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UFOs and ETs

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I recently took a break from my Advaita and nonduality books and read

Extraterrestrial Contact by Steven Greer, M.D. As it turns out, the guy is

a nondualist, so I can't get away from it even if I try!


Some of you may consider this to be off topic, but here goes anyway. I

recently read a book entitled Extraterrestrial Contact by Steven Greer, M.D.

It was absolutely fascinating, the best book I have ever read on the



The evidence he presents that we are being visited by extraterrestrials is

very compelling. There is so much of it, in fact, that your eyes eventually

start to glaze over. There have been mass sightings of UFOs in recent years

in Belgium and Mexico before literally hundreds, if not thousands, of

witnesses. Greer has, since 1992 or so, been spearheading what he calls the

CE-5 Initiative, in which trained teams go to areas of recent UFO sightings

and attempt to make contact with them. In one case, Greer and his team went

to a place in England where UFOs and crop circles were appearing. The team

did make visual contact with one or more UFOs, and they were signaling to

each other with lights back and forth. The team also mentally projected a

specific design to the UFOs. The next day, that exact design appeared as a

crop circle in a nearby field! This design is now the logo of CSETI, the

organization Greer founded


But the most amazing part of the book concerns Greer's claims about what the

government knows about this matter. He states, among many other things:


- "The US government, at least at the level of a highly compartmentalized

above top secret group, has known about the reality of these ETS

[extraterrestrial spacecraft] and their occupants since at least 1946."


- "The US government possesses several ETS and the deceased bodies of

several EBEs [extraterrestrial biological entities]."


- The government group or groups that possess this knowledge and this

physical evidence are operating beyond Constitutional authority, and our

elected leaders do not have control over them.


- These secret groups have reverse engineered ET technologies and the

release of these technologies would transform our world overnight:


"Consider: A technology which enables energy generation from the

so-called zero point field and which enables every home, business, factory

and vehicle to have its own source of power - without an external fuel

source. Ever. No need for oil, gas, coal, nuclear plants or the internal

combusion engine. And no pollution. Period.

"Consider: A technology using electro-gravitic devices which allows for

above surface transportation--no more roadways to cover fertile farmland

since transportation could take place totally above the surface."


"One must consider what will happen when every village in India (or

Africa or South America or China) has devices which can generate large

amounts of power without pollution and without spending huge sums of energy

on fuel. the entire world will be able to develop in an unprecedented

fashion--without pollution and without billions spent on power plants,

transmission lines and combustible fuels. The have-nots will have."


Greer and his group CSETI (www.cseti.org) have been planning for some time a

major public disclosure, with testimony from over a hundred witnesses, many

of them former military and government employees. Many of the government

witnesses have never come forward before and will not testify without

Congressional immunity. They had hoped to have this event during the

Clinton administration, but it was not to be. As I understand it, they now

hope to have it sometime early this year.


Greer's nondualistic outlook is evident in his chapter "UFOs, Humanity And

The Full Spectrum of Reality." Commenting on the debate in the community of

UFO investigators and theorists about whether UFOs are "nuts and bolts"

spacecraft or an "interdimensional" phenomenon, Greer writes:


"Could it be that *both* are correct?

"The reconciliation of these two views is possible by employing a

comprehensive paradigm of reality which does not fragment 'physical' from

'other dimensional' but which instead replaces the either/or argument with

and/and. That the predominant western bias for dualism, separatism and

reductionism has been applied to UFOlogy, as well as other areas of study,

does not mean that such a perspective in any way reflects reality. We are

accustomed to speaking of mind-body, material-spiritual,

physical-nonphysical as though a real separation exists, when in actuality

such distinctions are convenient, though linear, mental constructs. The

discussion of 'other dimensions' assumes that indeed there are other

dimensions which are somehow separate from this dimension, whater this

dimension is."


