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Sri Yantra, Kundalini and Wim's website (finally)

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Hi everyone,


Antoine Carre quoted S. Shankaranarayanan (referring to the Sri Yantra):

>>>>"In the human body, the place of the Bindu is at the top of the

spinal column in the thousand petalled lotus centre in the head. The

trikona is at the bottom of the spinal column, in the Muladhara, the

base centre. The Divine Mother is the coiled energy Kundalini who

traverses up and down the path between the two centres in her courses of

evolution and involution. As the static principle predominates in the

Para Bindu, it is known as the Linga, the symbol of the male principle,

while trikona is the yoni the index of the female principle. The whole

creation is the outcome of the union of the Linga and the Yoni, The

Bindu and the Trikona. It is the bliss of this union that permeates

through the whole creation as its sap and sustenance." .<<<<



Wim's comment:

This is quite a good description of the Kundalini process.

Of course S.S. uses a cultural language that could use some contemporary



I just want to add that:

Yoni+Linga =Kunda+Linga=Kundalini,


(Recovering and restoring the missing link)

Come to think of it, this could use some contemporary translation as

well. :-)


S.S.'s treatment of the Sri Yantra is very flatlandish though, I want to

keep pointing at the multi dimensionality of reality (reality is the

environment of real things in real time).

We do not live on a flat plane. We are not 2D 'flatlanders' nor

'wormlings' which are close to 1D with wiggles.


In his description S. S. describes the Sri Yantra quite in terms of a

flat object and even in that mixes two dimensions or axes:

.superior / inferior (heaven / earth)

.sinister / dexter (female / male)

He does not cover the third axis very well

.posterior / anterior (past / future)

Just his use of the words involution and evolution may point to it.

(Ah translations!)


In one of my posts I mentioned the three axes coming together in and

emanating from their core (heart), source as well as target (teleios),

alpha as

well as omega (Jesus), the beginning and also the end (Krishna).


| /

| /


/ |

/ |

/ |



This is pictorially examplified in the triangle as well as swastika



A Swastika: a flatlander's approximation of three axes in a square

arrangement so as to symbolize a cube. (Once I had a child in my class

who was too young to even to know about that symbol. When she tried to

draw a picture of a cube it came out looking a swastika. (I believe that

Hildegard von Bingen made similar attempts.)


A Triangle: a flatlander's flat approximation of three dimensions except

that the original inventor of the 3 dimensions (in my Akashic memory it

is Vishnu's father) when he drew them in the sand, he made them look as

though they came together.


First attempt: /








Second attempt, same picture as above, but imagine that

/| these two points do not touch.

/ |

/ |



When I, in my second to last near death experience - on my way to

'NowHere land' - travelled the grid, that aspect of multidimensional

space was very clear. It was as though I made quantum jumps through

triangular meshes enmeshed within and without eachother.


An oval or ellips is nothing else than a flat representation of a

section of a continuous spring-like spiral path.

The earth's path around the sun is not elliptical it is circular WHILE

at the same time progressive. In a flatlander's world and mind that

spiralling looks and computes as an ellips. In this case the time

dimension is missing as well.


Of course even the 3 Ds of horizontal, vertical and perpendicular

directions are totally conceptual. Even the idea of "Being Here Now" is.

(Hey, whisper, whisper, do not say this too loud to when there are guru

types around. Be Here Now is really BS as well. shhhhhiii....


As long as we attempt not to be 'one pointers', 'flatliners',

'flatlander' or 'square heads' and employ linear thinking we are not

doing too bad.


Is this important for Kundalites and ppl. interested in Sri Yantra?


Yes, flatlander concepts and their linearity is very much part of their

inability to deal with reality unconditionally. Concepts influence

perception, while it ought to be the other way around...

Kundalini has everything to do with the dynamics of energy (spiritual

fluid- dynamics), if we don't have the dimensionalities somewhat right

or at least if we don't break out of the square box, (hehehe) how can we

deal with energy except by interfering with it through our contorting

viewing, where conceiving has replace perceiving, conceit has replaced



BTW, my website is just up and running.


If you have a fast connection and some additional patience, you may want

to check my website slide shows, especially the AuraStar slide show. It

covers specifically the up and down flowing energies as mentioned in the

quote above. Of course there is no talk with the show and I haven't put

speaker notes in, so you have to do a lot of figuring out by yourself.

As I am not totally done yet you may have to wade through the page links

on the left a bit.


I set the site up for MS Explorer but Netscape seems to work pretty well





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