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Digest Number 962

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the white wolfe howls at the dark moon...he sees her when there are only

stars and the moon hides behind the earth...awake...where is the beloved?...

whom do you seek?....white wolfe seeks you dark one...whom do you seek?...do

you seek the white wolfe within?...remember who are you are!...you are as we

made each other...wild and free...you are not a tame animal...you are lust

arising that will not be suppressed by your father, nor your mother, not


WOLFE...run, run for what live within and beyond....the white wolfe in me

sends you word...LOVE~!



further up and further in,


white wolfe




Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:48 PM

Digest Number 962






All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

www., and select the User Center link from the

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on the left. This menu will also let you change your


between digest and normal mode.






There are 25 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. RE: Dakini

"Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)" <hluthar

2. dakini, judi responds


3. Kabir/Ram Tzu


4. RE: Kabir/Ram Tzu

"Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)" <hluthar

5. what voice

"Michael Read" <maread

6. Let's do it again, like we did last summer, :-)


7. Kabir/Ram Tzu


8. RE: Let's do it again, like we did last summer, :-)

"Jessica White" <ellam-ondre

9. RE: Kabir/Ram Tzu

"Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)" <hluthar

10. Re: Digest Number 960


11. Re: Let's do it again like we did last summer. :-)


12. Kabir/Ram Tzu


13. Master Pham

"Harsha" <harsha-hkl

14. Humour or sniping.

"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere

15. Yawning and stretching

"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere

16. Milarepa/Sat Nam

Antoine Carré <carrea

17. When worlds collide ... yoga competition


18. thanks...

"Mark W. Otter" <mark.otter

19. Master Pham/The Highest Teaching: Self or Emptiness? (Hinduism -


"Harsha" <harsha-hkl

20. Love ....for Wim

"Joyce Short" <insight

21. The Realization of the Self - Purification of the Mind and Sudden


"Pieter Schoonheim Samara" <pietersa

22. RE: [NDS] Rinzai Re: effort

"Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)" <hluthar

23. Rumi poem


24. Love

"White Wolf" <valemar

25. Re: Humour or sniping.

"LC" <jyotish






Message: 1

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:29:42 -0500

"Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)" <hluthar

RE: Dakini



judirhodes [judirhodes]

Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:37 AM



Wishing All of You love, clarity, wisdom and spaciousness,


American Dakini



PS - Judi, James Bean posted one of my all time favorite poems,


****** Yes, thank you Dakini, I will go take a look. I will say that

Kabir is not one of my favs, some of his stuff is alright, but

he tends to be a bit on the whiney side for me. And I can only

take so much of that shit, ya know? :-))




Wayne (Ram Tzu) is whiney

Kabir is very Shiny.

Repeat that 10 times and then gargle with Listerine before your next post.

OK Judi :-).


Thanks American Dakini for hovering over us.











Message: 2

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:44:09 -0000


dakini, judi responds

>******* Yes, I hear what you're saying, but I'm not one to push

>"fluff" experience, or "experience" at all, but rather "recourse".

>Understanding. In other words, who gives a shit what it is,

>whether blissful, empty, full, miserable, or whatever,


I'm not talking about "fluff" kriyas, kundalini rising, or other

phenomenal "meditative experiences" (nyam) in the

"foreground", which can essentially be noted, ignored, and one

moves on without attaching to it, regardless of how pleasant or

unpleasant it may be. When I speak of the nature of mind, I'm

referring to the quintessential empty unchanging "background".

I don't hear much indication here that you "get" this .... ? But if

you do, please say more.


****** Yes, I do know what you're saying here, but what I mean is that

people tend to think that it's something that they're going to get by

going someplace "else", thru some type of "inward"

meditative experience, like "heaven" or something. And that's what I

try to squash. That it's not a going anywhere, not going up and out,

but a rather and down and in if you will. Not out of the body, but

*in* the body. And spirituality for the most part that I've seen has

been pushing this blissful netherworld type of stuff. In other words,

I don't to waste a person's time in frivolity, but rather realism,

using humour.

>as long as it's the truth.


The truth? That is but another story. We can talk about what is

physically measurable, that which has distance, time and form,

law of gravity, etc.


****** The truth I'm speaking of is for a person to actually realize

what they're up to and what that encompasses. A very homely affair.



Beyong that, what is this truth to which you refer?


****** See above.

> (So get on the horsey, Getty Up and Ride!)


****** You first! :-)))


Why, dear, I've been riding shotgun and naked overhead here for

a few weeks now. Judi, eyes open and look UP! just above the

horizon. Lift your gaze, my friend.


******* *Hovering*, yes! You know Dakini, I had a dear friend

many years ago, who said of me, Judi is like the sky, you can't put

her into a milk carton, she simply doesn't fit! :-) Now I know what he

was talking about. :-)



>******* Oh, no, I got bored, I got veeery bored. :-))


Have you ever investigated your boredom?


****** Yes, and I found it to be humourous. In fact it was the

boredom with all the *spiritual* experiences that I was having that

started me to thinking in more realistic terms. In fact, you'll get a

kick out of this - I was laying around quiet one night with a friend

of mine and I started into one of these experiences and he said

something and I quickly said to him "Stephen, would you shut the f***k

up, can't you see I'm having a spiritual experience here!" And I

laughed at myself and somehow I knew right then and there that the jig

was up. :-) And it was only a couple months later that the whole thing

fell apart.













