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Message For the New Millennium

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Sat Sandesh


Message for the New Millennium

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj


This is an English translation of a talk given by Sant Rajinder Singh

Ji on May 30, 1999, in Delhi, India, which was the tenth bhandara of

Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj.


It is a great joy that this is the first

issue of Sat Sandesh in the new millennium. Sat Sandesh is a sacred publication

begun by the great Master, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj in Hindi and

Urdu in 1954 and in English in 1968 as a vehicle to bring out the message

of truth. As we enter January 2000, this is the forty-seventh year of

Sat Sandesh in Hindi and Urdu and the thirty-third year in English. It

is heartwarming that this magazine begun by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj

and continued by Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj is shedding its rays of

spiritual light on the generations who are living in the new millennium.


The beauty of the Sat Sandesh is that its message is eternal. As Sant

Kirpal Singh Ji wrote in the first message published in the January 1968

English Sat Sandesh, "I am sending Sat Sandesh, the message of the Lord

that all saints and prophets have been bringing from time to time...."


The sun shines day after day, year after year, on our planet. Its rays

are necessary for the growth of the plants and flowers on our earth.

Although its rays are the same, the flowers and trees that grow due to

those rays come in a variety of different colors, shapes, and sizes.

Although there are multicolored flowers and fruits, the sunlight that

gives them life is one and the same.


Similarly, the message of truth shines as steadily as the sun does, but

the variety of ways in which that message is presented is always new

and different. Whether that message came through a satsang on verses

from the scriptures as Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj used to give, or

whether it came through a poetic talk based on an analogy to a real life

circumstance as Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj used to give, or whether

it comes through a talk based on the verses of one of the great saints

and Masters of the past, the message of truth in the various satsangs

is one and the same. That message is that there is God, we are soul—a

drop of God, and the highest aim of life is to reunite our soul with

its Creator through meditation, ethical living, and love for all living



The message of the saints is simple, but it can be sung in so many different

songs. The beauty of Sat Sandesh is that it always has a new, evergreen

song in which to bring out the same message. The Singer is eternal, and

the songs are infinite.


As we enter the new millennium, we find many changes in the outer world

since the magazine began. In the 1950’s and 1960’s the world was run

on electrical and mechanical appliances and devices; today it is run

by computers. Computer technology has brought about many advances that

are changing the way people in the world live and interact. We live in

a world of space exploration, of the Internet and e-mail in which information

from any part of the world can be accessed within seconds. We are witnessing

new medical technologies that are on the verge of curing many life-threatening

diseases. Modern medicine is finding ways to replace damaged and diseased

body organs. We have gained more knowledge about health and nutrition

that can improve the quality of our lives. We have many modern conveniences

to make our daily life easier. In the new millennium we will see changes

that people today have not even begun to dream of. While outer life has

changed dramatically, the inner life is eternal. God is eternal, our

soul is eternal, and the inner journey is eternal.


The spiritual life is, in reality, a state of eternal joy, bliss, and

happiness. Today, we find more and more people able to access it through

the grace and work of the three great Masters of the last century: Hazur

Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, and Sant Darshan

Singh Ji Maharaj. During the last two millennia, we find that most spiritual

Masters had very few disciples. Jesus had twelve disciples. Buddha began

with but a few. Muhammad also began with a small number of disciples.

If we go back to the time of Soami Ji Maharaj and Baba Jaimal Singh Ji

Maharaj their disciples were limited to people in the East.


It was Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj who began opening up the teachings

so that during his lifetime he initiated 125,000 people, including the

first few people from the West. With his grace, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji

Maharaj continued making the teachings available to people throughout

the world by undertaking three world tours. He was the first Master to

travel to the West. He published scores of books in English that found

their way into bookstores and libraries throughout the world and led

many people from the West to the spiritual path. Sant Darshan Singh Ji

Maharaj continued his work and had the works of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji

translated into almost fifty languages, which further spread the seeds

of spirituality far and wide. His four world tours continued to bring

people from all over the world to the spiritual science. By the end of

the ministries of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji and Sant Darshan Singh Ji there

were combined over 150,000 more people initiated through their grace.

