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Yawning and stretching

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Dear So and So,


You wrote:

> I ... was very interested in your dietary observation esp. with

> regard to minerals and balanced brow/crown openings without the giddy

> nervousness that can occur. Tell me more if you wish ...


For the brow and crown chakras oxygen and hydrogen are the balancing



Intense yawning, with the eye lids squeezed together firmly, and your arms

stretching in a triangle shape above your head, the neck straight but cocked

backwards, so that you can hear an internal rumble in your head... will do

the job.


Oxygenation of the brain and hydrogenation of the brain's fatty acids (good

cholesterol) while activating the lymph vessels will actually regrow new

brain cells and get rid of the aged ones.

Of course good yawning and stretching will also let you loose weight by the

same method, just focus the breathing-yawning into different body parts and

stretch and squeeze your muscles as well as you can.


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There are 4 levels in the sequence of yawning and stretching:

1. The triangle, as described above,

2 . The high chicken wings:

Both your arms like chicken wings on your sides (the way little kids copy a

chicken) while arching backwards and waving you upper torso from left to

right, all the while yawning or deeply breathing in the chest area. Show the

world your armpits and your neck where the lymph nodes are situated. This is

very good for the throat and heart chakras (thyroid, thymus and pancreas

glands). This movement also dumps the lymph that has just picked up the aged

hydrogenated fatty acids into the red blood system at the clavicles.

3. The low chicken wings:

Making sure that your elbows are now lower and that your back is still

arched and while gently rocking your body left and right and concentrating

on the kidneys or the small of your back, yawn again and breath deeply in

the diaphragm area. This massages and revitalizes the kidneys (and adrenals)

that will now filter the blood more effectively, (as it is appropriately

mixed with lymph fluid), to get rid of your waste materials. This is of

course affecting your solar plexus chakra positively, as well as part of

your sacral energy centre.

4. The full body stretch:

More the way a cat so fully stretches its whole body while yawning.

Standing with feet apart, stretching one foot, pointing one big toe out

sideways stretching that leg and squeezing the various leg and bum muscles,

show the world your groin (where also whole clusters of lymph nodes are.)

Alternate between your left and right sides.Move your arms up an out like

you are inside a tight balloon pressing the walls out. (as in some Qi Gong


This is of course very good for the root chakra.


Most importantly: one is supposed to say "Aaah, this feels gooood."

Normally a person needs to do this from two to three minutes a day.


Love, Wim

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