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yogic flying

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I'm searching for informations about yogic flying..

I know about trascendental meditation but don't know the specs.

I read about two or three books about it like yoga pradipika and yoga

sutra of Patanjali.


Is there anything like that in eastern traditions like Japanese and


Can you get to yogic flying trough breathing exercises?

May Bastrika be one of them?

I read on the net about the need of maximum coherence in one's mind

to achieve the antigravity propulsion..what might it means?

And what does it mean "bubbling bliss"?

I guess with these elements it should be possible to -leave the



Gabriele Betti

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On 12/5/00 at 10:10 AM Mark Hovila wrote:




º> I'm searching for informations about yogic flying..


ºIf you don't mind my asking, why are you interested in this?




Less dangerous than driving, for sure... And no more gas bills :)

The Patanjali Sutras, chapter III is entirely devoted to siddhis and the

mechanism is to substitute one identification for another one. This means,

levitation is the result of identifying with a cloud or "cloudiness" while

forgetting the body-identification. These kind of siddhis are an obstacle as the

"goal" could be called the dissolution of identifications. So called "natural"

siddhis can manifest spontaneously when identifications are dissolved, anyone K.

awakened probably knowing several by experience. IMO, the only "worthwhile"

siddhi is unbroken Awareness :))




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Regarding the inquiry about yogic flying, the only people l know who

have talked much about this are the TM crowd. As a matter of fact, l think

there was something about it on the Discovery Channel last week, which l

suspect may have triggered this.


TM practitioners have often been ridiculed

about their attempts to fly. l have never heard of any of them truly doing

it. What they're famous for doing is hopping, which is admittedly a pretty

poor imitation of flying. The hopping l've seen has persuaded me that there

was some degree of yogic attainment involved, in that l don't see how the

hopping was physically doable otherwise. But yes, one has to ask: why


jerrysan rinpoche

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On 12/5/00 at 2:28 PM GCWein1111 wrote:


ºRegarding the inquiry about yogic flying, the only people l know who

ºhave talked much about this are the TM crowd. As a matter of fact, l think

ºthere was something about it on the Discovery Channel last week, which l

ºsuspect may have triggered this.


Right on target Jerrysan - I've seen several documentaries about it, and the

excuse for hopping instead of flying was something like "more practice needed".

Once I even put a direct question and received a response that was meant to

remain "private" so I can only give a summary: whatever "trick" to get people

"out of the dream" is OK...



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