Today, with their grace, almost 250,000 additional people have been initiated

into the spiritual path. What was previously accessible to only a few

is now open to people all over the world. The grace of the Masters is

so generous that previously one had to sit at the feet of the Master

for many years before being accepted for initiation. During the time

of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, people had to wait three to six months

for initiation. In the time of Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, he opened

it up so that people who wanted initiation on tour could get it right

away if they could make the commitment to be vegetarian, give up alcohol

and drugs, and live on their honest earnings. Today, that process is

continuing. It is through the grace of the Masters that the gift of Light

and Sound is available to all sincere seekers after truth who wish to

avail themselves of that opportunity.


When we look at the history of the last millennium, we find it is stained

with the blood of millions of people who died due to hatred over differences

in religion, culture, outer physical appearance, or socio-economic status.

As we enter the new millennium we still find crime, violence, and war

a reality in many parts of the world.


So what is different and what will be different in the new millennium?

As I have often said, each of us must come to the realization that "peace

begins with me." It begins with each of us finding inner peace for ourselves

and radiating it to others.


The question is not how there can be peace in the world, but how can

we, as individuals, bring about peace in our own circles. If we wish

the new millennium to be a time of peace, then think about the day-to-day

interactions we have in our own lives and consider how we can bring peace

to our environment. If we start with our families, we can affect the

lives of our spouses, our children, our siblings, and our parents. Many

of us go to work. Think about how many interactions we have at our jobs.

There is our boss, our co-workers, and others with whom we have contact.

Then, we meet so many people throughout the day such as shopkeepers,

bus drivers, taxi cab drivers, neighbors, doctors, and other service

and professional people with whom we can have positive interactions.

We should be walking ambassadors of peace and love on earth, and we can

make a difference in the lives of all those we meet. The new millennium

offers to us a challenge to see how our own lives can have a positive

effect on the lives of others.


Although December 31, 1999, may not look much different from January

1, 2000, in the outer world, there can be a world of difference within

us if we use this moment to transform ourselves. We can transform ourselves

by strengthening our commitment to our own spiritual goals. Let us usher

in the new millennium by re-evaluating our lives and making a firm commitment

to reach our spiritual goals. Let us consider whether we are devoting

enough time to our meditation practices and, if not, resolve to increase

that time. Let us reflect on whether we have done all we can to reduce

our failures in the ethical virtues and resolve to improve even further.

Let us consider how much time we give to selfless service and think about

whether we can increase that amount of time. Let us think about how much

love we have for our fellow beings and commit to being more loving to

those around us.


The dawning of this new millennium is more than a date on the calendar;

it can be our date to meet the Eternal Beloved. How close we are to fulfilling

that meeting is up to us. We must do our best and leave the rest to God.

If we are sincere in our efforts, then God will surely bless us. If we

are not doing our best, then let today be the day that we improve our

efforts so that we can attract more and more divine grace.


The new millennium is a state of heart and a state of the soul. It is

time to lead as spiritual a life as we can, as loving a life as we can,

as giving a life as we can. By doing so, we can make this new millennium

a golden age of spirituality for us and for all those with whom we share

this planet.


Let the golden rays of spirituality dawn in every human heart. May this

millennium be one in which every person reunites with the Lord and enjoys

all-embracing love and ecstasy. I would like to conclude with this prayer:


May the golden age of spirituality shine forth in the new millennium;

May its rays awaken all souls to the divinity within them.

May those rays embrace with love and bliss people of all nations,

And may that love bring peace and ecstasy to every soul in creation.








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Hello truth seekers! I am Sahajman. I am a spritiual conqeuror an

empror of light come to shed my grace on the forotuante ones. I

recently conquered the Nondualty saoon and defeated the enlightned

people there in wild that thrilling debates and put many on the proper

path. I have come to do the same here. I am a peaceful warror. I teach

the doctrine of central and primal non-centrality which is superior in

everyway to both duality and nonduality. It takes one to 101st level

of existent primal energy consciousness and beyond. I reside

permanently at the 101st level. At this level, it is difficutl to

function properly. So I avoid the spell checkers and hope no one minds.


