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Shangri-la ~ Jerry

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My last post, the web is too slow tonight.




During WWII, many ugly things were said of many people,

many people died for rumors and less.


I find it exceptionally difficult to believe that

from what I have seen and read of HRH Dalai Lama

that he would endorse violence in any form.


Don't you find this totally antithetical to everything

you know and have seen of him?


Any film, newsprint and quotes can be edited.


As my grandfather, a pacifist, once said when someone

was repeating slander about him, "oh well, then at

least they are leaving someone else alone."


I would think deeply on whether or not the *facts*

presented align themselves harmoniously with what

you have read, know and your intuition.


I think it is impossible for the Dalai Lama to endorse




~ bo

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Wise grandfather!!! Sounds like a cool guy!






At 11:30 PM 1/15/01 -0000, Rainbolily wrote:

>As my grandfather, a pacifist, once said when someone

>was repeating slander about him, "oh well, then at

>least they are leaving someone else alone."

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Dear ~ bo, Jerry

>I think it is impossible for the Dalai Lama >to endorse violence.I agree.

Am sure he tries to talk the political Tibetans out of it.

The articles and TV documentary seemed to be 2 to 3 years old and the various webpages as well.

Also Jerry, I wonder what the state of affairs is now.

These Tibetans that are with you, is there anything you can do "mutual compassion" wise?

We sponsored a young monk from the Tibetan Dzonkar Ghode Monastery

near Mysore, I believe they are also involved. My wife visited there,

she will be back this Thursday, I'll ask her how it affected them.

Love, Wim

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Nothing is "impossible." Unless you know him personally and have lived with

him, or

anyone else for that matter, don't assume you know him. Everyone, I repeat,


has a shadow.





Dear ~ bo, Jerry

>I think it is impossible for the Dalai Lama

>to endorse violence.


I agree.

Am sure he tries to talk the political Tibetans out of it.

The articles and TV documentary seemed to be 2 to 3 years old and the various

webpages as well.

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The past?





Hi Mark:


You wrote:

>Everyone, I repeat,

>everyone has a shadow.


True enough,


The past is not a good model for the future though, that never works.



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On 1/16/01 at 6:31 AM Milarepa wrote:



Everyone, I



ºhas a shadow.




Photons don't cast a shadow - there is nothing to illuminate them...



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Dear Mark (Milarepa),


You wrote:

>Everyone, I repeat,

>everyone has a shadow.


I wrote:

>The past is not a good model

>for the future..., that never works.


You wrote:

>The past?


Mark, I'm known for long posts, but maybe I can keep this one short.


As I said, it does not work, it will not, it can not, it has not worked.

Just like the future...


The past, the future, even 'now' is all conceptual.

ALL THIS IS... IS some form or another of pure energy, ...

(Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara in the Heart Sutra)


You talked about 'shadow'


That somehow refers to light does it not...?


As primal energy PLAYS its mysteries, it somehow breaks its SELF up,

refracts, diffracts, transforms into this wonderful something that YOU

and I apparently experience as life in all its forms and manifestations.

As IT does that manifesting, IT creates space and time in waves and

densities, whirling and twirling, folding, enfolding, unfolding into

denser and subtler intensities, in all the aggregates that we may be

able to see... the myriad of ALL THIS, THAT IT IS.


void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is void is

form is void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is

void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is void is

form is void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is

void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is


What is there to it?



The stuff we communicate to each other


a-voiding and a-forming

miraculous stuff


An intense play of mutuality.

Call it love.

We are it

void is form is void is form is I is YOU is IT.


The senses (skandhas), however many we may have, are the tools we humans

employ, that allow us to contact and play with that wonderful conundrum.

(The brain collects those data and the mind conceptualizes about it.)

That previous sentence in brackets is very unimportant. Hee hee.


THIS is what you are confronted with, right here and now, what you are

handling at this moment, in this timeless and spaceless void that plays

form that plays void that plays form that plays void that plays form

that plays void that plays form that plays void that plays form that

plays void that plays form that plays void that plays form that plays

void that plays form that plays void that plays form that plays void

that plays form that plays void that plays form that plays void...


