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dakini, judi responds

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>******* Yes, I hear what you're saying, but I'm not one to push

>"fluff" experience, or "experience" at all, but rather "recourse".

>Understanding. In other words, who gives a shit what it is,

>whether blissful, empty, full, miserable, or whatever,


I'm not talking about "fluff" kriyas, kundalini rising, or other

phenomenal "meditative experiences" (nyam) in the

"foreground", which can essentially be noted, ignored, and one

moves on without attaching to it, regardless of how pleasant or

unpleasant it may be. When I speak of the nature of mind, I'm

referring to the quintessential empty unchanging "background".

I don't hear much indication here that you "get" this .... ? But if

you do, please say more.


****** Yes, I do know what you're saying here, but what I mean is that

people tend to think that it's something that they're going to get by

going someplace "else", thru some type of "inward"

meditative experience, like "heaven" or something. And that's what I

try to squash. That it's not a going anywhere, not going up and out,

but a rather and down and in if you will. Not out of the body, but

*in* the body. And spirituality for the most part that I've seen has

been pushing this blissful netherworld type of stuff. In other words,

I don't to waste a person's time in frivolity, but rather realism,

using humour.

>as long as it's the truth.


The truth? That is but another story. We can talk about what is

physically measurable, that which has distance, time and form,

law of gravity, etc.


****** The truth I'm speaking of is for a person to actually realize

what they're up to and what that encompasses. A very homely affair.



Beyong that, what is this truth to which you refer?


****** See above.

> (So get on the horsey, Getty Up and Ride!)


****** You first! :-)))


Why, dear, I've been riding shotgun and naked overhead here for

a few weeks now. Judi, eyes open and look UP! just above the

horizon. Lift your gaze, my friend.


******* *Hovering*, yes! You know Dakini, I had a dear friend

many years ago, who said of me, Judi is like the sky, you can't put

her into a milk carton, she simply doesn't fit! :-) Now I know what he

was talking about. :-)



>******* Oh, no, I got bored, I got veeery bored. :-))


Have you ever investigated your boredom?


****** Yes, and I found it to be humourous. In fact it was the

boredom with all the *spiritual* experiences that I was having that

started me to thinking in more realistic terms. In fact, you'll get a

kick out of this - I was laying around quiet one night with a friend

of mine and I started into one of these experiences and he said

something and I quickly said to him "Stephen, would you shut the f***k

up, can't you see I'm having a spiritual experience here!" And I

laughed at myself and somehow I knew right then and there that the jig

was up. :-) And it was only a couple months later that the whole thing

fell apart.



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