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A true story

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Great story JB, and funny too!

I love story telling!

And thanks for sharing this toilet experience with me!

Somehow i feel closer (somewhat intimate)! :)))))


Love and Peace, Janet :)



In a message dated 12/8/00 12:03:35 PM, JB789 writes:


<< Hi


The following is a real life story.

And somehow, kind of miraculous.


In the land of Fistomania, Mr. Fistowski was, at his old age,

suffering terribly of pains in his left forearm and hand. He's had

that pain all his life, but now was becoming unbearable.

It was so, that in his country, there was a traditional-value which

was based on the First-Commandament of their beloved Scripture, and

that was: "Thou shall not open your left fist !" And the preachers

and everybodyelse were explaining that if it was opened, then this

inplanted Chip would oxidize and with it the person would at least go

mad, or else die.

And Mr. Fistowski did his best, as a good citizen and also out of

fear of dying, to keep his fist tightly closed.


But now, due to the pain, he started to talk to other people about it.

One should add that the pain was not only in the arm,.. the

Commandament also caused him to be carefull when with others. It

seemed to him, many times that others were giving him strange looks

and sneering while they kept staring at his fist. He was afraid he

was doing something wrong in the way he was holding it closed. He had

at times thoughts as to how he -should have held his fist in certain

situations and that generated for him feelings of guilt, of regret

and of fear as to what others might think of his behaviour. When

thinking about it, the rest of his body would shiver and his head

would twitch. He was very unhappy.

Nobody could help him. So he went to classes on Fistology. He studied

hard, but the pain intensified, and his hand and forearm turned dark

blue by now...


Meanwhile, in a parallel universe, in the land of Identomania, Mr.

Idensen went thru a lot of misfortunes, .. death of loved ones, loss

of friends.. and other quite painful situations. The thoughts of

these uncomfortable past events, would suddenly pass thru his

mind, and it was as if they would Hit a Wall,

upon which a contraction of the body and twitches of head would,

instantaneously errupt. Perhaps because of his 'giving-up' on doing

something about his unhappy state, since he could see that the others

whether they were interested or not, could not really help him. And

yet there was a cry of 'No!.. away!'- resistance to what was and how

he thought (and others thought) it should be. So he was alone. And

his twitches were probably a form of comforting solution, of a kind

of company of 'me and myself/my body' and there was a kind of

pleasure associated with that self-pitying activity.


Being an age of cyber space communication, somehow Mr. Fistowski

bumped into Mr Idensen.. it was at a Inter-Universes Discussion forum

list, called www.HeadTwitchers.org. It had also the visual


They started to chat and agreed that they _Had to_ investigate into

the pain, even if it would result in their death...


So says Mr. Idensen to Mr. Fistowski..: My dear fellow, with all

respect,.. But: a 'chip in your hand on which your life depends..?!..

HA !..That is the most Ridiculous thing I've ever heard..!.. Open up

your fist !..', upon which, of course, Mr. Fistowski froze with fear

and had all kinds of reasonable justifications for maintaining that,

that was not a good idea, nor does he Know How To do it... open it,..

he's been like that all his life and he insisted on, that this was an



Since Mr. Idensen had a bit of insight into the mind he

suggested: 'Listen now, something easier: instead of trying to open

your hand, just stop putting your energy in doing what you have

always been doing..keeping it closed..'..


There were slight movements of his fingers at first,.. he was

sweating profusely,.. and it was obvious that

Mr. Fistowsky's hand was opening by itself..

...a great sense of relief overcame him and he was almost in tears,..

and he looked in his slowly opening hand...

there was -nothing there !..

He was baffled and overjoyed.


After calming down a bit, he happened to notice

Mr. Idensen's still twiching head, and he was overcome with

compassion, and says to him ' .. aah.. listen,..That Wall that you

speak of, that is being hit when thoughts come along,.. it sounds to

me very weird !,.. What is it ?'..

Mr. Idensen admitted to not knowing ..: 'but it just definetely

feels! that way, and also that my body is hit' he replied.

'But why don't you look again, closer ?' said Mr. Fistowski..


Mr. Idensen was determined to find out.. and looked closer..

he saw that the Wall, was a constructed-fiction also called the 'I'

to be protected at any cost, and that it was just like the hitting

thoughts/memories, .. and no different, except that it was an expert

at Separation and Resistance, having practiced it for so long.. and

yet a conventional creation, which he, like others, did his best to

uphold and live according to.

He saw that.. and

the same moment, the head-twitching simply stopped !.. He was


and although the smashing-'rocks' were still flying around at times,

there was nothing for them to hit...

His body was gratefull.


And so, Mr. Fistowski changed his name to Fistfree-ji, and Mr.

Idensen became Mr. Wallslessen. And they moved to another univers.

They are still occasionally hit/bit by the old habit, but it subsides

even before it can come to fruitition and into Fistosomatic and

Iwallosomatic symptoms & damages.


And they became great friends.

As amatter of fact, the two were not two, but one.

It was, it is, JB.

And of course, all that did not happen on and Inter-Universal chat-


It happened while JB was sitting on his apartment's toilet seat.

And, strangely enough, he is not aware of the length, of the

sitting's time-period.

He must've been, temporarily, abducted..




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