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"International Advocates for Health Freedom" jham

Fri, 09 Feb 2001 12:40:18 -0500





IAHF List: Joseph Hasslberger from La Leva di Archimede alerts vitamin consumers

world wide

to please urge as many people as humanly possible to sign the health freedom

petition at

http://www.laleva.org/petizione/english/intro_eng.html between now and Tuesday,

because on

Tuesday the European Parliament will vote on the dangerous vitamin directive

that threatens

to destroy consumer access to dietary supplements all over Europe, forcing all

15 EU

countries to walk in lockstep with Germany where access to vitamins is heavily


People outside the EU must not ignore this due to harmonization.


After the vote on Tuesday, if the EU Parliament agrees by simple majority to

accept the

Vitamin Directive, the language would then go to the European Council of

Ministers where the

reps from each EU government can either accept the Directive as written, or make

changes. If

they make changes, it goes back again to the EU Parliament, but there is a very

real danger

right now that the Directive will be accepted as currently written by the EU

Parliament, and

that the Council of Ministers will also accept it as written.


It gives the Pharma Cartel everything they want, so it very well might go right

on through

despite our efforts on getting signatures on the La Leva petition, because the

MEPs and

Council of Ministers is under no obligation whatsoever to pay attention to that


especially when over half of the signatures are from Americans, and many more

come from

countries outside the EU.


Only Denmark and Sweden have gotten any appreciable number of signatures on the


and they are just 2 out of the 15 EU countries. So if MEPs from Denmark, Sweden,


Portugal and Holland all spoke against the Directive when they go to vote on it,

it would

still pass on Tuesday because they would simply be outvoted by the rest of the



So frankly, it does not look good for our friends overseas, and as a person with

a genetic

need for vitamins, whose health would be seriously impaired if I lost access, I

feel immense

pain right now, not only for our friends in Europe, but also because of the very

real threat

that our American dietary supplement laws could be harmonized to the EU unless

far more

Americans wake up to this reality.


Does it make sense for Americans and other vitamin consumers world wide to keep

signing the

petition at http://www.laleva.org/petizione/english/intro_eng.html between now

and tuesday

and after tuesday as well? Yes. Its the ONLY CHANCE we have of POSSIBLY stopping

what is

going on.


Americans are being set up like bowling pins, and far too many arrogantly assume


nothing could ever overturn DSHEA. These people need to pull their heads out of

the sand and

take a very close look at what is happening with harmonization, with entities

such as the

Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue, the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, and the


Dispute Settlement Body. They need to take a very close look at the CRN press


below where the writing is very clearly on the wall, and they need to sign the


above as well as the petitition calling for proper oversight at


because otherwise we could be whitewashed in the Codex Oversight hearing fast


on February 28th,and the possibility is very strong that unless we actively get


and educate our Congressmen, all of our witnesses could be excluded from

presenting oral

testimony at the hearing.


Is this a bad situation? Yes. Is it hopeless? No, its not, but it could BECOME

hopeless if

people keep ignoring what is going on.


There has been immense spin control world wide to try to hide the stealth


takeover of the natural products industry. They've been making use of controlled


groups, plants, double agents, bribery, pay offs, control of the mass media, but

we can't

pretend they're not coming for our vitamins when they make no bones about it.

Look at the

CRN press release below. Closely. Then look at the US News and World Report

cover story

which slams the dietary supplement industry at http://www.usnews.com The time


is NOW!!


Proof that the USA is being SET UP:


U.S. and European Leaders Agree on Principles to Harmonize Dietary Supplement



Monday, November 20, 2000

Contact: Mike Greene





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  • 8 months later...

Try Carlo Suares -- the trilogy

published by Sam Weiser includes

Carlo's three most important books,

including the Cipher of Genesis,

now out of print separately ...

(Carlo spells it "Qabala", inferring

a "transformative" approach).


Carlo was a big fan of Krishnamurti,

and brought this view to his approach.


-- Dan



--- viorica weissman <viorica wrote:

> Hello Everybody ,


> If someone could recommend me a good book on

> Kabbalah

> i would be very happy .


> a simple search at barnes&noble by the keyword

> 'Kabbalah'

> brought about 253 titles ,


> gratefully,


> vicki







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Hi Vicki --


The trilogy's out of stock, now, too?


Are they printing more copies?


Suares has been published in French, too, which

I think is his original language.


Suares viewed B'reysheet (Genesis) as very

Qabalistic, also Song of Songs, looked

into Sepher Yetzirah and had

some interesting things to say about

the revelation of Jesus from a

Qabalistic perspective.


Gershom Scholem provides a historic view

of Kabbalah (his spelling)

that is somewhat "mystical" yet

quite scholarly. He singlehandedly

"legitimized" Kabbalah as a field of study.


Aryeh Kaplan's

another author who's interesting, too,

but less clear.


Just took a look in a search and found

some good things on the web about

Moses de Leon, Moses Cordovero,

Isaac Luria, Gershom Scholem, among others.

There's so much out there, isn't there?


Qabalists tend to view the universe

as one being, and tend to speak of

emanations of God, so that all things

are aspects of God, and yet God transcends

all emanations.


Like Advaita, there are levels of teaching,

so there is movement from understanding

a universe that is emanated, to a universe

that is God's limitless play of self-opposition,

to a universe that actually isn't created,

but is ayn, without qualities or separable reality.


I like Isaac Luria's mythology in which God

first had to withdraw from himself, to make

a space by contraction, a space in which

a universe could be emanated. God's self-negation

allows all that is perceivable

to seemingly be.


Blessed be,




--- Viorica Weissman <viorica wrote:

> , d b <dan330033>

> wrote:

> > Try Carlo Suares -- the trilogy

> > published by Sam Weiser includes

> > Carlo's three most important books,

> > including the Cipher of Genesis,

> > now out of print separately ...

> > (Carlo spells it "Qabala", inferring

> > a "transformative" approach).

> >

> > Carlo was a big fan of Krishnamurti,

> > and brought this view to his approach.

> >

> > -- Dan



> Wonderful !

> Thank you , Dan,it's good to have an author

> name

> and a book title !


> i checked it at amazon and barnes & noble

> and the trilogy is indeed out of stock;


> i'll check the libraries in town too ,


> thanks ,


> vicki.



















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Hi Vicky,


Another book is


Kabbalah and Consciousness


by Alan Afterman






, "viorica weissman" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> Hello Everybody ,


> If someone could recommend me a good book on Kabbalah

> i would be very happy .


> a simple search at barnes&noble by the keyword 'Kabbalah'

> brought about 253 titles ,


> gratefully,


> vicki

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I'm no expert on this,

But the best book I have found is to name a Name like a Sephiroth and

allow it to manifest what it as to teach over the next day, week or

month depending of the pulse one likes to Kabbale. The hardest part

is allowing it to manifest fully.

Of course one may do the same thing with a book, or anything for that

matter. Its the beauty of life.



- Viorica Weissman

Monday, October 15, 2001 11:09 AM

Re: help needed

hi James , your recommendation is on my search list , thank

you, vicki

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