Message: 3

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:59:20 -0000


Kabir/Ram Tzu


Harhsa wrote:


Wayne (Ram Tzu) is whiney

Kabir is very Shiny.

Repeat that 10 times and then gargle with Listerine before your next


OK Judi :-).


******* Or you could look at it like this - one's pretty much full of

bullshit, the other one isn't. You do the math on that one Harsha. :-)












Message: 4

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 11:20:31 -0500

"Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)" <hluthar

RE: Kabir/Ram Tzu



judirhodes [judirhodes]

Harhsa wrote:


Wayne (Ram Tzu) is whiney

Kabir is very Shiny.

Repeat that 10 times and then gargle with Listerine before your next


OK Judi :-).


******* Or you could look at it like this - one's pretty much full of

bullshit, the other one isn't. You do the math on that one Harsha. :-)




I thought Wayne was your friend! You don't have to talk about him this way

to make me happy Judi!


Wayne is a copycat of Kabir's poetic style (and a bad copycat at that).

Although Wayne is not that creative or original, I don't see how that can

really be held against a person. Some people are born gifted and others just

have to try very hard. Wayne tries too hard. If he wants to spend his life

whining about spiritual seekers, what can we do?



Repeat 10 times again


Wayne is whiny

Kabir is Very Shiny.












Message: 5

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 18:28:41 -0000

"Michael Read" <maread

what voice


what voice will i use

when calling out to myself


from whose mouth will i speak

when i whisper of love to myself


which ear will i stop up

whose ear will i open


will the pain of one be eased

while the pain of another be increased


from what eye will i shine my light

what eye will my darkness blind


to whom will i serve my feast

and who will i turn from the banquet


i alone know these things

i alone do these things

i alone hide myself from me

i alone reveal myself to me


this is my play

this is my dream

this is my path

this is my gate


i dream who i will dream


the lusterous pearls i create are mine alone

i bring them forth at will

crushing them under my heel

when i desire new seeds









Message: 6

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 18:42:57 -0000


Let's do it again, like we did last summer, :-)

> ***** There's a saying in the Bible that says "All things are not

> good, but all things work together for the good, for those that


> God." And that has been my experience and understanding. Would I do

it again, fuck no! :-))



Oh gawd! Laughing til my guts hurt!!! yup once is enough...




Peace - love eternal - Michael



Yeah, it is pretty funny isn't it?

I chuckle. :-) And then I chuckle some more. :-)


I'm glad someone else here sees the humour!













Message: 7

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 19:40:09 -0000


Kabir/Ram Tzu


Harsha wrote:

I thought Wayne was your friend! You don't have to talk about him

this way to make me happy Judi!


****** Aah, I see you did do the math 'eh Harsha? :-)



Wayne is a copycat of Kabir's poetic style (and a bad copycat at


Although Wayne is not that creative or original, I don't see how that


really be held against a person. Some people are born gifted and

others just

have to try very hard. Wayne tries too hard. If he wants to spend his


whining about spiritual seekers, what can we do?




I think perhaps you're talking about yourself here Harsha. I think

perhaps you're the one trying too hard? Know what I mean jelly bean?

But that's really none of my business.


And I don't think Wayne's so called "whining" keeps him up at nites.

Of course, then again, maybe it does? :-) hehe





Repeat 10 times again


Wayne is whiny

Kabir is Very Shiny.









Message: 8

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 12:03:23 -0800

"Jessica White" <ellam-ondre

RE: Let's do it again, like we did last summer, :-)



Judi wrote:


> ***** There's a saying in the Bible that says "All things are not

> good, but all things work together for the good, for those that


> God." And that has been my experience and understanding. Would I do

it again, fuck no! :-))




And you'd have no choice! ~ : )



Oh gawd! Laughing til my guts hurt!!! yup once is enough...




Peace - love eternal - Michael



Yeah, it is pretty funny isn't it?

I chuckle. :-) And then I chuckle some more. :-)


I'm glad someone else here sees the humour!





Judi, you don't really take this business of 'teaching somebody else'

serious business now do you???? That would be the biggest joke of all! ~ : 0

~ : ) ~ ; )










All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

on the left. This menu will also let you change your


between digest and normal mode.





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Message: 9

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:16:50 -0500

"Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)" <hluthar

RE: Kabir/Ram Tzu



judirhodes [judirhodes]


Wayne is a copycat of Kabir's poetic style (and a bad copycat at


Although Wayne is not that creative or original, I don't see how that


really be held against a person. Some people are born gifted and

others just

have to try very hard. Wayne tries too hard. If he wants to spend his


whining about spiritual seekers, what can we do?




I think perhaps you're talking about yourself here Harsha. I think

perhaps you're the one trying too hard? Know what I mean jelly bean?

But that's really none of my business.


And I don't think Wayne's so called "whining" keeps him up at nites.

Of course, then again, maybe it does? :-) hehe




Well good! Be happy Judi. :-)








Message: 10

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:43:55 EST


Re: Digest Number 960


"All worldly pursuits have but the one unavoidable end, which is sorrow:

acquisitions end in dispersion; buildings in destruction; meetings in

separation; births, in death. Knowing this, one should, from the very first,

renounce acquisition and heaping up, and building, and meeting; and faithful

to the commands of an eminent guru, set about realizing the Truth (which has

no birth or death)."



