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Mazie/ children/meat-eating

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Thank you Mazie for sharing that beautiful way that you raised your daughter

in the way of Ahimsa and how she has excelled in athletics, This is most

inspiring and it is delightful to know that children are getting this type

of education and parental support for this way of life in many traditions.

Your daughter is an exceptional human being and a gift to the earth and you

can rightly be proud of her. In the Bhagvad Gita, Bhagvan Krishna says at

one point that a birth in the house of a yogi is rare and is only due to

very good merit. It seems like the birth of your daughter is such a birth as

you are a yogi and your daughter Evelyn is born in your house due to her

good past merit.







Mazie Lane [sraddha54]

Friday, January 19, 2001 2:15 PM

Re: children/meat-eating



Dear Harsha,

I read your message about vegetarian children with great interest.

My daughter Evelyn has been a life-long vegetarian, she is now twenty-

two. My late husband and I are both vegetarians. I'm sure this was

the lead in for Evelyn being vegetarian, but more so, I think she

came into this world with that attitude already. She was, and is a

true lover of ahimsa. We welcomed endless hurt and stray animals and

bugs from as early as three years old from Evelyn's compassionate

ways. One poignant story concerned her finding a wounded grasshopper

that a cat had mangled. She brought it to me in a tiny box filled

with grass and rose petals, and announced that she had to find

another grasshopper so that the dying one would not have to die

alone. She even took it another step further when she was opening and

closing the cupboard doors while singing, 'we need some food, all we

have to eat are pots and pans!' Evelyn has always tried to think of

others and how they are gifts of God that give her the opportunity to

serve. Along with her compassionate nature she maintains a complete

lack of ego. She is truly humble, even though she has a brilliant

mind and a very advanced soul in this life. She is an environmental

engineering major at Humboldt University and a disciple of

Paramahansa Yogananda. She has been a great teacher for me. And as

far as people thinking that meat protein is necessary for achieving

the best in sports advancement, she rowed on the women's rowing team

for four years and excelled, while remaining a complete vegetarian.

She is going to raise her future children as vegetarians and pass on

her spiritual nature, thus continuing another generation of 'ahimsa-

minded' individuals. I am honored that she came into this world

through my body. It is people like Evelyn that are changing the

world's views about love, ahimsa and God-realization, and being part

of an unbroken chain of non-meat-eaters. Obviously, I love her

ecstatically. Thank-you for mentioning children and vegetarianism. It

is a very beautiful thing to ponder about and share stories about.

In Divine Friendship,


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