questions asked

5. Cognitive dissonance

6. Depotentiating activities

7. Results of depotentiation

8. Potentiating activities

9. Results of potentiation

10. Challenges

11. Critical juncture

12. Crossroads to next stage.

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