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Don't be diverted to the idea that Thomas has anything close to the power of the 4 Gospels and Revelations in causing the experience of abiding in the Non-Dual Christ.

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Dear "hearers" abiding in the single "I",

While the write up attributed to Thomas (as a gospel) may have

parallels to non-dualist thinking, the reading of the Testament

inspired by Christ spontaneously awakes That which outshines all

thought and images.

The sentence (often forgotten) that continues through 11:21, starts

with Luke 11:20. When read in its entirety, it explains very clearly

that the Kingdom "within" is an objectiveless state, just as in the

First and Second Commandments of the Father "I AM" to Moses, which

commanded that there can be no images before the "I AM" nor the use

of the name "I AM" in relation to thoughts and impressions -

Commandments, which when adhered to, leave one abiding suddenly in

the Singularity of the Heart (as in Ecclesiastes 10: 2).

Such weak and incomplete phrases as found in Thomas imply a

misdirection that with a still mind one will come to various states

and inner (mystical) experiences which are then taken for the Truth,

and not the very powerful all-absorbing Teaching in the Christ

inspired New Testament relating to abiding in the single "I" such as

Luke 11:34, "The light of the body is the eye: Therefore, when thine

eye (the seer) is single, your whole body will be filled with

light...." which states that when one "abides" ("abide in Me" - Jn

15:4) as the seer (subject "I") singly, there is the enlightenment of

the whole body, also called the Transfiguration. In the Gospels He

inspired to be included together in the New Testament (as in John

I:3), the entire Teaching, both in the Life and the Words resonates

with the single non-dual Truth, and not an iota of any other view.

Very clear instructions of how to come to abide in the Truth of the

single Seer - "Light that Lights each one born into the world" (John

1:9) are given, such as non-judgment (Mat Ch 7: 1-2; Luke 6: 37-42;

John 8: 6-11), non-attachment (Mat 6: 40), non-anxiety (Mat 6: 25-34;

Luke 12: 22-32), perpetual forgiveness (Luke 17: 4; Mat 19: 21-22;

Mark 11:25), compassion (Mat 25: 34-40), humility (Mat 18: 4), and so

on, which all relate to the (non-dual) experiencing of the discarding

of attention to the world ("Take no thought for your life." Mat 6:

25). And, the requirement to "hear" which references the awakening

of the True Man - the Real Self is repeated throughout, with powerful

statements that are often in the form of commandments giving no ground

(room to maneuver).

The stance He permits allows for no delays, no second chance, no outs,

no remedy, no alternatives to the tribulations of the world. His way

to God the Father (the "I AM" of the Old Testament) is full of

beatitudes and purity (Mat 5: 2-11), blessedness and love (Mat 6:

38-48). But those that oppose the Spirit "will never be forgiven"

(Luke 12: 10, Mat 12: 32; Mark 3: 29) and "will be thrown into the

outer darkness, where there is great suffering and gnashing of

teeth." (Mat 8: 12;14: 50; 22: 13; 24: 51)

The only other places one can find such powerful statements that cause

a resonance in the Hrdayam (where we point when we say I) and

automatic Dissolusion of attention to the images in the mind is in

the Ribhu Gita Ch 26 and the Avadhut Gita, where the meaning of the

automatic practice of "abiding" and the view of the world of the One

abiding in the Father is expressed in a way that "hearing" can also

begin to manifest while reading other Gitas or Vedanta texts.

In any other culture, Christ would be called the "Vajra Siddhi Guru"

abiding in the Heart, as in the mantra "Om Ah Hung Vajra Siddhi Guru

Hum" where the "Vajra Siddhi" is the Sudden Flashing Forth of the

Primordial Realization (the state of the Transfiguration) and "Hum"

is the abiding in the Hrdayam, which is the gate or door, where

Christ says he stands (Luke 12:34) through which is the experience of

the "I" as the all pervasive "I AM THAT I AM" (Ex. 3:14) of the


This is also outlined in http://www.nonduality.com/pieter.htm

Dear ListFurther to the message from Kathiji about Gospel of Thomas;I

investigated the site he mentioned. I also came across the following

url (within that site)..It seems to have a lot of parallels with

'Advaita' thinking.jay...

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