I taught Buddha this doctrine, although he misunderstood it a little

bit. For eons, I have taught this docotrine. It is difficult and

subtle and yet easy and obvious. this is the beauty of it. Would you

like for me to say more.


Take me to your leader. Speak o' fortunate ones who witness my

presenence. Blessed are thouy indeed.


Sahajman (The Total and Complete Master of All Realms)





, "James Bean" <santmat@z...> wrote:

> Sat Sandesh


> Message for the New Millennium

> Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj


> This is an English translation of a talk given by Sant Rajinder Singh

> Ji on May 30, 1999, in Delhi, India, which was the tenth bhandara of

> Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj.


> It is a great joy that this is the first

> issue of Sat Sandesh in the new millennium. Sat Sandesh is a sacred


> begun by the great Master, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj in Hindi and

> Urdu in 1954 and in English in 1968 as a vehicle to bring out the


> of truth. As we enter January 2000, this is the forty-seventh year of

> Sat Sandesh in Hindi and Urdu and the thirty-third year in English. It

> is heartwarming that this magazine begun by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj

> and continued by Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj is shedding its rays of

> spiritual light on the generations who are living in the new millennium.


> The beauty of the Sat Sandesh is that its message is eternal. As Sant

> Kirpal Singh Ji wrote in the first message published in the January 1968

> English Sat Sandesh, "I am sending Sat Sandesh, the message of the Lord

> that all saints and prophets have been bringing from time to time...."


> The sun shines day after day, year after year, on our planet. Its rays

> are necessary for the growth of the plants and flowers on our earth.

> Although its rays are the same, the flowers and trees that grow due to

> those rays come in a variety of different colors, shapes, and sizes.

> Although there are multicolored flowers and fruits, the sunlight that

> gives them life is one and the same.


> Similarly, the message of truth shines as steadily as the sun does, but

> the variety of ways in which that message is presented is always new

> and different. Whether that message came through a satsang on verses

> from the scriptures as Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj used to give, or

> whether it came through a poetic talk based on an analogy to a real life

> circumstance as Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj used to give, or whether

> it comes through a talk based on the verses of one of the great saints

> and Masters of the past, the message of truth in the various satsangs

> is one and the same. That message is that there is God, we are soul?a

> drop of God, and the highest aim of life is to reunite our soul with

> its Creator through meditation, ethical living, and love for all living

> beings.


> The message of the saints is simple, but it can be sung in so many


> songs. The beauty of Sat Sandesh is that it always has a new, evergreen

> song in which to bring out the same message. The Singer is eternal, and

> the songs are infinite.


> As we enter the new millennium, we find many changes in the outer world

> since the magazine began. In the 1950?s and 1960?s the world was run

> on electrical and mechanical appliances and devices; today it is run

> by computers. Computer technology has brought about many advances that

> are changing the way people in the world live and interact. We live in

> a world of space exploration, of the Internet and e-mail in which


> from any part of the world can be accessed within seconds. We are


> new medical technologies that are on the verge of curing many


> diseases. Modern medicine is finding ways to replace damaged and


> body organs. We have gained more knowledge about health and nutrition

> that can improve the quality of our lives. We have many modern


> to make our daily life easier. In the new millennium we will see changes

> that people today have not even begun to dream of. While outer life has

> changed dramatically, the inner life is eternal. God is eternal, our

> soul is eternal, and the inner journey is eternal.


> The spiritual life is, in reality, a state of eternal joy, bliss, and

> happiness. Today, we find more and more people able to access it through

> the grace and work of the three great Masters of the last century: Hazur

> Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, and Sant


> Singh Ji Maharaj. During the last two millennia, we find that most


> Masters had very few disciples. Jesus had twelve disciples. Buddha began

> with but a few. Muhammad also began with a small number of disciples.

> If we go back to the time of Soami Ji Maharaj and Baba Jaimal Singh Ji

> Maharaj their disciples were limited to people in the East.