We happen to measure it in many newfangled ways... sticking our necks

out, extending our senses. No end to that endeavour of measuring

reality. We call that what we size up 'maya' or the 'physical stuff'

(the meted out, the measurable, measuring relatednesses, proportions.)

This measuring extends our sensed experiences, helped along by concepts

that may make us understand more and more of it.


Time, past, future, space, now, later, here, there, somewhere,

nowhere... mentalized concepts to make sense of what our senses sense...



No but...

I got to go and eat my porridge...


Love, Wim




"Indirect knowledge gathered from books or teachers can never set a

human free until its truth is investigated, applied, experimented with

and experienced. Only direct, factual and actual realization does that.

Realize your whole self, reintegrate your mind and body." - Tripura

Rahasya, 18: 89-90

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You are going off into never, never land my friend. By shadow, I'm referring to

the psychological shadow, not a physical one. You should go to India and

explain your cosmic principles to the monks with the bruises from

the beatings they took. They know very well that their pain isn't real in


terms but I'll bet they still hurt like hell. Like it or not, there is a

conditional realm

to deal with and it has all it's laws and karmas in place and the psychological

shadow is one of them.

BTW, this discussion is about the DL, not absolute dharma.










Dear Mark (Milarepa),


You wrote:

>Everyone, I repeat,

>everyone has a shadow.


I wrote:

>The past is not a good model

>for the future..., that never works.


You wrote:

>The past?


Mark, I'm known for long posts, but maybe I can keep this one short.


As I said, it does not work, it will not, it can not, it has not worked.

Just like the future...


The past, the future, even 'now' is all conceptual.

ALL THIS IS... IS some form or another of pure energy, ...

(Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara in the Heart Sutra)


You talked about 'shadow'


That somehow refers to light does it not...?


As primal energy PLAYS its mysteries, it somehow breaks its SELF up,

refracts, diffracts, transforms into this wonderful something that YOU

and I apparently experience as life in all its forms and manifestations.

As IT does that manifesting, IT creates space and time in waves and

densities, whirling and twirling, folding, enfolding, unfolding into

denser and subtler intensities, in all the aggregates that we may be

able to see... the myriad of ALL THIS, THAT IT IS.


void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is void is

form is void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is

void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is void is

form is void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is

void is form is void is form is void is form is void is form is


What is there to it?



The stuff we communicate to each other


a-voiding and a-forming

miraculous stuff


An intense play of mutuality.

Call it love.

We are it

void is form is void is form is I is YOU is IT.


The senses (skandhas), however many we may have, are the tools we humans

employ, that allow us to contact and play with that wonderful conundrum.

(The brain collects those data and the mind conceptualizes about it.)

That previous sentence in brackets is very unimportant. Hee hee.


THIS is what you are confronted with, right here and now, what you are

handling at this moment, in this timeless and spaceless void that plays

form that plays void that plays form that plays void that plays form

that plays void that plays form that plays void that plays form that

plays void that plays form that plays void that plays form that plays

void that plays form that plays void that plays form that plays void

that plays form that plays void that plays form that plays void...


We happen to measure it in many newfangled ways... sticking our necks

out, extending our senses. No end to that endeavour of measuring

reality. We call that what we size up 'maya' or the 'physical stuff'

(the meted out, the measurable, measuring relatednesses, proportions.)

This measuring extends our sensed experiences, helped along by concepts

that may make us understand more and more of it.


Time, past, future, space, now, later, here, there, somewhere,

nowhere... mentalized concepts to make sense of what our senses sense...



No but...

I got to go and eat my porridge...


Love, Wim




"Indirect knowledge gathered from books or teachers can never set a

human free until its truth is investigated, applied, experimented with

and experienced. Only direct, factual and actual realization does that.

Realize your whole self, reintegrate your mind and body." - Tripura

Rahasya, 18: 89-90



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and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back into the


of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean, all things


from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go

but is

always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to


the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

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<< On 1/16/01 at 6:31 AM Milarepa wrote:



Everyone, I



ºhas a shadow.




