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right livlihood/ ramble

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*note: This is long, and I'm sorry if it bores you all! :P


I know that this was post a few days ago, but my server hadn't given

me any e-mails for the past week. Well, I read this subject, and

it's right up my alley! See, I'm currently going through a lot of

"soul-searching", to figure out what I want to do in my life. I'm

a senior in high school, and have always figured that I was going straight

to a four-year college. But then, when the dates for applying came

about, I just watched them come and go, without feeling regretful or anything.

And when my parents found out, they were surprised, but said they trust

that I know what I'm doing. But my sisters (ten and twelve years

older than me) are a different story. They were disappointed, and

said that, since I'm not sure exactly what I want to "be", I will end up

doing nothing much. See, I'm the youngest child, and I will be the

first to go to college.

And I *really* don't need/want everyone telling

me what is right for me. I'm having enough trouble as it is.

My problem is, I keep trying to think of a "noble profession". But

there are good and important things about any profession. Then, I

tried to figure out what I'm most passionate about, but that doesn't help,

because I'm passionate about everything! Finally, just last night,

I was reading a book, and suddenly had a *wild* idea: maybe, just maybe,

I could have any career, and live a "simple" life, day to day, not always

wanting something more than I have. Because there are so many things

that I have wanted to do, or places I've wanted to go- but why? I

think because I was looking to find something in the things I wanted

to do, or the places I wanted to go, but I never just enjoyed the things

I'm doing right now. I can remember how I felt at a friend's

birthday party, or going to the amusement park with my sisters- that happiness,

the excitement. Imagine feeling that every day- but why not?

The only reason people have "glum days", or boring days, are because they

were expecting something that didn't happen, right? So, without any

expectations, everything will be a surprise, which (good or bad) will nonetheless

be exciting!

Okay, I hadn't planned on writing this much, but

I read the post about right livlihood at what is called the "right time",

and I felt I just had to write, and say thanks to the ppl who posted, because

it is always nice to see that others share your views, although we've never

met or talked (to each other, that is-hehe) . Well, I'm done rambling...I

feel better, getting that all out!

~Christina :)

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Dear Christina,


I have a son (Emanuel) and he at one point (at 21) mused about what the

most important characteristic would be of a properly working society or


It took him many weeks of mental processing. He is a computer

programmer, and what he does before he starts coding, he runs various

kinds of code through his head, like virtual trial runs. The same way

he ran a variety of society schemes with different characteristics,

qualities and attributes through his head. Then one Saturday morning, at

breakfast he said, "Most of the society schemes crashed early on when I

ran them, the only society that did not crash was the one that had no



When you wrote:

> So, without any expectations,

> everything will be a surprise,

> which (good or bad) will

> nonetheless be exciting!


You got it!

Keep at it!







"Indirect knowledge gathered from books or teachers can never set a

human free until its truth is investigated, applied, experimented with

and experienced. Only direct, factual and actual realization does that.

Realize your whole self, reintegrate your mind and body." - Tripura

Rahasya, 18: 89-90

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Hi Christina,

Thank you for sharing. My grandaughter will be eighteen

in July, she is going through some of the same things about now. Most of

all it is getting to the place within yourself that you are able to reflect

honestly with what is coming to you. So often at this point in life, you

are operating from what you think someone else wants. Or what you believe

is expected of you, this is what brings the confusion, by detaching and

aligning yourself with your flow in Divine Will, by simply knowing that

your on target, the doors will open up to you. This puts you in the witness

role and an open place to see the bigger picture and see yourself growing

into a position of service to life. Then whatever happens will be right

because you will be in your flow and not be in the position of trying or

reacting, which in either role will bring frustration.

One thing you recognize as you mature is that life

is the teacher, it will open up to you and allow your talents to surface

as you get to the place of understanding this. I see life as an adventure,

it is forever providing you with choises and opportunities, by simply being

open and knowing that your soul has purpose in life, then you can follow

where your passion takes you. If you are passionate about helping people

then move into that area and scan all of the different ways of doing this,

if your soul passion is taking you in a different path then stand back

and observe this for a while, you will see what comes to you in this detached

state and you will understand why.

My Christina...she has the same name, said Gram,

you know I think I want to be a teacher but so many people tell me to go

and make money, etc. I just told her that if she can relate to teaching

children that is a very high calling, it is an extremely valuable position.

She is going to major in teaching and minor in business from our conversation.

She wants to work with children at least right now. That can change as

she moves along in the process and that is ok. Just get clear inside about

what you feel and then go with it. There is nothing right or wrong about

this, it is only about becoming clear with your higher self and understanding

that life is about change. Then whatever you do will be perfect. Gloria

Maureen Benton wrote:

*note: This is long, and I'm sorry if it bores you

all! :P

I know that this was post a few days ago, but my server hadn't given

me any e-mails for the past week. Well, I read this subject, and

it's right up my alley! See, I'm currently going through a lot of

"soul-searching", to figure out what I want to do in my life. I'm

a senior in high school, and have always figured that I was going straight

to a four-year college. But then, when the dates for applying came

about, I just watched them come and go, without feeling regretful or anything.

And when my parents found out, they were surprised, but said they trust

that I know what I'm doing. But my sisters (ten and twelve years

older than me) are a different story. They were disappointed, and

said that, since I'm not sure exactly what I want to "be", I will end up

doing nothing much. See, I'm the youngest child, and I will be the

first to go to college.

And I *really* don't need/want everyone telling

me what is right for me. I'm having enough trouble as it is.

My problem is, I keep trying to think of a "noble profession". But

there are good and important things about any profession. Then, I

tried to figure out what I'm most passionate about, but that doesn't help,

because I'm passionate about everything! Finally, just last night,

I was reading a book, and suddenly had a *wild* idea: maybe, just maybe,

I could have any career, and live a "simple" life, day to day, not always

wanting something more than I have. Because there are so many things

that I have wanted to do, or places I've wanted to go- but why? I

think because I was looking to find something in the things I wanted

to do, or the places I wanted to go, but I never just enjoyed the things

I'm doing right now. I can remember how I felt at a friend's

birthday party, or going to the amusement park with my sisters- that happiness,

the excitement. Imagine feeling that every day- but why not?

The only reason people have "glum days", or boring days, are because they

were expecting something that didn't happen, right? So, without any

expectations, everything will be a surprise, which (good or bad) will nonetheless

be exciting!

Okay, I hadn't planned on writing this much, but

I read the post about right livlihood at what is called the "right time",

and I felt I just had to write, and say thanks to the ppl who posted, because

it is always nice to see that others share your views, although we've never

met or talked (to each other, that is-hehe) . Well, I'm done rambling...I

feel better, getting that all out!

~Christina :)


All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home

is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

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Enter The Silence to become the Lightless Light and the Soundless Sound

Gloria Joy Greco

dennisgloria (AT) acninc (DOT) net




MY SPONSORS @ http://www7.50megs.com/gloria/Sponsors.htm

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