> It was Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj who began opening up the


> so that during his lifetime he initiated 125,000 people, including the

> first few people from the West. With his grace, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji

> Maharaj continued making the teachings available to people throughout

> the world by undertaking three world tours. He was the first Master to

> travel to the West. He published scores of books in English that found

> their way into bookstores and libraries throughout the world and led

> many people from the West to the spiritual path. Sant Darshan Singh Ji

> Maharaj continued his work and had the works of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji

> translated into almost fifty languages, which further spread the seeds

> of spirituality far and wide. His four world tours continued to bring

> people from all over the world to the spiritual science. By the end of

> the ministries of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji and Sant Darshan Singh Ji there

> were combined over 150,000 more people initiated through their grace.

> Today, with their grace, almost 250,000 additional people have been


> into the spiritual path. What was previously accessible to only a few

> is now open to people all over the world. The grace of the Masters is

> so generous that previously one had to sit at the feet of the Master

> for many years before being accepted for initiation. During the time

> of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, people had to wait three to six months

> for initiation. In the time of Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, he opened

> it up so that people who wanted initiation on tour could get it right

> away if they could make the commitment to be vegetarian, give up alcohol

> and drugs, and live on their honest earnings. Today, that process is

> continuing. It is through the grace of the Masters that the gift of


> and Sound is available to all sincere seekers after truth who wish to

> avail themselves of that opportunity.


> When we look at the history of the last millennium, we find it is


> with the blood of millions of people who died due to hatred over


> in religion, culture, outer physical appearance, or socio-economic


> As we enter the new millennium we still find crime, violence, and war

> a reality in many parts of the world.


> So what is different and what will be different in the new millennium?

> As I have often said, each of us must come to the realization that


> begins with me." It begins with each of us finding inner peace for


> and radiating it to others.


> The question is not how there can be peace in the world, but how can

> we, as individuals, bring about peace in our own circles. If we wish

> the new millennium to be a time of peace, then think about the


> interactions we have in our own lives and consider how we can bring


> to our environment. If we start with our families, we can affect the

> lives of our spouses, our children, our siblings, and our parents. Many

> of us go to work. Think about how many interactions we have at our jobs.

> There is our boss, our co-workers, and others with whom we have contact.

> Then, we meet so many people throughout the day such as shopkeepers,

> bus drivers, taxi cab drivers, neighbors, doctors, and other service

> and professional people with whom we can have positive interactions.

> We should be walking ambassadors of peace and love on earth, and we can

> make a difference in the lives of all those we meet. The new millennium

> offers to us a challenge to see how our own lives can have a positive

> effect on the lives of others.


> Although December 31, 1999, may not look much different from January

> 1, 2000, in the outer world, there can be a world of difference within

> us if we use this moment to transform ourselves. We can transform


> by strengthening our commitment to our own spiritual goals. Let us usher

> in the new millennium by re-evaluating our lives and making a firm


> to reach our spiritual goals. Let us consider whether we are devoting

> enough time to our meditation practices and, if not, resolve to increase

> that time. Let us reflect on whether we have done all we can to reduce

> our failures in the ethical virtues and resolve to improve even further.

> Let us consider how much time we give to selfless service and think


> whether we can increase that amount of time. Let us think about how much

> love we have for our fellow beings and commit to being more loving to

> those around us.


> The dawning of this new millennium is more than a date on the calendar;

> it can be our date to meet the Eternal Beloved. How close we are to


> that meeting is up to us. We must do our best and leave the rest to God.

> If we are sincere in our efforts, then God will surely bless us. If we

> are not doing our best, then let today be the day that we improve our

> efforts so that we can attract more and more divine grace.


> The new millennium is a state of heart and a state of the soul. It is

> time to lead as spiritual a life as we can, as loving a life as we can,

> as giving a life as we can. By doing so, we can make this new millennium

> a golden age of spirituality for us and for all those with whom we share

> this planet.


> Let the golden rays of spirituality dawn in every human heart. May this

> millennium be one in which every person reunites with the Lord and


> all-embracing love and ecstasy. I would like to conclude with this



> May the golden age of spirituality shine forth in the new millennium;

> May its rays awaken all souls to the divinity within them.