Photons don't cast a shadow - there is nothing to illuminate them...


Jan >>


The moon at noon...


Also there is a nice theory in physics that goes that there is only one




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, Antoine Carré <carrea@v...> wrote:

> << On 1/16/01 at 6:31 AM Milarepa wrote:


> º[...]

> Everyone, I

> ºrepeat,

> ºeveryone

> ºhas a shadow.

> º

> ºMark


> Photons don't cast a shadow - there is nothing to illuminate them...


> Jan >>


> The moon at noon...


> Also there is a nice theory in physics that goes that there is only


> photon.


> Antoine


And what a busy little thing it is!



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On 1/17/01 at 10:17 PM Antoine Carré wrote:


ºThe moon at noon...


ºAlso there is a nice theory in physics that goes that there is only one





In this part of the world, the moon at noon is visible enough to take a picture

of good quality...

And I don't know the theory about the one photon... But the world of sense

objects simultaneously appearing with the sentient entity, it follows that the

laws of nature do not exist apart from a sentient (here meaning feeling

qualities) observer. Patanjali Chapter III, dealing with siddhis, attainable by

modifying identification - which is a modification of sentience. And so are

states of mind like hypnosis, somnambulation, precognition, to mention a few...



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jb wrote:


But the world of sense objects simultaneously appearing with the

sentient entity, it follows that the laws of nature do not exist apart

from a sentient (here meaning feeling qualities) observer.


> Jan



Hi Jan,


This has it's counterpart in science as well. It's called the anthropic

principle, and cosmologists love to play with it for one. I am not

particularly well versed in it, but I understand there are at least two

versions of it - the weak anthropic principle that states something like

"you should not be surprised that sentience has arisen in this universe

because if it hadn't, how would you have noticed?" That's probably not

well stated, but the idea is that sentient beings will tend to find

themselves living in universes which have produced sentient beings, and

not in universes that have not produced sentient beings. That is not to

suggest that there might not be universes which have not produced

sentient beings, but they are not observed because sentience is required

to do the observing. The weak anthropic principle allows us to ignore

universes that do not produce sentient beings because we can't do

anything other than ignore them anyway, so it cuts down on the paperwork

involved in keeping track of all possible universes, which is good

because cosmologists often don't have large budgets to work with

anyway. The strong anthropic principle suggests that there could never

be universes which don't produce sentient being sometime in their

existence because universes are basically made in order to produce

sentient beings. That is to say that universes appreciate being

appreciated and that sentience is a requirement for appreciation. This

sounds more like the mystical point of view to me, but I don't know what

it's consequences are for cosmology. I think there are proponents of

both anthropic principles, and also those who don't support either, but

are too busy trying to get funded to think about these things.


Love, Mark

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On 1/18/01 at 9:41 AM Mark W. Otter wrote:




ºHi Jan,


ºThis has it's counterpart in science as well. It's called the anthropic

ºprinciple, and cosmologists love to play with it for one. I am not

ºparticularly well versed in it, but I understand there are at least two

ºversions of it - the weak anthropic principle that states something like

º"you should not be surprised that sentience has arisen in this universe

ºbecause if it hadn't, how would you have noticed?" [...]


Although sentience is the rule, there have been some cases where sentience was

changed to the extent that only "sight and sound" remained. And then, the laws

of nature will have changed accordingly - but in the sense of a micro-cosmos as

Buddha remarked. In other words, a "local relative reality" that is but a less

restrictive subset of "Reality" than the subset for "fully sentient beings".

Regarding this, my interest has always been for the exceptions - on this planet

about 1 in 1,000,000,000 :)



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ºThe moon at noon...


ºAlso there is a nice theory in physics that goes that there is only one





In this part of the world, the moon at noon is visible enough to take a

picture of good quality...





Yes, it was what I wanted to say by the moon at noon.


The moon you see in the sky at noon becomes the light that illuminates the

alchemical sun.


As you know,



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