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susan dane/pieter samara

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I hope Susan doesn't mind my sending the message below to the lists. By

the way her website is <http://www.susandane.com>


It's nice having you on NDS, Susan.


I'll also be publishing some of Susan's poetry in Nonduality for the

People, hopefully having several new articles by different people

published this weekend.


A new article by Pieter Schoonheim Samara on his experiences with Yogi

Bhajan was just published at <http://www.nonduality.com/020901ps.htm>. I

think you'll find it very interesting. Check out the link to Pieter's

updated web pages while you're there.




Jerry Katz





Thu, 8 Feb 2001 18:37:07 EST




Dear Friends:


All of you who struggled at your home computers to catch my pre-dawn


broadcast soon discovered that WBAI's server was down, and so most of

you out

of staters were unable to hear it. My regrets for your time invested.


No serious loss however as WBAI has asked us back to do at least two


programs during the next two weeks, and other opportunities might be


up as well. My talk show friend and host, Marjorie Moore, is spilling


ideas about bringing my work and its message to the general public. So


will be fun to see how it happens! Our next program have a somewhat

different format with more direct interraction between Marjorie and me,


well as questions from the listening audience. We are playing around


the possibilities, but I think it will be even better than the first.


And if WBAI's server is still not up and running, not to fear. My


website designer, Debby West, will be posting the program on my website


you will be able to listen to it there.


Meanwhile, I received a lovely and supportive letter of thanks from


in the mountains of Virginia who had managed to hear the broadcast!!!


begged him to tell me? (wondering if up in those hills, people just

sort of

"tune in" to these things.) I can't resist sharing his response. (see



Otherwise, thanks again for all your great notes and support. I will


you posted on upcoming air times and seminars.


Susan Dane


>From V.T. in the Virginia mountains!


Here's the story on how I got your program Wednesday:


First I put an alpha level CDROM on to synchronize both hemispheres of


brain. After they were well synchronized then one of my favorite Jazz

compositions "Intermission Riff" by Stan Kenton was played to set the


for further preparations. After a few Aum's and rounds of that famous


"Pepsi Cola Hits the Spot" were chanted this allowed teleportation to


studios of WBAI. A piece of cake.


If you prefer the facts see below --- of course the story is much more



The links to the WBAI streaming audio were deader than a dodo at the

two web sites [you suggested...] However, I nosed around and found the

http://www.wbai.net/ URL. The "WBAI Live Stream" audio link worked

fine there. I used Real Player 8 on my Linux box to actually listen.





I am sharing this in case it makes sense to any of you outside the NYC


As for me, the part I best understood was the Stan Kenton Jazz and the

discussion of the half-dozen fresh-baked breakfast doughnuts. At least


thought I read something about doughnuts....


P.S. If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, just click


reply and write back, "Thanks but no thanks." We all have so many

demands on

our time nowadays we have to choose what is most vital to our needs.

Absolutely no offense taken, I promise!

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In a message dated 2/10/01 9:50:41 AM Pacific Standard Time,

umbada writes:



A new article by Pieter Schoonheim Samara on his experiences with Yogi

Bhajan was just published at <http://www.nonduality.com/020901ps.htm>. I

think you'll find it very interesting. Check out the link to Pieter's

updated web pages while you're there.



No offense intended to anyone, as l don't question Mr Samara's account of

his experiences, but since he is actively portraying Yogi Bhajan in such an

idolatrous light, l feel the dark side of this guru should also be made

known, in order to help prevent others from being misled.


Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO organization have been

scandalized time and time again through disclosures by his many former

students. 3 HO bears all the earmarks of a dangerous cult: YB being put forth

as an omnipotent and omniscient being, countless allegations and lawsuits

involving sexual and financial misconduct, attempts to coerce and completely

control members, threats made against members who leave and reprisals

against them after they do, a slew of criminal indictments and civil

litigation involving 3HO and prominent members thereof.


interested in digging into this can go to rickross.com for more detailed

info. l've seen other websites in the past that have provided more damaging

evidence, but l don't have the url's to them now.


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