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Dear Harsha et al,


A few posts ago you (urged on by someone else) asked about what some of us

have for breakfast.


Alternating daily, I eat either a fruit salad or cream of wheat both

prepared in my own inimitable :-) way.


The fruit salad I prepare the night before.

I cut four of five pieces of fruit (sometimes the same, sometimes a varied

selection) into 1/2 to 3/4 inch chunks, I add a bit of honey or brown sugar

and mix it all vigorously in a bowl so that the juices come free. I let this

sit at room temperature on the counter. Next morning, after this fruit mix

started its own predigestive processes (rotting) with its own enzyme

precursors and increased enzyme content, I eat this mix with yoghurt (no

grains or nuts added) over a period of an hour. The idea is that the enzymes

and intestinal flora increase and help us digest whatever our intake is for

the rest of the day.


If you let this fruit / yoghurt mix stand for a couple of days it makes a

wonderful alcoholic concoction, a temptation for Jerry, Zen and Tibetan

teachers or masters (and people like Trungpa Rinpoche or Alan Watts, all

passed away in real or pseudo satorical bliss. (No not you, Jerry.)


The cream of wheat I make from (weekly home ground) organic whole wheat. I

boil about two cups of water, I add brown sugar (which proved to be

important for a better overall carbohydrate breakdown) and I whisk in 3/4 of

a cup of the finely ground wheat. Other grain products are as good, but for

me wheat does the job. While whisking this in, the mass becomes quite sticky

which is good. I let this cool off for some five minutes then I mix in

three capsules of a very good brand of full spectrum digestive enzymes. Lo

and behold... the goo becomes liquid and is very drinkable and nutritional.

Also it will not add body fat as it gets all turned into energy and... a

soft bowel.

The digestive enzymes, just like industrial enzymes also clean the gut,

putrification of undigested food and therefore slow toxification ceases.

I add milk when I feel like it, have not figured out yet why, I think I am

still balancing the calcium / magnesium levels in my body.


The magnesium / calcium, potassium / sodium, sulphur / phosphorus, carbon /

nitrogen proportions of this type of meal are very good and their ratios are

closest to the early diet of us humans.

BTW, eating a large variety of nuts on a daily basis is also extremely

important and we should not forget sea food or sea weeds like nori, dulse

or kelp.


I have not fully figured out yet what component balances iodine. I have a

feeling that it is chlorine... Yep... it is. (Wowee!)


Here is another reason for us using whole - not white or refined - seasalt:

the Celtic grey type.


I test all this on myself (have been doing this for some five years now) and

note my reactions according to seven integrated aspects of being: physical,

creative, volitional, emotional, professional, intellectual / inspirational,

spiritual - the energy center or chakra approach.


The magnesium, sodium, sulphur, iodine, carbon contents help us to

re-normalize ourselves, to be more patient, compassionate and loving

inwardly as well as outwardly. Our muscular stresses decrease by improving

our cellular response and exchange mechanisms at the cell wall and nerve

synapse interfaces.


(Am looking for two more mineral pairs that influence the brow and crown

energy centers.)


We will find ourselves dynamically energetic, not frantically or nervously.

Anxiety episodes get replaced by increasing moments of original bliss

recovery and well-being.


Love, Wim

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