> May those rays embrace with love and bliss people of all nations,

> And may that love bring peace and ecstasy to every soul in creation.

> §



> -



> _________________

> To get your own FREE ZDNet Onebox - FREE voicemail, email, and fax,

> all in one place - sign up today at http://www.zdnetonebox.com

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Hi Sahajman,


I've edited your post for spelling.


you're welcome,



sahajman wrote:

> Hello truth seekers! I am Sahajman. I am a spritiual conqueror and

> emperor of light come to shed my grace on the fortunate ones. I

> recently conquered the Nonduality salon and defeated the enlightened

> people there in wild and thrilling debates and put many on the proper

> path. I have come to do the same here. I am a peaceful warror. I

> teach

> the doctrine of central and primal non-centrality which is superior in


> everyway to both duality and nonduality. It takes one to the 101st

> level

> of existent primal energy consciousness and beyond. I reside

> permanently at the 101st level. At this level, it is difficult to

> function properly, so I avoid the spell-checkers and hope no one

> minds.


> I taught Buddha this doctrine, although he misunderstood it a little

> bit. For eons, I have taught this doctrine. It is difficult and

> subtle and yet easy and obvious. This is the beauty of it. Would you


> like for me to say more?


> Take me to your leader. Speak, oh fortunate ones who witness my

> presence. Blessed are thou indeed.


> Sahajman (The Total and Complete Master of All Realms)


> Sahajman


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Wednesday, January 03, 2001 3:29 PM

Re: Message For the New Millennium



Hello truth seekers! I am Sahajman. I am a spritiual conqeuror an

empror of light come to shed my grace on the forotuante ones. I

recently conquered the Nondualty saoon and defeated the enlightned

people there in wild that thrilling debates and put many on the proper

path. I have come to do the same here. I am a peaceful warror. I teach

the doctrine of central and primal non-centrality which is superior in

everyway to both duality and nonduality. It takes one to 101st level

of existent primal energy consciousness and beyond. I reside

permanently at the 101st level. At this level, it is difficutl to

function properly. So I avoid the spell checkers and hope no one minds.


I taught Buddha this doctrine, although he misunderstood it a little

bit. For eons, I have taught this docotrine. It is difficult and

subtle and yet easy and obvious. this is the beauty of it. Would you

like for me to say more.


Take me to your leader. Speak o' fortunate ones who witness my

presenence. Blessed are thouy indeed.


Sahajman (The Total and Complete Master of All Realms)




Dear Sahaj,


Hi, our leader is on vacation. Spelling we don't mind, and am glad you are not

as long-winded as "some", but then what is the good of it, if you don't bother

to snip those long posts. I may become the Total and Complete Master of Nagging,

if people don't shape up here. Don't make us have to take severe measures, ok?


If you can esplain primal non-centrality, as humorously as your inaugaural post,

it will be a thrill indeed. Funny, I don't recall meeting you over on NDS.

perhaps your defeat was too subtle to be noticed tho.


Swami Gloria-ji


Supreme Co-Moderator

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Gloria Greco here: Sahajman I'm so glad you have exposed yourself to us,

we might have overlooked the warrior in our midst, God Bless.

Mace Mealer wrote:

sahajman (AT) hotmail (DOT) com wrote\\

taught Buddha this doctrine, although he misunderstood

it a little

bit. For eons, I have taught this docotrine. It is

difficult and

subtle and yet easy and obvious. this is the beauty of it. Would you

like for me to say more.

Take me to your leader. Speak o' fortunate ones who witness my

presenence. Blessed are thouy indeed.

Sahajman (The Total and Complete Master of All Realms)





that Hat!?



All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home

is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

www., and select the User Center link from the menu bar

on the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.