And further:


"We are reaching the point where further advances in the physical sciences

will require concomitant advances in the realm of consciousness or mind. At

that point, we will find that the interface between mind and matter,

physical and transcendent, is in reality a matter of perception and

dependente on the level of consciousness of the perceiver. Our perplexity

over the UFO phenomenon is in part due to a lack of insight into what it

means to be human,of the dynamics of mind and consiousness, and a strange

addiction to the neat and hypnotic separation between mind and matter,

science and religion, objective and subjective. Such fragmentation is a

monster of our own devising, and can be conquered only by evolving to a way

of perceiving which is inclusive, holistic and unified. In this we find

the greatest challenge and the greatest lesson in the UFO phenomenon. May

we not fail in this endeavor.

"In its greatest sense, the full spectrum of reality is another way of

saying 'God,' and therefore is infinite and all-inclusive. While each

generation of scientists and philsoophers regard their current knowledge as

the apex of all learning, just as surely the next generation will surpass

it. We will not exhaust the full spectrum of reality in this generation,

not in the next. But the path of exploration will remain open only to the

extent that we hold our minds open to an ever-expanding reality. For just

as soon as we think we know it all, or say 'aha! That's it!', we limit our

progress and throw a roadblock onto the path of knowledge."


Dr. Greer's book is available at www.cseti.org



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Hi Mark/Kelvin,


Have you heard of the book by Joseph Corso, called "The Day After Roswell"?

He was on the Army's R&D team in the late 40's and for many years after.

He writes about actually seeing the aliens and their spaceships at the

aftermath of the crashes near Los Alamos. The gov't still has the large

glass containers with the EBE's. According to Corso, most of the stuff

that investigators do know is strategically leaked by the government and

military, so that they can control the flow and direction of knowledge. We

reverse-engineered kevlar, lasers, and a few other things from UFO

technology, he writes. This seems to substantiate Steven Greer's claims.

Very convincing-sounding.


Crop circles are cool!







At 08:43 AM 2/8/01 -0800, M.K. Hovila wrote:

>I recently took a break from my Advaita and nonduality books and read

>Extraterrestrial Contact by Steven Greer, M.D. As it turns out, the guy is

>a nondualist, so I can't get away from it even if I try!


>Some of you may consider this to be off topic, but here goes anyway. I

>recently read a book entitled Extraterrestrial Contact by Steven Greer, M.D.

>It was absolutely fascinating, the best book I have ever read on the




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Amazing. I have heard about that book, and now I'll be sure to read it. I

forgot to mention that unlike many in the "UFO community," Greer believes

that these visitors are peaceful, despite the abduction reports, which he

has a lot to say about. His CE-5 initiative, reaching out to the visitors,

might be a good opportunity to practice some of the "nondual activism" Jerry

talks about.



> Have you heard of the book by Joseph Corso, called "The Day After


> He was on the Army's R&D team in the late 40's and for many years after.

> He writes about actually seeing the aliens and their spaceships at the

> aftermath of the crashes near Los Alamos. The gov't still has the large

> glass containers with the EBE's. According to Corso, most of the stuff

> that investigators do know is strategically leaked by the government and

> military, so that they can control the flow and direction of knowledge.


> reverse-engineered kevlar, lasers, and a few other things from UFO

> technology, he writes. This seems to substantiate Steven Greer's claims.

> Very convincing-sounding.


> Crop circles are cool!


> Love,


> --Greg

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Dear Kelvin,


Just ruminating on your post, Kelvin, no skepticism intended or an intent to



I wish those ETs would be smart enough to bypass all those secret agencies

and other bottlenecks and hand us (EACH and EVERY individual, also the

secret agents and heads of corporations :-) all their knowledge and

expertise "A technology which enables energy generation from the so-called

zero point field" straight through... bypassing even the slightest

possibility to not be known or found out or hidden away.


They could even be so smart as to prevent the global and financial

calamities that could ensue from their positive interference...so that

everyone wins... instantly.


Free energy, why should anyone worry then, ever?


If it is free for everyone then it is also free for the corporations,

institutes and organizations who would stand to lose. Well, if they lose

they can make it up with whatever is free, even 'power mongers' will benefit

as they can take their free vacations wherever and whenever and mix freely

with anyone else who they needed to take their money and labour so as to

afford expensive habitations and vacations.

If anything, those people who seem to be suspect in stopping all of ET's

gifts would benefit as much, is it not?

Realistically now, if this is true would anybody want to stop this?

