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This is a modified copy of a response to someone from a different list

but I thought it would be good to post it here as well.


Dear So and So,


Your experiences are of course very wonderful and truthful...

experiences of the holy, the mysterious, mystical and... physical... in

the realities of the human body and our good and lovely earth. A

watchful witnessing participation in its creative, generative even

genetic processes.

With me, this happens less on a conscious level now, as I am at the

moment in a different functionality. I used to - instead of astral

travel in the outside world - also move into the inside worlds, the

miniscule worlds inside the body, organs, cells, atoms, molecular

structures, subnuclear particles. Of course size is only relative as ONE

is really nothing of any size. If anything, one is the energetic

presence of an electron (huh??) (more on that later). Hope you don't

mind me saying it like this, the whole (physics as well as metaphysics,

physical as well as metaphysical) is sacred. There is no distinction,

never was there ever a distinction. (Newton's more alchemical writings

exemplify that.) Culture driven, maybe as a man, I feel at times more

drawn to the mysterious physics and physical parts...

How is that with you?

I have always tried to be in both (?) worlds at the same time... as they

are only ONE world. Nowadays so many woman are also participating in the

more scientific side of our sacred uni / omniverse.

Do you remember, a little while ago, I wrote about the one particle

concept, Richard Feynman and John Wheeler (Princeton) fantasizing that

"there only be just one particle". Only one particle (no more) that

figured out that when it moved (--- the first happening ---) and when it

did that quickly enough, a hilarious divine cheat and feat occurred, it

would be in two places at once, and then faster, in four, then eight,

then sixteen etc. 'exponential'. (This is my version of the event as

R.F. and J.W. thought in terms of a worldline, my version is in multi

dimensional time.) Then before 'it' knew - and that was 'its' game - it

would be 'all over the place' as 'it' created space and time doing

that --- just that one particle --- I call it the ONE ARTICLE, Leon

Ledermann calls it the God Particle.

There is something so fantastically great about that, we are not just

'all one', we are 'all just one', as we are 'one and all'. A timeless

and spaceless divine presence and consciousness that is able to 'know'

as well as 'not know' about its whereabouts. It can be momentarily aware

or unaware at an any intersection of its own meandering roadways in the

'time and space grids' that it itself so playfully creates in the first

place, 'right off the bat".

When I went through this experience, it not being conceptual... "I

witnesses and perceives as well as participates" (Sorry, hehehe, this is

funny language. I will have to leave it like that.) I am the particle

AND of course (between you and me) YOU are that as well... as WE

participate in each other, are each other's artifact and sacrifact.,

artifice and sacrifice, artful and holy action in communicative embrace.

This experience is the most primal and enduring, it is BEING BEEN

actively and passively, creatively and surrenderingly.

I have gone through other later (?) evolutionary stages of existence,

all happening of course in this moment, but relatively we might consider

them happening over time, such are our conceptual agreements.


What is happening with you?! Might that not be of the same kind as my

creational realizations? Your consciousness becoming at one with that

'particular / articular' divine consciousness, your participation in the

natural energetic cosmic processes also on a physical level in addition

to the conscious and spiritual one...?


'That all this is', in time and space, I consider the miracle.

It is no sweat to be God.

It is fascinating to be all this in its myriad of forms!

If I were God (hehehe) I would do exactly what is happening now



Get intensively into the detail of your encounters, as much of it as you

can muster. The self evidence will become even clearer, it may be

important to write about them or recount them to someone. One's

functionality thereby increases and the experiences of mysterious and

mystical scientific insights become more and more 'Original' as well as

'Omegal' if I may say it that way.

I, at one point, stopped the intensity of my macro and micro cosmic

watches as my functionality changed for the time being. Although still,

all through the day I am aware of all these macro as well as micro



I like it that you called this post "happening".






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