Enter The Silence to become the Lightless Light and the Soundless Sound

Gloria Joy Greco

dennisgloria (AT) acninc (DOT) net




MY SPONSORS @ http://www7.50megs.com/gloria/Sponsors.htm


Attachment: (image/gif) /Macintosh%20HD/Temporary%20Items/nsmail75.gif [not stored]

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sahajman (AT) hotmail (DOT) com wrote:

Hello truth seekers! I am Sahajman. I am a spritiual

conqeuror an

empror of light come to shed my grace on the forotuante ones. I

recently conquered the Nondualty saoon and defeated the enlightned

people there in wild that thrilling debates and put many on the proper

path. I have come to do the same here. I am a peaceful warror. I teach

the doctrine of central and primal non-centrality which is superior


everyway to both duality and nonduality. It takes one to 101st level

of existent primal energy consciousness and beyond. I reside

permanently at the 101st level. At this level, it is difficutl to

function properly. So I avoid the spell checkers and hope no one minds.

I taught Buddha this doctrine, although he misunderstood it a little

bit. For eons, I have taught this docotrine. It is difficult and

subtle and yet easy and obvious. this is the beauty of it. Would you

like for me to say more.

Take me to your leader. Speak o' fortunate ones who witness my

presenence. Blessed are thouy indeed.

Sahajman (The Total and Complete Master of All Realms)



did you

get that Hat!?


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Dear Official satsangh Sahajman Shaman,


I took your message through my spell checker, free of charge of course.

It is pirated shareware anyway as you can see from how well it did the


I tried to squeeze you through as well, but it offered no helpful

suggestions apart from suggesting to press the <Ignore> button ad


But I persisted, such is my compulsion.


Here is your message again.

I think I know what you mean and I thank you for your missive



Help truth sneakers! I am Shaman. I am a spirituals konker, an

impression of light come to shed my grains on these fortune-tellers


I recently konked out in the Non Adulation Spittoon and defacated on the


people there in wild and thrilling debates and put many on the pooper

path. I have come to do the shame here. I am a peaceful wart. I teach

the indoctrination of central and primitive eccentricity which is

superior in

everyway to both brutality and individuality. I take one (sometimes two)

to 101street

with consistent primitive energy, concussions and a blonde. I recite

permanently at the 101street elevator. At this level, it is a dippy

cult to

function pooperly. So I avoid the shell peckers and hope no one has



I taught Buddha this indolence, although he misunderstood me a little

bit. For eons I have sought this doctoring. It is a dippy cult and

subtle and yet easy and oblivious. This is the beauty of it. Would you

like for me to say more?


Take me to your bleader. Speak O Fortunate Cookies, who witness my

presumptions. Blessed are kind thoughts indeed.


Shaman (The SubTotal and Incompetent Master of All Reams)




Shalam I-likeim

Whim (Your Blessed Bleeder)

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I wish I had said that... (You will, Oscar, you will)


Love, Mark


Wim Borsboom wrote:

> Dear Official satsangh Sahajman Shaman,


> I took your message through my spell checker, free of charge of

> course.

> It is pirated shareware anyway as you can see from how well it did the


> job!

> I tried to squeeze you through as well, but it offered no helpful

> suggestions apart from suggesting to press the <Ignore> button ad

> nauseam.

> But I persisted, such is my compulsion.


> Here is your message again.

> I think I know what you mean and I thank you for your missive

> (misschive(sp?):


> >>>>>>>

> Help truth sneakers! I am Shaman. I am a spirituals konker, an

> impression of light come to shed my grains on these fortune-tellers

> once.

> I recently konked out in the Non Adulation Spittoon and defacated on

> the

> lightning

> people there in wild and thrilling debates and put many on the pooper

> path. I have come to do the shame here. I am a peaceful wart. I teach

> the indoctrination of central and primitive eccentricity which is

> superior in

> everyway to both brutality and individuality. I take one (sometimes

> two)

> to 101street

> with consistent primitive energy, concussions and a blonde. I recite

> permanently at the 101street elevator. At this level, it is a dippy

> cult to

> function pooperly. So I avoid the shell peckers and hope no one has

> minds.


> I taught Buddha this indolence, although he misunderstood me a little

> bit. For eons I have sought this doctoring. It is a dippy cult and

> subtle and yet easy and oblivious. This is the beauty of it. Would you


> like for me to say more?


