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Help with Kundalini yoga

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On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 04:12:27 Mazie Lane wrote:

>> This is an area I know very little about. A friend in New York

>State is

>> practicing kundalini yoga and having frightening and intense


>> experiences during meditation. Can anyone recommend a reputable and

>> knowledgeable person he could talk to, call, or go see about how to


>> with the problem? Basically, it's a matter of a huge energy surge


>> meditation, turning into severe anxiety. He wants not to give up


>> meditation, but he doesn't know what to do.


Hi Greg,


Common sense indicates that when the energy produces sensations of fear, which

can often happen, it is time to reduce the amount and/or intensity of meditation



Even if one slows down on the meditation, the energy may still be working in the

background to slowly resolve the fear, so at some time in the future, meditation

can be picked up again.


My personal experience is that talking it over with an experienced practitioner

will help on the fear even if no definite advice can be given (which often


Simply talking about the fear can help alleviate it. :)









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Hello Amanda, Greg,


The presence of a body in front of another is this not one of the strongest

form of advice that may be given ?




< < Hi Greg,



My personal experience is that talking it over with an experienced

practitioner will help on the fear even if no definite advice can be given

(which often happens).

Simply talking about the fear can help alleviate it. :)




Amanda. >>



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On 1/11/01 at 8:08 AM Antoine Carré wrote:


ºHello Amanda, Greg,


ºThe presence of a body in front of another is this not one of the strongest

ºform of advice that may be given ?




If there is some kind of a relationship, that certainly is true.

But what surprises me, is not knowing this simple analogy...


When dreaming and one suddenly finds oneself in a "house of horrors",

that probably will evoke a lot of fear and all responses, associated with it.

But when awake at a fair, the same "house of horrors" can cause a lot of

fun and laughter. As long as one is "practitioner", the analogy is applicable :)

That knowledge alone can evaporate fears...



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