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RE: The earthquake - any explanation for the ...

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In a message dated 1/29/01 5:10:58 AM Pacific Standard Time,

harsha-hkl (frank maiello) writes:


<< the fact also emerges that, yes, this is the karma that is

in fact *vital* to the evolution of these souls. i believe

unequivocally that each of us has in our past, undergone

such tragedies, for this very purpose.


99% of the people of the world are unaware of the fact that

virtually *every single day*, over 120,000 people die of

starvation alone...40,000 of which are children under 5!

(statistics according to the Worldwatch Institute.) this

is sobering to say the least. but it also clarifies the

nature of the soul's inscrutable plan [of evolution, and

its often paradoxic dynamics]..



l've thought of posting something on the tragic events in lndia, but l

haven't been able to -- nothing has felt adequate. When a cataclysmic event

like this occurs l always ask myself what would it be like to be one of the

traumatized individuals l see on my tv screen? And it reminds me that l

haven't yet reached - and may not reach - a stage of evolvement at which l

could experience losing everything, including the people l love, with any

sense of equanymity. l'm not questioning anyone who says they have reached

such a stage -- l'm just admitting that l haven't.


have to admit too that my shallow knowledge of the law of karma doesn't help

me here. lt is sobering, to say the least, to consider that 120,000 people

are starving every day on this planet. But it's even harder for me to feel

confident that individual karma plays a role when a natural disaster like an

earthquake takes a huge toll in what seems like such an arbitrary way. When

the earthquake in China took 200,000 lives years ago, can we feel assured

that all of those 200,000 people had the same karma in this respect? lt

appears that their geographical proximity to the quake is what they had in

common rather than their karma.


impression has been that, recognizing the difficulty in trying to explain

this in terms of individual karma, people usually propose the concept of

national karma or some form of group karma, but l've never actually heard it

fully discussed.

So here l am, admittedly as clueless as ever

-- not having attained The View yet. All l know to do is try to remember the

victims and pray.

l also keep wondering this: we're

so used to seeing horrific natural disasters strike third world countries,

and we hear the rationalizations " Poor construction, etc was the reason for

all these deaths." Bullshit. Give me a 7.9 quake in LA or SF or any other

large US city and God knows what the level of destruction and suffering would

be. lt's got to happen some day. And at the rate US hospitals and ERs are

disappearing, you'll see the same crisis in responding. Hopefully not for a

long time.

from Mt Kailash,

jerrysan rinpoche

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GCWein1111 wrote:




.... But it's even harder for me to feel

confident that individual karma plays a role when a natural disaster like an

earthquake takes a huge toll in what seems like such an arbitrary way. When

the earthquake in China took 200,000 lives years ago, can we feel assured

that all of those 200,000 people had the same karma in this respect? lt

appears that their geographical proximity to the quake is what they had in

common rather than their karma.



jerrysan rinpoche



Hi Jerrysan & All,


Many years ago, when I was in the depths of interest in healing, I met and

studied with a woman by the name of Rosalyn Bruyere; a healer and Aura

Reader. Rosalyn and both of her sons were born with this ability. She shared

something very interesting that pertains to your above comments:


The auras of people depart prior to their dying.


Also, Edgar Cayce, (The Sleeping Prophet) in his own, personal experience,

was about to get onto an elevator. When the doors opened, he 'saw' that all

of the people in the elavator had no auras. He did not go in. The doors

closed and the elevator crashed, killing everyone.


In addition, in Vedic Astrology,


"In the words of a great sage: "A child is born on that day and at that

hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual

karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable

past and it's probable future results...the chart shows what we are now

because of what we have thought and done in the past...astrology, by

providing us with a blueprint of our attachments, problems, talents, and

mental tendencies, offers us a way of not only realizing in a specific sense

exactly what our karma is, and helping us work with these confrontations

within and without, but also a way of beginning to rise above and gain a

perspective on this karma."


~ This is an egroup dedicated to Ramana Maharshi, a Jnani, and Jnana Marga.

While all posting here are not drawn that way, in Advaita Vedanta, in words

pointing, it is said there is no Karma; Karma is part of the dream. All

images 'appearing' upon the Screen of Consciousness.


