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Amanda/Wim and Tim was: Hell in Life

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Dear Amanda,


, "mumble cat" <mumblecat@a...> wrote:

> Hmmm.... Wim, I rather think Tim / Omkara has stopped listening to

> you and participating in this discussion.


You would be correct on that account. Not that I have

anything 'against' Wim (I don't know him)... but my impression

is, 'agenda'. When I read his posts, my 'hidden agenda' detector

goes off. I could be wrong, but I've learned to listen to that

little beeper :-).

> Also, last time we had a list members being a little too eager to

>talk about their sex lives and show off their cool by swearing, the

>moderators deemed those behavior modes bad form for the list.

> So Tim and Wim, please keep the swearing and the sex lives a secret

> for the rest of us, hm ?


I have absolutely no interest in discussing anything about 'sex

lives' (mine or anyone else's). As for "swearing"... I'd like to

hear from the moderator on that. I rarely 'swear' in these forums,

but any hard-and-fast rule that blocks spontaneity of discussion

can't be beneficial, unless there are small children here.

>We try to have some style in here and take ourselves as seriously as

>possible befitting our status as enlightened advaitins.


Amanda, you're preaching/lecturing... if you care to 'hear' the tone

of what you wrote above. As seen from here, that's far more

unpleasant than any four letter word. Reminds me of how my grade-

school teachers used to talk.




Omkara (Tim)

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Omkara Datta

unless there are small children here.


For one there is me...


Words don't mean anything,

its all in the way they are said or typed,

but even then the children of silence may be swept away by the wind of words...



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----Original Message-----Antoine Carré [carrea (AT) videotron (DOT) ca]Omkara Datta

unless there are small children here.


For one there is me...


Words don't mean anything,

its all in the way they are said or typed,

but even then the children of silence may be swept away by the wind of words...




But you are a child of nature Antoine! Beautiful smile in the picture

that you sent. I hope Wim's words have not had any negative impact

because you are newly married. Everything will be OK.


Hey Wim! I have missed some posts and missed yours until Amanda

brought it to our attention. I had to skim the whole thing to find

the objectionable material. Boy, are my eyes tired or what?


Amanda is right Wim. The purpose and the spirit of the list is not

consistent with members discussing and or boasting in any way about

their sex lives, (unless such comments are spontaneously and

extremely brilliant and subtle, related to Self-Realization in some

way, and/ or for the purpose of educating, teaching, and made in good

taste, or if they are in the proper context extremely funny and

obviously entertaining). Our panel of monitoring judges has found

your post (specifically the two lines about your personal experience

with self-help) to not fully meet this criteria and our generally

high standards for comments of that nature. That is not to say that

you have done anything morally wrong that you need to feel guilty

about. Not the least! You should justifiable take pride in your

accomplishments. Here is the list policy given below.


Pure exhibitionism for its own sake, without regard to the proper

spiritual audience (that we are), while respected as an important

need for many, and as a type of energy that seeks a variety of

outlets for fulfillment, cannot be completely accommodated in its

entirety here on this Satsang as it would be too energy draining for

the rest of us.Therefore, you are encouraged to re-channel these

energies constructively in multiple directions directly opposite to

their previous vectors with the help and assistance of the three Rs

as they relate to the nature of audience and the context of speech

here. RRR. Reflection, Restraint, Respect.






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Dear Harsha,


You wrote:

> Therefore, you

> are encouraged to re-channel these energies constructively in multiple

> directions directly opposite to their previous vectors with the help and

> assistance of the three Rs as they relate to the nature of audience and


> context of speech here. RRR. Reflection, Restraint, Respect.


I have to laugh, what a nice way of putting it... :-)


Thanks Harsha, for the triple R rating scheme that I will apply to my



Even though Harsha, my 'borderline trespassing' did not fully originate with

me... In fact, I thought my answer was a rather fun and light response to

some remark that I found hilarious in its physical implications as well as

gross in its judgemental intent and portent.


Love, Wim

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