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[NDS] Who Am I

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Hi, (i am assuming that this is from Jerry, and i apologize if i am

mis-guessing :)


What this person K says is exactly how i feel! but cannot put into words as

they have so eloquently done. That state of becoming questionless, searching

ceases. putting the mind and thoughts to rest, as though Who I Am arises out

of who i am already. it's like setting the plan of what you *think* you

would like to do, and finding your life unfold into another unimaginable way

that you never intended and you are happiness existing, exactly where you

are, and there was never a plan executed from where that happiness arose.

Gees, i think i know what i am talking about, but then i read this, and i

have no idea if it makes sense for all of you, or even to myself. well,

good luck deciphering some sort of meaning out of this :) have fun! Love

and Peace, Janet

P.S. i have more trouble explaining because all this is new to me, it is

only something that recently (the last year) came upon me. i often am not

able to understand a lot of what you write because i am not educated in all

of the religious philosophies to be able to contribute to the posts.


In a message dated 12/9/00 10:51:17 AM, umbada writes:


<< This was received from one calling him- or herself 'K'




'Who AM I '

Months went by asking this question - 'Who Am I'

Mind provided so many answers, conditoned, borowed, bookish, dead


The answers brought no transformation - more importantly no bliss.


were peripheral.

So many answers were there :

Mind said - You are so and so

Mind said - You are body

Mind said - You are consciousness

Mind said - You are soul

Mind said- You are Brahma, the Truth

Mind said - You are Immortal

Mind said - You are Light


So many answers, but seemed I was untouched. Borrowed, dead answers -

bringing no significant transformation.

...then one day

I saw, question was on the periphery, answer was in the centre.

Question was borrowed. Answer was personal.

Question was deep insides, and answers that came were from deep outside

Question was mine, answers were all borrowed.


Just this fact, merely this observation became a transformation.

All answers from mind became useless, as if they were not required.

An illusion was shattered that mind can possibly answer.

As if a window to sun got opened, suddenly.

Mind used to answer --this was the problem - fundamental problem.

Some truth was anxious and eager to come forth, only borrowed answers


blocking that.

Mere awakening to this fact , sheer awakening became the answer.

But before that - only me and the question existed - intense,


dedicated, burning question - Who Am I.

Such obsessive was the question, as if I was not existing, only the


existed, as if I had transformed into a living question - Who Am I.

And the explosion happened.

Answer came from some unknown dimension.

Truth never comes gradually, it comes like an explosion.

Truth cant be brought, you just create an atomopshere for it to descend.


Words are not answers.

Void is the answer.

State of becoming questionless is the answer.






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Hi Gloria,

I feel satisfied that you were able to understand the message i intended to

get across here :) And if i must be the poster child for "Jerry's kids" here

on the list, I prefer the

right-side-profile please :) Much gratitude!


Love and Peace, Janet



In a message dated 12/9/00 2:14:02 PM, glee writes:



Dear Janet,


Hooray! See, I have been trying feebly to say what you just said! It is my

humble opinion that somehow people are waking up to this realization "you are

happiness existing, exactly where you are" is a perfect expression of this!

And who knows how or why this happens? That you didn't have to sweat and

strain down some particular religious path may be a bit surprising to some,

but it doesn't make it any less real, and however you may wish to express

yourself is just fine. This what Jerry's "nonduality for the people" is all

about. Hey, you can be the poster child! When I came to these lists, all this

special language was Greek to me, and some of it still is. Do not worry, book

knowledge is not where it's at, anyway.


Trust me, your everyday, ordinary way of talking does make sense. It's most

refreshing too, and I hear you loud and clear, as many others must too. Do

not fear to post away, there is no education in religious philosophies

required here.





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<NondualitySalon >;

Saturday, December 09, 2000 11:40 AM

Re: [NDS] Who Am I



Hi, (i am assuming that this is from Jerry, and i apologize if i am

mis-guessing :)


What this person K says is exactly how i feel! but cannot put into words as

they have so eloquently done. That state of becoming questionless, searching

ceases. putting the mind and thoughts to rest, as though Who I Am arises out

of who i am already. it's like setting the plan of what you *think* you

would like to do, and finding your life unfold into another unimaginable way

that you never intended and you are happiness existing, exactly where you

are, and there was never a plan executed from where that happiness arose.

Gees, i think i know what i am talking about, but then i read this, and i

have no idea if it makes sense for all of you, or even to myself. well,

good luck deciphering some sort of meaning out of this :) have fun! Love

and Peace, Janet

P.S. i have more trouble explaining because all this is new to me, it is

only something that recently (the last year) came upon me. i often am not

able to understand a lot of what you write because i am not educated in all

of the religious philosophies to be able to contribute to the posts.



Dear Janet,


Hooray! See, I have been trying feebly to say what you just said! It is my

humble opinion that somehow people are waking up to this realization "you are

happiness existing, exactly where you are" is a perfect expression of this!

And who knows how or why this happens? That you didn't have to sweat and

strain down some particular religious path may be a bit surprising to some,

but it doesn't make it any less real, and however you may wish to express

yourself is just fine. This what Jerry's "nonduality for the people" is all

about. Hey, you can be the poster child! When I came to these lists, all this

special language was Greek to me, and some of it still is. Do not worry, book

knowledge is not where it's at, anyway.


Trust me, your everyday, ordinary way of talking does make sense. It's most

refreshing too, and I hear you loud and clear, as many others must too. Do

not fear to post away, there is no education in religious philosophies

required here.




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> Skyeryder wrote:


> Whom ever posted "Who Am I - the Sacred Quest" by Jean Klein... thank

> you and love to you... excellent study!


> Love, Robert


That piece was the words of Jean Klein? Please confirm. Thanks.



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Yes... it is Jean Klein... and I am now devouring the feast and drink

that is within this profound book "Who Am I - the Sacred Quest" of

questions and answers. Someone on this wonderful list mentioned the

work of Jean Klein.

Smiles, Robert

umbada (AT) ns (DOT) sympatico.ca

[umbada (AT) ns (DOT) sympatico.ca]Saturday, December 09, 2000 9:52

PM Subject: Re: Re:

[NDS] Who Am I> Skyeryder wrote:> > Whom ever posted "Who Am I - the

Sacred Quest" by Jean Klein... thank> you and love to you...

excellent study!> > Love, RobertThat piece was the words of Jean

Klein? Please confirm.

Thanks.Jerry// All paths

go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.To from this list,

go to the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on the

left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.

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