Sat Nam






Message: 11

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:34:18 -0000


Re: Let's do it again like we did last summer. :-)


Judi wrote:


> ***** There's a saying in the Bible that says "All things are not

> good, but all things work together for the good, for those that


> God." And that has been my experience and understanding. Would I do

it again, fuck no! :-))





And you'd have no choice! ~ : )



****** I chuckle. :-)




Oh gawd! Laughing til my guts hurt!!! yup once is enough...




Peace - love eternal - Michael



Yeah, it is pretty funny isn't it?

I chuckle. :-) And then I chuckle some more. :-)


I'm glad someone else here sees the humour!





Judi, you don't really take this business of 'teaching somebody else'

serious business now do you???? That would be the biggest joke of

all! ~ : 0

~ : ) ~ ; )



Well go ahead then, start laughing!
















Message: 12

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:45:57 -0000


Kabir/Ram Tzu


Harsha wrote:


Well good! Be happy Judi. :-)


***** Thank you sweetie, will do, you too.










Message: 13

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 18:37:37 -0500

"Harsha" <harsha-hkl

Master Pham


Master Pham was born in the 1940s in Hanoi, North Vietnam in a religious and

devotional Buddhist family. Both his mother and father had an unusually

strong interest in Buddhism and Master Pham's father had many spiritual

experiences including a NDE which he described later. After the Geneva

treaty in 1954 that divided Vietnam in two countries, his parents along with

their large family fled to Saigon in South Vietnam to escape the communists.

Master Pham has written, "The background of our life for many generations,

my parents and us, is always wars. The independent war 1946-1954 against

the French and the fratricide war 1960-1975 between communists and

nationalists with the intervention of the Americans. Because of so much

suffering caused by wars, many Vietnamese turn into religion and

spirituality to look for refuge"


Master Pham's has described his awakening and deepening in clear terms.


Now in Master Pham's own words:


"Until 1977, I had absolutely no interest in religion as well as

spirituality. The corruption of some religious men made me think that

religion is only hypocrisy and fake. Sometimes I thought of the Truth but I

thought that Truth is out of the capability of men. My knowledge about

Buddhism was only the life of the Buddha! But little by little, some

conflicts inside my heart and in my life as well as the conflicts outside in

the world made me think that something must be wrong. Suddenly in 1977, a

friend of mine wanted to teach me a method of Buddhist/Taoist meditation.

So I began to practice. But the most surprising thing is that there was an

incredible, burning, passionate and permanently present but never known

before, flame for Truth in my heart."


"I began to read every book about religion and spirituality I could find. I

studied different religions and paths. But what I really "put in practice"

are Buddhism, Ch'an (Zen), J.Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta

Maharaj, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky. I continue to deepen those teachings

nowadays. I also discovered a profound teaching in Dzogchen."


"But by reading J.Krishnamurti in 1982 I had some insights that affected me

profoundly, at least all my views were transformed. I first read JK in 1973

when I was still anti-religious. I had no idea who he is and didn't

understand all what he said, but he gave me profound impressions. When I

began to practice meditation in 1977, I reread JK but always had

a feeling that something was lacking. So in a vacation in 1982, I decided

to give up one week in the library to read carefully all JK's books. I was

in a strange state during this week and at the end of this week, it was as

if I became a completely new man. My friends also noticed because suddenly

what I talked was completely different. I have a friend with whom I've

tried for many years to explain what is the Buddha-nature, but he've

decidedly refused to understand. One day as usual I tried to explain to him

again, using another explanation. Suddenly, he had a "satori" as

in a Zen story! (incredible!) He've remained in that state for one week."


"I am now always in constant awareness and self-enquiring. I am very

peaceful inside, there is no striving, no becoming, and I am very happy with

the simplicity of life. I enjoy very much my inside stillness, silence."


"Everyday I ask myself this question: "Don't delude yourself, Luan!



Master Pham's words touch my heart and even reciting them again has

moistened my eyes. I have to stop now and will continue the introduction in

my next post.


Thank you









Message: 14

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:41:44 -0800

"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere

Humour or sniping.


Hi everyone,


I have a married couple as clients whose life together is quite peculiar.

Now that humour has been brought up from various angles, I think it is

worthwhile to bring this two-some up.

I know it is extreme what they ended up with, but they started out very

humorously in their relationship.

I knew these people before they became clients as people who always left a

raunchy kind of happiness behind with sour notes ringing in the background.

As I got to know them better and observed their conversations it became

clear to me that their way of communication was only through quips and

clever remarks, often quite hilarious, they were really on the ball. But

behind it was always some hurt that they did not seem to mind, gripes

really, often cloaked in coarse laughter. They were very 'realistic'..."Such

is life." They also smoked and drank quite on the heavy side.

Their humour was primed, so to say, with sarcasm, little pricks and teases.

That was not why they became clients though. The lady one morning came to

our place as she had almost been strangled... while making love.

Their humour was a gallows humour... quite nasty. Their love making

eventually had them hanging from ropes and chains. Paining each other became

their enjoyment, their eroticism had taken that turn.

