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free energy and world peace

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Free energy, why should anyone worry then, ever?

Hi Wim,

Let me say, I wish my brothers (Dutch descent) were where

you are. I think the soil is too healthy, considering they have

the world's most entrepreneurial banking and most triathletes

it's amazing they are peaceful, because my brothers sure are

competitive and aggressive. Having had to talk to them all

week, I am absolutely exhausted.

On free energy - until we have overpopulation solved, everything

else is a bandaid. People will still go to war over land, food, resources,

etc., we have got to get the populations of the world down, way down.

Experiments show too many mice in a box will fight, so do people,

check out New York City sometime for ultra-aggressive, detached

from nature, unhealthy lifestyles :-)

Suggestion for an exercise, I went out and read the ultra conservative

right wing organization www.heritage.org last night. This "think-tank"

is funded by the super-wealthy which funds our politicians - globally

and especially nationally. I would suggest an exercise in creating

peace would be for all of us to write to the heritage foundation,

because otherwise they're working on new ICBMS which is ridiculous.

Russia is broke after the break up of the USSR, China can barely

feed its billions, Iraq can't have ICBM capabilities for at least ten

years (development time) after being destroyed in the Gulf War,

and on goes the list. We don't need ICBM's and we can't afford them.

So, I went and wrote to them last night on a variety of issues and

received back some thoughtful responses. These are the people that

control the current administration - it is an effective, useful and productive use of time to:


There's a great Japapese story about a woman who learns how

to make peace with people, by going to feed a bear. I'll post

it later, have to run to work.


Anna Maria

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