I do not mean to make light of this in any way, Jerry. I am clairvoyant and

I used to be so sensitive, that I would 'feel'everything: the suffering of

all. Actually being that open was instrumental (which at the time seemed to

be very horrific and tremendous suffering for me)on the way to coming to



"Always remember deep in your heart that all is well and everything is

unfolding as it should. There are no mistakes anywhere at any time. What

appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination. That's all...."


Robert Adams

My polestar Jnani, the aforementioned said, "You could cut off my fingers,

the body would feel it to a certain extent, but you couldn't take my bliss



In a dialogue with a student,


Student: ..."and if your an ajnai?"


Robert: "You suffer" He then said to those present... "That why you should

practice now. Don't wait till a bomb falls on your head."


In my own understanding,Jerry, it's not about becoming cold and

hard-hearted, but rather about turning within and 'seeing' through

appearances. (But that happens when it happens) This does not imply that

caring and love and compassion for the myriad forms, nor the extending of

help to those in need that appear to be suffering does not arise.


But finding that place ~ within, (when the MIND is quiet) brings about

equanimity and that place ~IS~ PURE LOVE.


This maya, this world 'appears' and with the appearance, a veritable

tragicomedy is played out. It's all Divine Hypnosis.


But again, this is only an explanation.


As Michael, said "Sometimes your leela sucks."



Peace and Love,


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Hi Jessica,


Jessica White wrote:

> I do not mean to make light of this in any way, Jerry. I am

> clairvoyant and

> I used to be so sensitive, that I would 'feel'everything: the

> suffering of

> all. Actually being that open was instrumental (which at the time

> seemed to

> be very horrific and tremendous suffering for me)on the way to coming

> to

> Advaita.




> Peace and Love,

> ~jessica



During my normal everyday routine, I am fairly immune to the suffering

of others (being so deeply involved in my own...), but during the

holotropic breathwork (HB), and for awhile afterwards, I am more in tune

with it. When the breathing is particularly powerful, I experience what

seems like archtypal suffering, where the suffering that I experience no

longer seems at all personal, but strikes me as being simply human

suffering (often VAST human suffering). I've been a bit hesitant to

talk much about this, other than to mention it at the workshops because

the HB model focuses on the personal perinatal, that is the birth

experience, as metaphor for and prime example of the death/rebirth

process which the therapy elicits and helps one move through to

increased peace of mind, health, whatever it is we are doing the work

for. I started doing the work for jollies, and now I consider it part

of my sadhana. Anyway, I recently was pointed towards a book by

Christopher Bache, a practitioner of HB and Director of Transformational

Learning at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and former professor of

Religious Studies at Youngstown State University. Bache discusses his

HB experiences which became transpersonal as well, and in particular, he

discusses the idea that karma is not so personal as we tend to portray

it. Indeed, if there is no self, how can there be personal karma?

In-between the idea of a personal self working out its karma and the

heart of God, in which karma is just an illusion, appears to be a level

in which there is a species mind, and species karma. Bache suggests

that we are in a species-wide dark night of the soul, ego-death/rebirth,

in which we are about to precipitate a species-wide, perhaps planet-wide

awakening. He cautions that the species wide dark night of the soul,

while paving the way (yikes what a telling metaphor that is...paving)

for the wonderful awakening into a much grander, lighter way of being,

will as you might imagine from your own personal (or at least accounts

of personal) dark nights of the soul, be a bit wrenching. This is the

picture in which I perceive earthquakes and plagues, HIV, world wars,

etc... A cleansing, an experiencing of the consequences of

individualism, a purging of a world view that fails to see the unity of



Anyway, I'm going on and on, but I do recommend Bache's book for those

who like to read. It has been for me one of those books that clearly

states something I've been sure I knew for quite awhile, but hadn't

heard or seen anyone else say. Like coming home. It's called Dark

Night, Early Dawn, and is published by SUNY Press (gosh, home was close

to home all the time...)


Love, Mark

ps here is Christian de Quincey's web page about Bache's book. I'm sure

there are others for anyone interested.


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