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coming and going

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On Sun, 17 Dec 2000 10:48:53 Harsha wrote:

>One time I heard my teacher say something and the gist of it was that he

>became progressively more nonviolent towards himself and in his outlook and

>spiritual practices as he got older. That makes sense to me now. Youth is

>associated with great energy and enthusiasm but also with violence in

>various forms, even in ascetic practices. This seems to be particularly true

>of males. Age and experience can sometimes give us perspective and wisdom if

>the seeds were there in the youth. It seems, as we look around, that life is

>fragile and one is subjected to enough suffering as it is without needing to

>engage in behaviors and practices that cause more pain to one self and



>There is the coming together and there is the parting. This is the nature of

>all things. Knowing this deeply is sufficient to make one want to embrace

>every living being and give all of one's love.


*^_^* Thank you, Harsha. What a nice advent message.



As you say, love to all.








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