Now this is extreme as these two got to a point that only by being

incredibly mean to each other could they get some form of warped bliss (?)

going, and they needed more and more. They got into reading some pretty

heavy stuff from the web and started experimenting with pain induced sex.

Eventually they almost strangled each other.

It started with humour? Was this humour? What is humour really...?

If there is sniping in it, griping, a getting back at somebody with quick

repartees, needling comments in the guise of teases etc... it ain't no


A :-) happy face does not do the job.


These two are finally willing to check their language and take it from

there. After some serious ultimatums were agreed upon.

A long road...


Yes we started with language... after all they tried to get at each other's



Love, Wim







Message: 15

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:21:56 -0800

"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere

Yawning and stretching


Dear So and So,


You wrote:

> I ... was very interested in your dietary observation esp. with

> regard to minerals and balanced brow/crown openings without the giddy

> nervousness that can occur. Tell me more if you wish ...


For the brow and crown chakras oxygen and hydrogen are the balancing



Intense yawning, with the eye lids squeezed together firmly, and your arms

stretching in a triangle shape above your head, the neck straight but cocked

backwards, so that you can hear an internal rumble in your head... will do

the job.


Oxygenation of the brain and hydrogenation of the brain's fatty acids (good

cholesterol) while activating the lymph vessels will actually regrow new

brain cells and get rid of the aged ones.

Of course good yawning and stretching will also let you loose weight by the

same method, just focus the breathing-yawning into different body parts and

stretch and squeeze your muscles as well as you can.


/\ 1

/__ \

\/ \/ 2

\/ \/ 3

/ \

/ \ 4

/ \

There are 4 levels in the sequence of yawning and stretching:

1. The triangle, as described above,

2 . The high chicken wings:

Both your arms like chicken wings on your sides (the way little kids copy a

chicken) while arching backwards and waving you upper torso from left to

right, all the while yawning or deeply breathing in the chest area. Show the

world your armpits and your neck where the lymph nodes are situated. This is

very good for the throat and heart chakras (thyroid, thymus and pancreas

glands). This movement also dumps the lymph that has just picked up the aged

hydrogenated fatty acids into the red blood system at the clavicles.

3. The low chicken wings:

Making sure that your elbows are now lower and that your back is still

arched and while gently rocking your body left and right and concentrating

on the kidneys or the small of your back, yawn again and breath deeply in

the diaphragm area. This massages and revitalizes the kidneys (and adrenals)

that will now filter the blood more effectively, (as it is appropriately

mixed with lymph fluid), to get rid of your waste materials. This is of

course affecting your solar plexus chakra positively, as well as part of

your sacral energy centre.

4. The full body stretch:

More the way a cat so fully stretches its whole body while yawning.

Standing with feet apart, stretching one foot, pointing one big toe out

sideways stretching that leg and squeezing the various leg and bum muscles,

show the world your groin (where also whole clusters of lymph nodes are.)

Alternate between your left and right sides.Move your arms up an out like

you are inside a tight balloon pressing the walls out. (as in some Qi Gong


This is of course very good for the root chakra.


Most importantly: one is supposed to say "Aaah, this feels gooood."

Normally a person needs to do this from two to three minutes a day.


Love, Wim









Message: 16

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:09:26 -0500

Antoine Carré <carrea

Milarepa/Sat Nam


Please do post more often, it is a beauty that shines one back as Truth.


Thank you,




Wednesday, February 21, 2001 3:43 PM

Re: Digest Number 960



"All worldly pursuits have but the one unavoidable end, which is sorrow:

acquisitions end in dispersion; buildings in destruction; meetings in

separation; births, in death. Knowing this, one should, from the very


renounce acquisition and heaping up, and building, and meeting; and


to the commands of an eminent guru, set about realizing the Truth (which


no birth or death)."



Sat Nam



[This message contained attachments]







Message: 17

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:20:10 -0400


When worlds collide ... yoga competition


Hello, All.


The following is an excerpt from The Onion.








"I am the serenest!" he says.


LHASA, TIBET--Employing the brash style that first brought him to

prominence, Sri Dhananjai Bikram won the fifth annual International Yogi

Competition yesterday with a world-record point

total of 873.6.



"I am the serenest!" Bikram shouted to the estimated crowd of

20,000 yoga fans, vigorously pumping his fists. "No one is serener than Sri


Dhananjai Bikram--I am the greatest monk of all time!"



Bikram averaged 1.89 breaths a minute during the two-hour

competition, nearly .3 fewer than his nearest competitor, second-place



and two-time champion Sri Salil "The Hammer" Gupta.



The heavily favored Gupta was upset after the loss.



"I should be able to beat that guy with one lung tied," Gupta

said. "I'm beside myself right now, and I don't mean trans-bodily."



Bikram got off to a fast start at the Lhasa meet, which like

most major competitions, is a six-event affair. In the first event, he

attained total


consciousness (TC) in just 2 minutes, 34 seconds, and set the tone for

the rest of the meet by repeatedly shouting, "I'm blissful! You blissful?!


I'm blissful!" to the other yogis.



Bikram, 33, burst onto the international yoga scene with a

gold-mandala performance at the 1994 Bhutan Invitational. At that

competition he


premiered his aggressive style, at one point in the flexibility event

sticking his middle toes out at the other yogis. While no prohibition



against such behavior, according to Yoga League Commissioner Swami

Prabhupada, such behavior is generally considered "un-Buddhalike."