> Take me to your bleader. Speak O Fortunate Cookies, who witness my

> presumptions. Blessed are kind thoughts indeed.


> Shaman (The SubTotal and Incompetent Master of All Reams)


> Shaman

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> Shalam I-likeim

> Whim (Your Blessed Bleeder)


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sahajman (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Wednesday, January 03, 2001 3:29 PM

Re: Message For the New Millennium

Hello truth seekers! I am Sahajman. I am a spritiual conqeuror

anempror of light come to shed my grace on the forotuante ones.

Irecently conquered the Nondualty saoon and defeated the

enlightnedpeople there in wild that thrilling debates and put many on

the properpath. I have come to do the same here. I am a peaceful

warror. I teachthe doctrine of central and primal non-centrality

which is superior ineveryway to both duality and nonduality. It takes

one to 101st levelof existent primal energy consciousness and beyond.

I residepermanently at the 101st level. At this level, it is

difficutl tofunction properly. So I avoid the spell checkers and hope

no one minds.

Welcome everyone to the 2001 st level of the human race.


Lalita Shiva Shati Kundalini

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Hi Antoine


You wrote:

>Welcome everyone to the 2001 st level of the human race.


That is cute too.

Don't you think we are all doing well without Harsha here?

We are beating him at his humor.




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Let's not let him come back. He's a hoodlum...

Love, Mark

ps but a sweet one at that.


Wim Borsboom wrote:

> Hi Antoine


> You wrote:

> >Welcome everyone to the 2001 st level of the human race.


> That is cute too.

> Don't you think we are all doing well without Harsha here?

> We are beating him at his humor.


> Love,

> Wim




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> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> Self. Welcome all to a.


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Thankyou Ottoman for your assistanc with the spell checker. fortunate

you are to have such oppertunityies to help the Blessed One that

Sahajman is. I recall that two centuries ago in another life you were

born in Japan in the house of a chamption summo wrestler. As you grew

up your father said to your mother, this boy is too skinny to follow

in my footsetps. you overheard and felt ashamed and started a life of

heavy summo exercises combined with eating gobs of butter, icecream,

and other stuff with calories. At the age of 18, you made your father

proud by beating the heavyweight summo champion and sitting on him for

a few seconds which made him pass out. When you got married to a

petite and beautiful young japanese aristocratic princess, I appeared

there at the wedding (as an aged tantic taoist master) to advise you

before you went for your honeymoon. My advice to you was the same as

it is now. Let your wife be on the top, if you wish for a happy

marriage. Young otto, this is my advice to you. Because you are big,

let others be on the top. You have a big heart auto. Let others be on

top. Follliw it yor success.


Sahajman (master of all realms and dear abby of the universe)



, Mark Otter <mark.otter@s...> wrote:

> Hi Sahajman,


> I've edited your post for spelling.


> you're welcome,

> Mark


> sahajman@h... wrote:


> > Hello truth seekers! I am Sahajman. I am a spritiual conqueror and

> > emperor of light come to shed my grace on the fortunate ones. I

> > recently conquered the Nonduality salon and defeated the enlightened

> > people there in wild and thrilling debates and put many on the proper

> > path. I have come to do the same here. I am a peaceful warror. I

> > teach

> > the doctrine of central and primal non-centrality which is superior in

> >

> > everyway to both duality and nonduality. It takes one to the 101st

> > level

> > of existent primal energy consciousness and beyond. I reside

> > permanently at the 101st level. At this level, it is difficult to

> > function properly, so I avoid the spell-checkers and hope no one

> > minds.

> >

> > I taught Buddha this doctrine, although he misunderstood it a little

> > bit. For eons, I have taught this doctrine. It is difficult and

> > subtle and yet easy and obvious. This is the beauty of it. Would you

> >

> > like for me to say more?

> >

> > Take me to your leader. Speak, oh fortunate ones who witness my

> > presence. Blessed are thou indeed.

> >

> > Sahajman (The Total and Complete Master of All Realms)

> >

> > Sahajman

> >

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