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What is awareness?

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> I have a question:

> What is awareness ?..

> Not just a conceptual/mystifying definition or similies ('like

> electricity'..) or cryptic statements/verbalizations like 'it is your

> true nature/Self or super-self/God and there is nothing else, Thou

> art That',....but can you practically, point it to me ?


Awareness is 'what is'. This (book) is a book. That (flower) is a flower.

(This situation) is (this situation). They are what they are, yet none

truly exists in form and exist only in light of what is when it is seen as a

whole. Knowing we are (a part of) awareness itself, there is nothing to be

aware of but 'what is'. Being aware of what is, knows. Awareness of the

whole brings remembrance of what is, instead of forgetfulness, applicable in

this world and the (world) of no form.

> Does it function thru the senses ?


Awareness of 'what is' functions through awareness itself as a whole.


If you removed the inner sensing and the world, as David was wondering out

loud about, there still would be awareness -- awareness of light only instead

of seeing the world of form, and the awareness of quiet only instead of the

inner sensing.


There would also be the awareness of 'what is' as a whole -- nothing really

matters, everything is the same, everything is God, everything is light.

Because we are (a part of) this awareness itself, we easily recognize what is

what because we are aware of the whole. Knowing everything, you know every

thing, although they all are the same.

> When there is a motive to be attentive to something,.. like listening

> after a sound of a car, when waiting for somebody to arrive, there is

> a focussed, predetermined direction set by thought.

> Or, if I try to practice awareness, there is also a narrowing thought-

> motivation to become 'enlightened', etc.


The awareness is the motive to be attentive, or practicing awareness, not the

practices or personal motives themself. As you become aware of 'what is' --

the whole of what you are doing -- then whatever you do will be what it will

be... and instantaneous, as you said below. Everything you 'do' will be the

same -- motives to be attentive; practicing awareness -- no matter what you

do. The practices and motives will be seen in the light of what is.

> But when, a car is passing down the street, or some bird sings, or

> have an itch, or thought/feeling, there is an instantaneous

> perception of that, in radar-like fashion, and it happens of itsself,

> without any will or personal motive.

> Is _this one..'it', or something else ?


Sounds like 'it' to me.

> And if so, is it simply a question of being present to

> that /acknowledging its fact/functioning ?


Yes. It is knowing what is as One.

> Have a good day,

> jb.


Ditto jb,



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