"I don't care what the critics say," Bikram said. "Sri Bikram is

just gonna go out there and do Sri Bikram's own yoga thing."



Before the Bhutan meet, Bikram had never placed better than

fourth. Many said he had forsaken rigorous training for the celebrity



accorded by his Bhutan win, endorsing Nike's new line of prayer mats

and supposedly dating the Hindu goddess Shakti. But his performance


this week will regain for him the number one computer ranking and earn

him new respect, as well as for his coach Mahananda Vasti, the


controversial guru some have called Bikram's "guru."



"My special training diet for Bikram of one super-charged,

carbo-loaded grain of rice per day was essential to his win," Vasti said.



The defeated Gupta denied that Bikram's taunting was a factor in

his inability to attain TC.



"I just wasn't myself today," Gupta commented. "I wasn't any

self today. I was an egoless particle of the universal no-soul."


In the second event, flexibility, Bikram maintained the lead by

supporting himself on his index fingers for the entire 15 minutes while

touching the back of his skull to his lower spine. The feat

was matched by Gupta, who first used the position at the 1990 Tokyo Zen-Off.


"That's my meditative position of spiritual ecstasy, not his,"

remarked Gupta. "He stole my thunder."


Bikram denied the charge, saying, "Gupta's been talking like that

ever since he was a 3rd century Egyptian slave-owner."


Nevertheless, a strong showing by Gupta in the third event, the

shotput, placed him within a lotus petal of the lead at the competition's

halfway point.


But event number four, the contemplation of unanswerable riddles

known as koans, proved the key to victory for Bikram.


The koan had long been thought the weak point of his spiritual

arsenal, but his response to today's riddle--"Show me the face you had

before you were born"--was reportedly "extremely

illuminative," according to Commissioner Prabhupada.


While koan answers are kept secret from the public for fear of

exposing the uninitiated multitudes to the terror of universal truth,

insiders claim his answer had Prabhupada and the two other

judges "highly enlightened."


With the event victory, Bikram built himself a nearly insurmountable

lead, one he sustained through the yak-milk churn and breathing events to

come away with the upset victory.








Message: 18

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:05:33 -0500

"Mark W. Otter" <mark.otter



Thanks, Wim,


I've been asking about this awhile now. Nice to hear something that fits

my experiences.


love, Mark


Dear So and So,


You wrote:

> I ... was very interested in your dietary observation

esp. with

> regard to minerals and balanced brow/crown openings

without the giddy

> nervousness that can occur. Tell me more if you wish



For the brow and crown chakras oxygen and hydrogen are

the balancing



Intense yawning, with the eye lids squeezed together

firmly, and your arms

stretching in a triangle shape above your head, the

neck straight but cocked

backwards, so that you can hear an internal rumble in

your head... will do

the job.


Oxygenation of the brain and hydrogenation of the

brain's fatty acids (good

cholesterol) while activating the lymph vessels will

actually regrow new

brain cells and get rid of the aged ones.

Of course good yawning and stretching will also let you

loose weight by the

same method, just focus the breathing-yawning into

different body parts and

stretch and squeeze your muscles as well as you can.


/\ 1

/__ \

\/ \/ 2

\/ \/ 3

/ \

/ \ 4

/ \

There are 4 levels in the sequence of yawning and


1. The triangle, as described above,

2 . The high chicken wings:

Both your arms like chicken wings on your sides (the

way little kids copy a

chicken) while arching backwards and waving you upper

torso from left to

right, all the while yawning or deeply breathing in the

chest area. Show the

world your armpits and your neck where the lymph nodes

are situated. This is

very good for the throat and heart chakras (thyroid,

thymus and pancreas

glands). This movement also dumps the lymph that has

just picked up the aged

hydrogenated fatty acids into the red blood system at

the clavicles.

3. The low chicken wings:

Making sure that your elbows are now lower and that

your back is still

arched and while gently rocking your body left and

right and concentrating

on the kidneys or the small of your back, yawn again

and breath deeply in

the diaphragm area. This massages and revitalizes the

kidneys (and adrenals)

that will now filter the blood more effectively, (as it

is appropriately

mixed with lymph fluid), to get rid of your waste

materials. This is of

course affecting your solar plexus chakra positively,

as well as part of

your sacral energy centre.

4. The full body stretch:

More the way a cat so fully stretches its whole body

while yawning.

Standing with feet apart, stretching one foot, pointing

one big toe out

sideways stretching that leg and squeezing the various

leg and bum muscles,

show the world your groin (where also whole clusters of

lymph nodes are.)

Alternate between your left and right sides.Move your

arms up an out like

you are inside a tight balloon pressing the walls out.

(as in some Qi Gong


This is of course very good for the root chakra.


Most importantly: one is supposed to say "Aaah, this

feels gooood."

Normally a person needs to do this from two to three

minutes a day.


