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Re:kundalini awakening/ Jerry

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Hi Jerry,

> My sentiments are similar to those eloquently expressed by Gloria,

> ie, that the nature of the *cause* of a spiritual experience isn't the

> most important factor in *evaluating* said experience. l've never done

> drugs myself (beyond occasional marijuana use eons ago) but it's been well

> documented by Grof and others that they can open the door to religious

> experience.


I think, for me, the most important factor is the resulting change in

beliefs and behaviour. (As someone said recently on this list, what

comes out of a person is more important than what goes in.) For

me, right now, that's kind of hard to evaluate, but I'm sure there are

going to be some positive effects.


> l think it's also been

> pretty well established that the important thing has been how well

> prepared the individual is in every way to integrate any such experience.

> l don't know if you've read the story of Bhagavan Das, who was somewhat of

> a mentor to Ram Dass in lndia in the 60's. BD had every sort of

> enlightening experience imaginable -- his book makes great reading -- but

> after having all of these experiences he still fell completely off the

> path for many years. lt was as if he'd never even had the experiences. He

> hadn't integrated them at all. Not that this applies to you at all, ha ha,

> and you already know all this -- just throwing it in.


I haven't read that book -- sounds very interesting, and probably

instructive in the sense of 'here's how *not* to do it'.

> l'm glad you're writing about your k

> experience. One of the major reasons l stay on these lists is because my k

> saga is still an ongoing, day to day affair, in which l feel anything

> could happen at any time. And l know from past experience that it can be

> traumatizing and confusing. A list such as this should be available as a

> source of info and support at such times, and you certainly have my full

> fledged support.


Thank you for your compassion. My feelings have been up and

down like a roller-coaster these past few days, and physically I'm

very tired, so it's wonderful to feel that other people understand.




ps I've just been reading about your zen garden. It's beautiful.

> love from Mt

> Kailash, jerrysan

> rinpoche

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Thank you Jerrysan.


I just ordered it at Powells.com


They have a few different books still available from the

same author.


Greetings from France,




nb : I put some funny photo today on :




I like this site.



Jacques De Schryver et Linda Steven




Site de Linda : http://www.multimania.com/lsteven

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