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Master Pham/The Highest Teaching: Self or Emptiness? (Hinduism - Buddhism)

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Yesterday, we introduced Master Pham. Recently he has written a short piece

titled, "The Highest Teaching: Self or Emptiness" looking at an age old



Master Pham writes, " Whether ultimate reality is fullness of the Self or

Emptiness has always been a fascinating problem. It had been for long a

debate between Buddhists and Advaitins, and among Buddhists themselves

(Yogacara with the Mind-Only theory and Madhyamika with the Shunyata or

Emptiness theory)."


The article "The Highest Teaching: Self or Emptiness" can be found on

. It sparkles with intelligence, logic, humor,

and insight. It is clear that Master Pham has a universal and a

compassionate vision which leaves no one out. Those who love nonduality and

an integrated perspective will appreciate this short but well written piece

in Master's Pham's inimitable style.


HS Magazine is the official magazine of . is a

fellowship with Sri Ramana as the patron saint and we follow the teachings

of the Sage of Arunachala. Sri Ramana was a Universal Master and saw that

all spiritual traditions point to the same thing. People from all religions

(Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Moslems, Judaism and others) visited Sri

Ramana and freely expressed their questions and were answered. In a similar

spirit we welcome all as brothers and sisters without regard to their

philosophical or religious orientation. We follow the path of Ahimsa, which

is the first principle given in Yoga Shastras. Currently about 350 teachers

and students of Yoga, Meditation and Nondualism in a variety of traditions

are members. The discussions typically focus on fundamental life issues and

health in the context of the spiritual life with some required breaks for

humor and good laughs. For a more complete description of the list, please

go to the following URL.








Harsha [harsha-hkl]

Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:38 PM

Cc: NondualitySalon

Master Pham



Master Pham was born in the 1940s in Hanoi, North Vietnam in a religious and

devotional Buddhist family. Both his mother and father had an unusually

strong interest in Buddhism and Master Pham's father had many spiritual

experiences including a NDE which he described later. After the Geneva

treaty in 1954 that divided Vietnam in two countries, his parents along with

their large family fled to Saigon in South Vietnam to escape the communists.

Master Pham has written, "The background of our life for many generations,

my parents and us, is always wars. The independent war 1946-1954 against

the French and the fratricide war 1960-1975 between communists and

nationalists with the intervention of the Americans. Because of so much

suffering caused by wars, many Vietnamese turn into religion and

spirituality to look for refuge"


Master Pham's has described his awakening and deepening in clear terms.


Now in Master Pham's own words:


"Until 1977, I had absolutely no interest in religion as well as

spirituality. The corruption of some religious men made me think that

religion is only hypocrisy and fake. Sometimes I thought of the Truth but I

thought that Truth is out of the capability of men. My knowledge about

Buddhism was only the life of the Buddha! But little by little, some

conflicts inside my heart and in my life as well as the conflicts outside in

the world made me think that something must be wrong. Suddenly in 1977, a

friend of mine wanted to teach me a method of Buddhist/Taoist meditation.

So I began to practice. But the most surprising thing is that there was an

incredible, burning, passionate and permanently present but never known

before, flame for Truth in my heart."


"I began to read every book about religion and spirituality I could find. I

studied different religions and paths. But what I really "put in practice"

are Buddhism, Ch'an (Zen), J.Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta

Maharaj, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky. I continue to deepen those teachings

nowadays. I also discovered a profound teaching in Dzogchen."


"But by reading J.Krishnamurti in 1982 I had some insights that affected me

profoundly, at least all my views were transformed. I first read JK in 1973

when I was still anti-religious. I had no idea who he is and didn't

understand all what he said, but he gave me profound impressions. When I

began to practice meditation in 1977, I reread JK but always had

a feeling that something was lacking. So in a vacation in 1982, I decided

to give up one week in the library to read carefully all JK's books. I was

in a strange state during this week and at the end of this week, it was as

if I became a completely new man. My friends also noticed because suddenly

what I talked was completely different. I have a friend with whom I've

tried for many years to explain what is the Buddha-nature, but he've

decidedly refused to understand. One day as usual I tried to explain to him

again, using another explanation. Suddenly, he had a "satori" as

in a Zen story! (incredible!) He've remained in that state for one week."


"I am now always in constant awareness and self-enquiring. I am very

peaceful inside, there is no striving, no becoming, and I am very happy with

the simplicity of life. I enjoy very much my inside stillness, silence."


"Everyday I ask myself this question: "Don't delude yourself, Luan!



Master Pham's words touch my heart and even reciting them again has

moistened my eyes. I have to stop now and will continue the introduction in

my next post.


Thank you



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