Love, Wim











Message: 19

Thu, 22 Feb 2001 08:54:55 -0500

"Harsha" <harsha-hkl

Master Pham/The Highest Teaching: Self or Emptiness? (Hinduism -



Yesterday, we introduced Master Pham. Recently he has written a short piece

titled, "The Highest Teaching: Self or Emptiness" looking at an age old



Master Pham writes, " Whether ultimate reality is fullness of the Self or

Emptiness has always been a fascinating problem. It had been for long a

debate between Buddhists and Advaitins, and among Buddhists themselves

(Yogacara with the Mind-Only theory and Madhyamika with the Shunyata or

Emptiness theory)."


The article "The Highest Teaching: Self or Emptiness" can be found on

. It sparkles with intelligence, logic, humor,

and insight. It is clear that Master Pham has a universal and a

compassionate vision which leaves no one out. Those who love nonduality and

an integrated perspective will appreciate this short but well written piece

in Master's Pham's inimitable style.


HS Magazine is the official magazine of . is a

fellowship with Sri Ramana as the patron saint and we follow the teachings

of the Sage of Arunachala. Sri Ramana was a Universal Master and saw that

all spiritual traditions point to the same thing. People from all religions

(Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Moslems, Judaism and others) visited Sri

Ramana and freely expressed their questions and were answered. In a similar

spirit we welcome all as brothers and sisters without regard to their

philosophical or religious orientation. We follow the path of Ahimsa, which

is the first principle given in Yoga Shastras. Currently about 350 teachers

and students of Yoga, Meditation and Nondualism in a variety of traditions

are members. The discussions typically focus on fundamental life issues and

health in the context of the spiritual life with some required breaks for

humor and good laughs. For a more complete description of the list, please

go to the following URL.








Harsha [harsha-hkl]

Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:38 PM

Cc: NondualitySalon

Master Pham



Master Pham was born in the 1940s in Hanoi, North Vietnam in a religious and

devotional Buddhist family. Both his mother and father had an unusually

strong interest in Buddhism and Master Pham's father had many spiritual

experiences including a NDE which he described later. After the Geneva

treaty in 1954 that divided Vietnam in two countries, his parents along with

their large family fled to Saigon in South Vietnam to escape the communists.

Master Pham has written, "The background of our life for many generations,

my parents and us, is always wars. The independent war 1946-1954 against

the French and the fratricide war 1960-1975 between communists and

nationalists with the intervention of the Americans. Because of so much

suffering caused by wars, many Vietnamese turn into religion and

spirituality to look for refuge"


Master Pham's has described his awakening and deepening in clear terms.


Now in Master Pham's own words:


"Until 1977, I had absolutely no interest in religion as well as

spirituality. The corruption of some religious men made me think that

religion is only hypocrisy and fake. Sometimes I thought of the Truth but I

thought that Truth is out of the capability of men. My knowledge about

Buddhism was only the life of the Buddha! But little by little, some

conflicts inside my heart and in my life as well as the conflicts outside in

the world made me think that something must be wrong. Suddenly in 1977, a

friend of mine wanted to teach me a method of Buddhist/Taoist meditation.

So I began to practice. But the most surprising thing is that there was an

incredible, burning, passionate and permanently present but never known

before, flame for Truth in my heart."


"I began to read every book about religion and spirituality I could find. I

studied different religions and paths. But what I really "put in practice"

are Buddhism, Ch'an (Zen), J.Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta

Maharaj, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky. I continue to deepen those teachings

nowadays. I also discovered a profound teaching in Dzogchen."


"But by reading J.Krishnamurti in 1982 I had some insights that affected me

profoundly, at least all my views were transformed. I first read JK in 1973

when I was still anti-religious. I had no idea who he is and didn't

understand all what he said, but he gave me profound impressions. When I

began to practice meditation in 1977, I reread JK but always had

a feeling that something was lacking. So in a vacation in 1982, I decided

to give up one week in the library to read carefully all JK's books. I was

in a strange state during this week and at the end of this week, it was as

if I became a completely new man. My friends also noticed because suddenly

what I talked was completely different. I have a friend with whom I've

tried for many years to explain what is the Buddha-nature, but he've

decidedly refused to understand. One day as usual I tried to explain to him

again, using another explanation. Suddenly, he had a "satori" as

in a Zen story! (incredible!) He've remained in that state for one week."


"I am now always in constant awareness and self-enquiring. I am very

peaceful inside, there is no striving, no becoming, and I am very happy with

the simplicity of life. I enjoy very much my inside stillness, silence."


"Everyday I ask myself this question: "Don't delude yourself, Luan!



Master Pham's words touch my heart and even reciting them again has

moistened my eyes. I have to stop now and will continue the introduction in

my next post.


Thank you










Message: 20

Thu, 22 Feb 2001 09:11:49 -0500

"Joyce Short" <insight

Love ....for Wim



"Love brings the real, and not just the ideal, vision of what others are

because it is a glimpse of what we are bodily. For what is ordinarily

called the body is an abstraction. It is the conventional fiction of an

object seen apart from its relation to the universe, without which it has no

reality whatsoever. But the mysterious and unsought uprising of love is the

experience of complete relationship with another, transforming our vision

not only of the beloved but of the whole world. And so it remains until the

relationship itself is itself abstracted by the anxiety of the grasping mind

to be guarded from the rest of life as a possession".