If everyone wins.... nobody, even big business, big corporations, the power

holders, the string pullers and purse controllers could not lose. They could

actually stimulate this and be proponents, using the infrastructure of their

organizations to plan the free hand down of shared riches.

Anybody who would know this to be absolutely true would stimulate this...

there would be absolutely no reason for secrecy and holding back of this

information other than for a controlled and panic preventing transition...


If it would be possible and if it were true as indicated there would be no

fear, would there be?


Just ruminating still, not making up my mind or trying to have you change

your mind, still just thinking aloud.


We used to think God could do such a thing, ...Does it all seem to hinge on

belief and faith?


We would need a heck of a good 'project planner' and project plan, where

time seems to be the only problematic resource as everything else is free in



Hehehe, I offer my services, I wrote a Microsoft approved Project Planning

Course, so you and I are in good hands with Bill Gates MS stamp of approval.

> "One must consider what will happen when every village in India (or

> Africa or South America or China) has devices which can generate large

> amounts of power without pollution and without spending huge sums of


> on fuel. the entire world will be able to develop in an unprecedented

> fashion--without pollution and without billions spent on power plants,

> transmission lines and combustible fuels. The have-nots will have."


Hmmm? And the haves will not lose!


Anyway (1),

That about amounts of free power for countries like India (and why not us),

that type of thing is already done with conventional water, solar and wind

power... It is the infrastructure, culturally, mentally and spiritually that

has to change.

We need a prophet, in addition to a project planner who can pull this off,

United Nations approved.


Anyway (2),

Come to think of it, with everything that we have at hand right now, this

can be pulled off. We do not really need ET's.

(Some say that WE are the ET's... When did WE lose our knowledge and our...

? Why can't we keep all our juggling balls up in the air?)


Anyway (3),

We seem to ALWAYS be waiting for the miracle, the free hand out, while....

what we have right now IS the miracle. It is in fact free...


Anyway (4),

Beyond dualism and non-dualism. Ah, forget anything to do with conceptuality

and rediscover that this is the miracle, the freedom...


For now,

It seems on a 'one to one' basis that liberation manifests.

It seems to be project planned that way,

Every living resource gets a turn, it is just that the waiting period is so


Called lead-in time in project management.

Ah, our time dependency... can we not do something about that?


It is so maddening if it were not so simple...


Love, Wim


PS, when I was 18, I wrote a poem that started,

"Time does not exist..."

It is now 39 years later.

Time seems to exist if we use arithmetic...

It does not, if we don't.

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Just a note for any night owls among you--all this cool stuff

(UFOs, ETs,conspiracy, paranormal, science, spirituality) is discussed every

night 7 days a week on Coast to Coast AM with the one, the only

Art Bell who has returned after a long hiatus of almost a year --on sat-sun

am and sun/mon am there are guest hosts who are also very good

(I'm mad for Ian Punnett the sun/mon guy) tonight the topic is

the living energy universe times are 10pm-3am PST, and 1am-6am EST

and of course 2am-7am AST and you all can figure out the rest--

CFUN in vancouver, it's in halifax on some am station, and all over the dial

generally --including many mighty 50,000 watts stations such as 1210 am in

philly etc etc--a fantastic web site:




love, nora



Wim Borsboom wrote:

> Dear Kelvin,


> Just ruminating on your post, Kelvin, no skepticism intended or an intent to

> ridicule.


> I wish those ETs would be smart enough to bypass all those secret agencies

> and other bottlenecks and hand us (EACH and EVERY individual, also the

> secret agents and heads of corporations :-) all their knowledge and

> expertise "A technology which enables energy generation from the so-called

> zero point field" straight through... bypassing even the slightest

> possibility to not be known or found out or hidden away.


> They could even be so smart as to prevent the global and financial

> calamities that could ensue from their positive interference...so that

> everyone wins... instantly.


> Free energy, why should anyone worry then, ever?


> If it is free for everyone then it is also free for the corporations,

> institutes and organizations who would stand to lose. Well, if they lose

> they can make it up with whatever is free, even 'power mongers' will benefit

> as they can take their free vacations wherever and whenever and mix freely

> with anyone else who they needed to take their money and labour so as to

> afford expensive habitations and vacations.

