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This is from Mike Cohen on this year's Earth Day for the planet:


Anna Maria

Thanks for your letter to Jean.

Institute of Global Education

Special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council

Integrated Ecology/Project NatureConnnect

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

Chair: Greenwich University Applied Ecopsychology

Faculty: Portland State University Extended Studies

P. O. Box 1605,

Friday Harbor, WA 98250

888-285-4694 (toll free)



nature (AT) pacificrim (DOT) net


Earthday 2001 proclaimed to be Ecozombie Rehabilitation Year

A Mental and Environmental Health Declaration


As the recipient of the Earthday 2000 Declaration decreed April 20,

2000, by Governor Gary Lock of the State of Washington, and bestowed

by Mayor Gary Boothman in Friday Harbor, Washington,

for the increased health and welfare of people and the environment,

I proclaim that the year commencing Earthday 2001 be known and

respected as Ecozombie Rehabilitation Year in order to restore peace

and a sustainable way of life on Mother Earth.

Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Applied Ecopsychology / Integrated Ecology

Institute of Global Education

To help people realize this vital goal, I offer the following observations:

1. ECOZOMBIES: Ecozombies are individuals whose psyche has been

dangerously desensitized to the welfare of the global life community

and its people. An ecozombie's deadened thinking looks right through

important opportunities to improve personal, environmental or social

wellness. You can sense that a whole area of consciousness is missing

in an ecozombie. Without it, things that must change, don't.

2. SOCIAL CHANGE: More than fifty years ago people became acutely

aware of the dangers of putting foreign #chemicals into the

environment yet that practice has not changed. This is also true of

many additional environmental and social threats. However, during

this same period people have made dramatic personal and social

changes with respect to using air conditioners, television, air

travel, computers, drugs and many other technologies. Sadly, we have

reversed from low to high gas mileage automobiles, too.


3. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CHANGE: There is a profound psychological

difference between the two examples of change above. In our conquest

of nature, as part of nature, we have hurt and conquered inherent,

nature-loving, parts of our psyche. This desensitizes our thinking

with respect to the welfare of our social and natural environment. We

become unchangeable, runaway, ecozombies with respect to them. The

loss of our innate love of Mother Earth is replaced with a love for

money and the technological replacements for nature that it buys. We

feverently change for them, even when we know it is unreasonable.

4. UNCONTROLLED DISORDER: Until ecozombies safely restore to

consciousness their now subconscious sensitivity and love for life,

contemporary humanity is a destructive danger to itself and nature.

Ecozombies think like cancer works. They become runaway because they

avoid aggravating and thinking with sensitivities that naturally

sustain life in balance.

5. BUILD RESPONSIBLE RELATIONSHIPS: There is a readably available

antidote that revitalizes the ecozombie mentality. It is a social

technology that increases ecozombie sensitivity and thereby helps the

human race survive the destructiveness of the human race. It enables

ecozombies to let sensory contact with attractions in nature help

them rehabilitate their deadened sensitivity to the sanctity of life.

This restores the reasonableness of their spirit, caring, and global

citizenship so they may think with it, as of old.

6. ACCOUNTABLILTY: If you recognize the ecozombie threat and its

disastrous consequences we invite you to join the Ecozombie

Rehabilitation Team, learn to use the antidote, and share it with


A Complete Ecozmbie Information and Antidote is available at


Free Antidote Earthday Activities are at http://www.ecopsych.com/earthdayeco2001.html

Institute of Global Education

Department of Integrated Ecology,

Project NatureConnect

P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, Washington 98250



nature (AT) pacificrim (DOT) net

The above message is located at


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