Message: 21

Fri, 23 Feb 2001 00:58:06 +0700

"Pieter Schoonheim Samara" <pietersa

The Realization of the Self - Purification of the Mind and Sudden




As a result of the heart becoming pure (which is to say that the obscuring

of the sense of "I" by the idea that it has an identity with the images and

impressions appearing in the mind has become diminished), and the mind

becoming concentrated (which is to say, being drawn inward by the

accumulation of prana due to stillness), if one is told that their True Self

abides singly as the "I" of their "I" That Truth suddenly recollects Itself

in the Hrdayam.


In that moment, the "I" vanishes altogether and with it any sense of

identity or interest in the activities of the body, in the rising thoughts,

changing mental states, flows of prana through the body 's field.


One Is both near and far. No distinctions or concepts remain.


The activities of the body, including any thoughts, continue without a doer

or a thinker. Nor are the eyes being used to see, nor ears being used to

hear, as one Is the substratum of Conscious Awareness.


The Hrdayam radiates light through the Atma nadi and a flame rises from the

base of the spine through (and in) the sushumna and out the top of the head,

but this is occurring simultaneously without distinction or separation with

the total occurrence appearing in consciousness.


The focusing power of the mind to see and know objects is similar to the

light of the full moon seen in the blue sky after the sun has risen, having

no use in seeing.


With the sundering of the sense of "I" from the images appearing in the

mind, the sense of "I" also vanishes.


Neither is there a pulsation of the Heart (atma sphurana) felt through the

Atma nadi of "I" as "I, I, I, I, ...."


In physics there's the concept of a "zero point energy" or substratum at an

absolute zero temperature or at the vibratory point where all inertia

ceases, from where unlimited energy can be released.


It's like piercing the veil behind which is that in which the universe in

all its apparent dimensions appears.


This sudden experience, which may last for some time, may be followed by the

reoccurrence of the awareness of the body field, but now the pulsation of

the Atma nadi from the Hrdayam is felt, maybe for the first time of "I" as

"I, I, I, I, ...." - the atma sphurana.


There is an awakening a powerful force in the Hrdayam, like an inwardly

pulling gravitation, like the Steven Hawkins description of a Black Hole,

where simultaneously the body field is entirely outshined. Whatever

electromagnetic field of energies or radiations of centers one may have

experienced previously, they are sucked into the Hrdayam, while radiant live

light pierces through and between the atoms in the field in and around the



At first there is a powerful and continued force of enquiry into the source

of this sensation in the Heart of "I, I, I, I..." where no thoughts are

allowed to emerge. Within the brain is an inward inclination of enquiry,

"inward bent" which produces a radiation of light around the brain area that

permeates the entire electromagnetic field.


Whatever you are looking it is dissolving, as though into light, before you,

as the notion of "you" and "Ime" and "mine" are dissolved.


It's as though the idea of identity of an "I" to images and objects apearing

in the mind is being tested and resolved. Like having an anti-virus program

that deletes any images appearing before the "I" and any use of the sense of

or word "I" and "mine" in relation to thoughts and images.


Eventually, the sense of enquiry itself begins to dissolve and one abides as

the Singularity of the Heart. Only the pulsation of the "I" remains and the

mind - the field of the body and beyond is irradiant with the outshining

light of the all pervasive Self.


There are no conditions, or situations, or causes that have any influence to

perturb or elate. When any impression arises, there is the steady and

spontaneous recognition, if any at all of "uncaused, .... unconditioned,

no-time, no-space (space-like)..."


Whatever one's activities, whatever one's work, whatever one's practice,

whatever one's state, one remains abiding as the substratum, without



The body field also goes through a relentless transformation. Before

"hearing" began to suck in the conscious field, the process of purification

would constitute the charging and illumination of the centers of the body

and electromagnetic field. In this process of purification, attention /

attachment to the rajasic (subtle) / tamasic (gross) mind/body impressions

by the satvic field of energy / consciousness gradually dissolves. The

Satvic / Spiritual or True Person emerges with the sense of their "I" (if a

rising thought at all, in the placidly prevailing stillness) as being a

field of consciousness some distance around and through the body.


With the emergence into consciousness of the awareness of the satvic

mind/field, the subject object differentiation (gunas attaching the selves

gunas) has passed, and as there is no longer the segregation of focus to a

dream by a dreamer. Dreams give way to remaining aware as the body goes to

sleep of the entire sleeping process ("nerve vacuum"), while in the waking

consciousness one remains aware of themselves as the field of oneness with

their surroundings as that field passes through the world. What was the

subconscious has now emerged into ones awareness within the field of



As the mind is still and no longer scanning the rajasic and tamasic

impressions, the dispersion of energy consciousness (prana) of the focusing

awareness accumulates instead within the field, such that there is a

progressive emerging of deeper and deeper layers of consciousness, including

eventually the awakening of the Kundalini that propels the awareness into

consciousness of the unconscious, such that gradually, the True Person or

Whole Person remains aware at these levels both asleep and awake.


It is with the emergence of the awareness of the Satvic mind/field of

consciousness that the possibilities of siddhis emerge. If they do

manifest, because the mind is so still and pure, full of compassion and

empathy, they manifest without the outgoing flow of attention of the "I"

sense, which remains balanced within the field.


If the thought "God" or a Saint or Savior happens to emerge as a thought

into still satvic field, the field is overwhelmed with a sense of beatitude

and related manifestations of purity.


