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In a message dated 1/13/01 3:53:06 PM, harsha-hkl writes:

>Hello Everyone. Much love to you all. I just came back to town this



Uh oh.... Harsha's back!!


Everyone comb your hair, tuck in your shirts and sit up straight!


No wait.... scratch that. At ease, men (and women, and Mark ;)


May I be the first to welcome you back, Harsha. From my semi-lurking

perspective, the feeling around here over the past couple of weeks was

much like a school class that was temporarily missing a teacher (there

were no spitball fights, but likely only because that would be a hard

trick to pull off on-line). Rest assured, however, that order was

maintained by our other fearless leaders.


Take care, all, and namasté-



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Hello Everyone. Much love to you all. I just came back to town this



Hope your holiday were filled with the joys of family (and arguments were

kept to a minimum!) and that you had a wonderful new year as well. I very

much enjoyed the three weeks that I was gone and had many laughs as well.

School begins in a week or so for me. The third millennium has truly

started. A new age always brings with it certain hopes and dreams and the

energy and enthusiasm to pursue them and live them. I would wish for all of

you success in attaining your true love in work and life.


January 1, 2001 was the second anniversary of this list and we are all

grateful to the people, too many to mention, who have enriched us with their

presence, insights, sharing of heart felt experiences, beautiful poetry,

stunning pictures, fascinating stories, and good natured humor. Recently

Gloria and Amanda have actively helped in coordinating and moderating the

activities of the list and that is deeply appreciated.


Internet is a unique technology and one of the pivotal developments of our

times. It has redefined the nature of relationships, how they are built, and

how communities form. It used to be that once you moved away from a town, a

city, a state, or even a neighborhood, you lost touch with people. With this

technology, you have the chance to find those who share your interests and

aspirations and remain part of and contribute to that Satsang community

regardless of where you are in the world. There seems to be incredible

beauty and vitality in that continuity.


We are about to come out with the first issue of the HS Website and

Magazine. Our dear friends and contributors to the list, Greg Goode and

David Hodges have been working on the Web page and Gloria Lee in her role as

the coordinator and editor has been soliciting and organizing materials. We

have had help from TG, Linda, Holly, Robert, Mace, Jan, Jerrysan Rinpoche,

Pham, Frank, Michael, Amanda, and many others. You will enjoy the quality of

their insights and depth of wisdom in their writing. These contributors and

editors are from all walks of life. They are counselors, astrologers, yogis,

real estate agents, artists, scientists, poets, psychologists, lawyers,

gardeners, teachers, students, and even brick layers (OK, maybe I made up

the last one). But they have one thing in common and that is their joy of

sharing their heart and life with us. For that we are grateful and humbled

by their honest expressions.


We will keep everyone informed as to when the site will be available.


I did not check my @home e-mail for the last three weeks and due to mailbox

becoming full, messages over the last 5 days or so have bounced. I will be

catching up with everything later tonight.


Again, the best wishes to you for the new year and the third millennium.


Love to all


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mumble cat [mumblecat]

Sunday, January 14, 2001 12:26 AM

Thanks and Welcome


On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 18:07:35 UnbrknCh8n wrote:

>May I be the first to welcome you back, Harsha. From my semi-lurking

>perspective, the feeling around here over the past couple of weeks was

>much like a school class that was temporarily missing a teacher


(laugh) That is an appropriate image, Mike. :)


There was much fun and kindness here as always.


A warm welcome back, Harsha.


Thank you for the beautiful and generous holiday / I'm back greeting to us.


And a happy belated two year b-day to .







Thanks Mike and Amanda. By the way Mike, hopefully I am not like a stern

school teacher. I am more like Sahajman! Sahajman! :-).


It seems like everyone here was having a good time and there were some

great posts. I am glad that Amanda stopped the discussion between Wim and

Judi about Judi's list. That seemed to be going no where fast.


Just catching up and thinking ahead about what has to be done over the next

few days. First job, grocery shopping!


Love to all


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Dear Harsha,


You are back!! Glad to hear you had a good time. Jan has put us all to shame by

making his website in 3 days, he's a boy wonder isn't he? You must see all his

beautiful pictures. Well, first things first, get groceries. But how did you

know I was a brick layer? Well, for a few days I was anyway, I made my own

sidewalks and a patio. Sahajman! Sahajman! may have been in telepathic

communication with you, but we lesser mortals miss the warmth of your smiling






PS You know me, I would have thrown a wild party for the anniversary, but

Amanda made us behave.

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Thanks, Mike... I'm always at ease when I scratch it.


Love, Mark

oops.. forgot Harsha was back. I'd better behave.


UnbrknCh8n wrote:

> Everyone comb your hair, tuck in your shirts and sit up straight!


> No wait.... scratch that. At ease, men (and women, and Mark ;)


It's so nice to be special.



> Take care, all, and namasté-


> Mike

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Dear Harsha,

You wrote:

>I am glad that Amanda stopped the discussion between Wim and>Judi

about Judi's list. That seemed to be going no where fast.

Judi feels so much happier at "the end of the rope... ranch."


\ |

\ |


It felt like a game of hangman :-)

Sorry... humor (?) can get pretty stabby... sorry!!!

Thanks again, Amanda for stopping it. But that little bit of

discussion that was there, gave me some deeper insight into the

difference between enlightenment and realization.

Ah, humor, yeah, Sahajman is quite somebody and I take his humor quite

seriously (in a humorous way). I think the S-man has something up his

sleeve that we really want to see pop out. I'm looking forward to a

magazine article by him on "the main principles of the doctrine of

Primal Noncentrality and the story of how I tried to teach it to


Love, Wim

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