> If anything, those people who seem to be suspect in stopping all of ET's

> gifts would benefit as much, is it not?

> Realistically now, if this is true would anybody want to stop this?

> If everyone wins.... nobody, even big business, big corporations, the power

> holders, the string pullers and purse controllers could not lose. They could

> actually stimulate this and be proponents, using the infrastructure of their

> organizations to plan the free hand down of shared riches.

> Anybody who would know this to be absolutely true would stimulate this...

> there would be absolutely no reason for secrecy and holding back of this

> information other than for a controlled and panic preventing transition...


> If it would be possible and if it were true as indicated there would be no

> fear, would there be?


> Just ruminating still, not making up my mind or trying to have you change

> your mind, still just thinking aloud.


> We used to think God could do such a thing, ...Does it all seem to hinge on

> belief and faith?


> We would need a heck of a good 'project planner' and project plan, where

> time seems to be the only problematic resource as everything else is free in

> principle.


> Hehehe, I offer my services, I wrote a Microsoft approved Project Planning

> Course, so you and I are in good hands with Bill Gates MS stamp of approval.


> > "One must consider what will happen when every village in India (or

> > Africa or South America or China) has devices which can generate large

> > amounts of power without pollution and without spending huge sums of

> energy

> > on fuel. the entire world will be able to develop in an unprecedented

> > fashion--without pollution and without billions spent on power plants,

> > transmission lines and combustible fuels. The have-nots will have."


> Hmmm? And the haves will not lose!


> Anyway (1),

> That about amounts of free power for countries like India (and why not us),

> that type of thing is already done with conventional water, solar and wind

> power... It is the infrastructure, culturally, mentally and spiritually that

> has to change.

> We need a prophet, in addition to a project planner who can pull this off,

> United Nations approved.


> Anyway (2),

> Come to think of it, with everything that we have at hand right now, this

> can be pulled off. We do not really need ET's.

> (Some say that WE are the ET's... When did WE lose our knowledge and our...

> ? Why can't we keep all our juggling balls up in the air?)


> Anyway (3),

> We seem to ALWAYS be waiting for the miracle, the free hand out, while....

> what we have right now IS the miracle. It is in fact free...


> Anyway (4),

> Beyond dualism and non-dualism. Ah, forget anything to do with conceptuality

> and rediscover that this is the miracle, the freedom...


> For now,

> It seems on a 'one to one' basis that liberation manifests.

> It seems to be project planned that way,

> Every living resource gets a turn, it is just that the waiting period is so

> painful...

> Called lead-in time in project management.

> Ah, our time dependency... can we not do something about that?


> It is so maddening if it were not so simple...


> Love, Wim


> PS, when I was 18, I wrote a poem that started,

> "Time does not exist..."

> It is now 39 years later.

> Time seems to exist if we use arithmetic...

> It does not, if we don't.



> /join


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.

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> Realistically now, if this is true would anybody want to stop this?

> If everyone wins.... nobody, even big business, big corporations, the


> holders, the string pullers and purse controllers could not lose. They


> actually stimulate this and be proponents, using the infrastructure of


> organizations to plan the free hand down of shared riches.

> Anybody who would know this to be absolutely true would stimulate this...

> there would be absolutely no reason for secrecy and holding back of this

> information other than for a controlled and panic preventing transition...


If these people thought like you, yes, absolutely. But most people are

ruled by fear. I remember a story Robert Mendelson, the "medical heretic,"

told in his book. He was explaining to one of his fellow pediatricians how

ear infections can be easily eliminated by natural means. His colleague

became very silent, and after a while, said something like: "60% of my

practice is treating ear infections." People just don't want to look at the

big picture. Corporate America focuses on the next quarter's earnings.


Another factor is that the people who have this technology (if they do) may

be worried about the downside. If you can produce all of the energy you

want in your living room, how hard can it be for every nut job on the block

to create his own personal weapon of mass destruction? Most people

romanticize the idea of free energy, but it could also be our worst



But I have never seen free energy, or a UFO (not in the waking state,

anyway). Maybe this is all a pipe dream. Time will tell.



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