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Dear Harsha,


, "Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)"

> I love your bluntness Tim! Thank you. We support a diversity of

> spiritual perspectives here. I guess we are just a wild and crazy

> bunch in some ways.

> Perhaps what you are saying is that all the nicey nicey stuff here

> is contrived.


Only to the extent that it when it isn't genuine or authentic, but

imposed from 'outside' by a 'set of rules' -- then it becomes

contrived. If a strong set of external 'laws' are necessary, then

how does this reflect on us... are we assumed criminals that must

have these controls imposed, are we automatically assumed to be

violent and nasty *by default* so that these external controls are

necessary, to keep the animal instincts that we are in check?


That would be sad indeed if true...

> I am not sure about that. The bottom line is that we are just

> genuinely decent and good people and like to have fun without going

> outside the bounds of common civility.


The only thing I question is... who defines common civility? The

definition of this varies from culture to culture, person to person,

society to society.


There are some generalities that make sense, such as personal,

egotistical attacks are definitely not in the spirit of Satsangh...


But when it gets to the point some people are saying "no

swearing,no discussion of sex,nothing that could potentially

arouse controversy"... then it becomes stagnant, sterile and dead.

It becomes religious in the historical sense of religion... based on

arbitrary "moralities" imposed on the public in order to please the

lowest common denominator, in order not to potentally offend

someone... the type of morality the right wing religious adores...


Then authenticity, genuineness is stifled and the atmosphere becomes

leaden, stale and dead.





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Dear Tim,

I love both the NDS and HS. This summer i got to spend a weekend with Harsha

and Jerry and 11 other beloved souls--i don't notice any censorship going on

at HS; i do notice with pleasure an absence of the gratuitous insults and stupid


(notice--there are good jokes on HS!) and richochet posts that clog up my


from NDS much as i love it...nora



> ---

> Only to the extent that it when it isn't genuine or authentic, but

> imposed from 'outside' by a 'set of rules' -- then it becomes

> contrived. If a strong set of external 'laws' are necessary, then

> how does this reflect on us... are we assumed criminals that must

> have these controls imposed, are we automatically assumed to be

> violent and nasty *by default* so that these external controls are

> necessary, to keep the animal instincts that we are in check?


> That would be sad indeed if true...


> > I am not sure about that. The bottom line is that we are just

> > genuinely decent and good people and like to have fun without going

> > outside the bounds of common civility.


> The only thing I question is... who defines common civility? The

> definition of this varies from culture to culture, person to person,

> society to society.


> There are some generalities that make sense, such as personal,

> egotistical attacks are definitely not in the spirit of Satsangh...






> /join


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.

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