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God's Vision & Passion (by Maitreya Ishwara)

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Dear Friends,


The following text is from the (just released) revised edition of

'God's Vision - The New Dawn of Consciousness'. The 340 page hardback

book is available now from www.ishwara.com along with 'Biography of a

Buddha' 138 page hardback.


It was written by an Englishman who led an interesting, often "wild"

life, then was a sannyasi with Osho for many years in USA and Pune,

allegedly became enlightened a few years ago and is now starting a

new Meditation Centre in New Zealand.








by Maitreya Ishwara


By now you will be familiar with the experiential, non-believing

approach that is the basis of this transmission.


It is essential for seekers to drop their cosy beliefs about truth,

especially when they are true. Premature belief in the truth is a

major hurdle, it hypnotises the seeker into feeling they are already

free. Understanding: Consciousness is all there is and therefore I am

That, is a good start but not enough. A more rigorous approach is to

take the understanding as a hypothesis that must be experientially

verified. Everyone is not enlightened by the fact of their birth and

by being part of the oneness of consciousness. That is too easy to

believe for it to have much value.


The end of suffering is not just a shift in perception of cosmology.

Freedom comes after you have tried and failed in every search, not

before. Understanding that the seeker and the goal are one is very

helpful, but not enough.


That is why it is not helpful to give seekers the impression that

only a shift in perception is needed to be free. Source requires

every effort and failure of effort, before understanding permeates

deep enough to trigger release from suffering forever.


Certainly, effort strengthens the ego/separation of the seeker, and

that is an essential part of the drama of awakening. Release from

suffering must be preceded by intense separation to satisfy Source's

passion for a good story. Understanding advaita gave me a satori in

1993. It took another two years of intense meditation and retreat

before my ego finally left for good. This period involved no effort

but was totally focused on silence herenow. It was effortless effort,

wei wu wei.


No two awakenings are the same but the central theme of total effort

followed by total let go, almost always happens. Rarely does freedom

come with a few words of truth from a book or teacher. When it does

it has always been preceded by intense effort and preparation.

Seekers are very vulnerable to collecting premature beliefs about

truth. Experiential verification is much more arduous than belief,

and there is no other way. Naturally, Source is managing everyone's

effort and let go. Source also requires each seeker's totality, to

fully enjoy the drama of their awakening.


Totality is God's passion.






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..FIRAK AND I KNOW HIM NOW 2 YEARS.We meet him in Pune in India, where the

Osho center is. We came to his satsang and it was imagine. A strong energy

was in the room even before he came and then...He had so strong energy, that

my 3rd eye opened , shaking came and after that satoris and between that

cleanings.His energy was for me stronger than the energy sitting with


I wanted to ask Harsha, if we can sent Maitreyas inserts from his book God's

Vision and you did it now, good.

I can only recommend to read his book or to go to New Zealand to his

satsangs. Maitreya is very powerful. We went even with him in that time to

Manali(Himachal Pradesh) to Lea(Ladakh) and to Kashmir(Srinigar) and

the satsangs were stronger and stronger.




-----Izvorno sporocilo-----




[sentto-73173-12788-976515420-sonja.kotar=guest.arnes.si (AT) returns (DOT)

]Namesto Ivan Frimmel

Poslano: Monday, December 11, 2000 7:17 AM


Zadeva: God's Vision & Passion (by Maitreya Ishwara)



Dear Friends,


The following text is from the (just released) revised edition of

'God's Vision - The New Dawn of Consciousness'. The 340 page hardback

book is available now from www.ishwara.com along with 'Biography of a

Buddha' 138 page hardback.


It was written by an Englishman who led an interesting, often "wild"

life, then was a sannyasi with Osho for many years in USA and Pune,

allegedly became enlightened a few years ago and is now starting a

new Meditation Centre in New Zealand.








by Maitreya Ishwara


By now you will be familiar with the experiential, non-believing

approach that is the basis of this transmission.


It is essential for seekers to drop their cosy beliefs about truth,

especially when they are true. Premature belief in the truth is a

major hurdle, it hypnotises the seeker into feeling they are already

free. Understanding: Consciousness is all there is and therefore I am

That, is a good start but not enough. A more rigorous approach is to

take the understanding as a hypothesis that must be experientially

verified. Everyone is not enlightened by the fact of their birth and

by being part of the oneness of consciousness. That is too easy to

believe for it to have much value.


The end of suffering is not just a shift in perception of cosmology.

Freedom comes after you have tried and failed in every search, not

before. Understanding that the seeker and the goal are one is very

helpful, but not enough.


That is why it is not helpful to give seekers the impression that

only a shift in perception is needed to be free. Source requires

every effort and failure of effort, before understanding permeates

deep enough to trigger release from suffering forever.


Certainly, effort strengthens the ego/separation of the seeker, and

that is an essential part of the drama of awakening. Release from

suffering must be preceded by intense separation to satisfy Source's

passion for a good story. Understanding advaita gave me a satori in

1993. It took another two years of intense meditation and retreat

before my ego finally left for good. This period involved no effort

but was totally focused on silence herenow. It was effortless effort,

wei wu wei.


No two awakenings are the same but the central theme of total effort

followed by total let go, almost always happens. Rarely does freedom

come with a few words of truth from a book or teacher. When it does

it has always been preceded by intense effort and preparation.

Seekers are very vulnerable to collecting premature beliefs about

truth. Experiential verification is much more arduous than belief,

and there is no other way. Naturally, Source is managing everyone's

effort and let go. Source also requires each seeker's totality, to

fully enjoy the drama of their awakening.


Totality is God's passion.













All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


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