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judi, dakini responds

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Hi Judi,

>Unconscious beliefs, interpretations, the stories we make up

>(and the subset you are calling imagination here) are indeed a

>limitation -- not a support. All belief is untimately a story made

>up after the fact, so is by definition about The Past, which is

>dead/over/gone. A (big) limitation, takes up a lot of space, gets

>pretty crowded in there! So, yes, belief (story) is a limitaton, not

>a support, to experiencing the direct mind nature


>I am here to contribute today that there *are* experiential,

>ontological methods for pulling this seemingly insoluable

>human dilemma out by the root. One can directly experience

>the infinite empty effulgent nature of all phenomena, including

>and especially one's self-perceived heart/mind (which

>disappears when this occurs!) Then possibility, choice, life,

>present (empty) and future (empty) profoundly opens up. It is

>perpetual satori, ever beginner's mind, space/bliss every

>moment giving birth to nothing/everything.

>******* Yes, I hear what you're saying, but I'm not one to push

>"fluff" experience, or "experience" at all, but rather "recourse".

>Understanding. In other words, who gives a shit what it is,

>whether blissful, empty, full, miserable, or whatever,


I'm not talking about "fluff" kriyas, kundalini rising, or other

phenomenal "meditative experiences" (nyam) in the

"foreground", which can essentially be noted, ignored, and one

moves on without attaching to it, regardless of how pleasant or

unpleasant it may be. When I speak of the nature of mind, I'm

referring to the quintessential empty unchanging "background".

I don't hear much indication here that you "get" this .... ? But if

you do, please say more.

>as long as it's the truth.


The truth? That is but another story. We can talk about what is

physically measurable, that which has distance, time and form,

law of gravity, etc.


Beyong that, what is this truth to which you refer?

> (So get on the horsey, Getty Up and Ride!)


****** You first! :-)))


Why, dear, I've been riding shotgun and naked overhead here for

a few weeks now. Judi, eyes open and look UP! just above the

horizon. Lift your gaze, my friend.

>Some accomplished ones have stabilized the experience of

>this unchanging spacious mind nature while still in the body,

>but they are rare indeed! Rarer still to find a qualified mentor.

>******** I don't refer to it as stabilzing , I see it as more

>as a shining.


Yes, it's luminous.

>Surely, it's often a long and winding road with sharp turns and

>plummeting chasms. However, the View is great and hardly a

>boring trip!

>******* Oh, no, I got bored, I got veeery bored. :-))


Have you ever investigated your boredom? What is there?

Ever hit the bumps on the shoulder of the highway when you are

drifting off the road?

>****** Very good, I agree and yes, hold on to your hats folks. :-))

>Joe Cocker - "You can leave your hat on." :-)


Fez, turban, mundun, rishi knot, cowboy hat, robes, jeans, boots

or barefoot, speedo, bikini, or birthday suit -- there's no dress

code at Dakini's place!! Make yourself at home, friends. Put up

your feet and set a spell.

>Where abouts you live Dakini?


Why Planet Earth, when I'm not soaring in the sky ... (look UP!)


Much love,



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