Regardless of one's practice or purity, the sudden "hearing" of the Truth by

that which is True may happen at any time.


Before that "hearing" it is thought to be possible that the satvic mind,

which is like the full luminous moon in a cloudless night perfectly

reflecting the sun, may still be drawn to attention towards rajasic and

tamasic tendencies, due to many internal and external influences, such that

the purity may be lost.


But once "hearing" dawns in the consciousness, the force of recollection is

so relentless, that it is not possible for the process to be forestalled.

This entire process of "hearing"- "absorption" and "abiding" is the


of Self-Realization, which Itself dissolves the satvic mind or subject "I"

as described above, with or without any spiritual practice, regardless of

the purity of the mind, and culminates in simple, all-pervasive being having

no definition, beyond all words, the substratum of Light, beyond darkness.


"Hearing" comes spontaneously, without cause, from the constant reading and

rereading of the lives and teachings of the Saints and Saviors seeking to

pierce through to the Truth within ourselves. Purification of the mind

comes through putting the Teachings of the Saints and Saviors into practice,

and engaging in some systematic well understood practices of the cohesion of

yogas, which emanate from the Truth, such that the heart and mind become



Without these 2 the processes spoken about become more and more conjecture

and discussion and less and less experience, more erratic.


The non-dual spiritual texts that are useful to the True Hearer to recollect

Itself, include "Faith Mind" by the Third Zen Patriarch, Ch 26 of the "Ribhu

Gita," the "Avadhut Gita" of Mahatma Dattatreya translated by Hari Prasad

Shastri , "Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self Knowledge" by Arthur Osborn,

"Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi,I AM THAT" by Nissagadatta Maharaj,

"Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa" by Evens-Wentz, the Gospels and Revelations in

the Bible (the key to understanding which is the Name of the Father in

Exodus 3:14) regarding the life of Christ, the "Ramayana," any stories and

shabads of the 10 Sikh Gurus and works by Shankaracharya others.


All these contain spiritual practices as a means to pierce through the veil,

and are of such a profound nature that simply the reading of the texts

amounts to a powerful practice in itself.


The matter of the cohesion of yoga practices and the understanding of the

purpose and intent and idea of yoga practices as derived from the Archetypal

Truth Itself, as a to bring about purity of the Heart and Mind, is another

discussion altogether.













Message: 22

Thu, 22 Feb 2001 13:30:08 -0500

"Harsha \(Dr. Harsh K. Luthar\)" <hluthar

RE: [NDS] Rinzai Re: effort


I love that! Thanks Andrew.





andrew macnab [a.macnab]

Thursday, February 22, 2001 1:21 PM


[NDS] Rinzai Re: effort



Since I was quoting Dogen, the founder of Soto zen,

here's equal time for Rinzai, the founder of Rinzai zen;



"Stop thinking and trying to find the answers. And do it now!


Don't be deceived by others. Trust yourself. That's all that is required.


The scholars and sutras! I spit on them! You have only to know that wherever


are on the road to your own home.


The hope of enlightenment is like a yoke about your neck.


Bodhidharma and Nirvana are hitching posts for asses. Forget all this stuff.


Don't worry. Take things as they are. Walk when you want to walk. Sit when

you want to



Those who strive for success are stupid.


Time is precious. There is no permanence in an instant.


You are like a man who rejects his own head to look for another.


The real is ready at hand and doesn't wait for an opportune time.


There is no fixed teaching. All I can provide is an appropriate medicine for


particular ailment.


What is there to doubt!


Let go. Don't seek or run away.


Make no mistake, there's nothing to be found without or within. And don't

hang onto my

words. Go your way in calm and with an empty mind. It is enough to be quiet




Be self reliant.


Observe in yourself what is already there.











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Message: 23

Thu, 22 Feb 2001 18:53:28 -0000


Rumi poem


Hi all,Am home today with the flippin' flu and sinusitis. Have been

sleepinga lot and drinking quite a bit of water and orange juice. I

feelbetter than I did when I first felt the symptoms yesterday but amgoing

to chill out until I feel better. Went to the doc, heprescribed meds for the

flu and sinusitis. Am not taking the flu medbut am taking the sinusitis med.

I basically went to him forverification and a doctor's note for work.

Anywho, I had bought abook of Rumi's poetry last Saturday and came across

one that I'd liketo post. It's called Only Breath.Not Christian or Jew or

Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, sufi, or zen.Not any religion or cultural

system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up

fromthe ground, not natural or etheral, not composed of elements at all.I do

not exist, am not an entity in this world or the next, did notdescend from

Adam or Eve or any origin story. My place is placeless, a trace of the

traceless. Neither body orsoul. I belong to the beloved, have seen the two

worlds as one andthat one call to and know,first, last, outer, inner, only

that breath breathing human being.







Message: 24

Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:00:06 -0800

"White Wolf" <valemar



something awesome that white wolfe read this morning....enjoy...^^~~~~


further up and further in,


white wolfe



"The saints do not contemplate to know, but to love.

They do not love for the sake of loving, but for the love

of Him whom they love. It is for the love of their first

beloved, God, that they aspire to that very union with

God that love demands whilst they love themselves only

for Him. For them the end of ends is not to bring exultation

to their intellect and nature and thus stop at themselves. It

is to do the will of Another, to contribute to the good of the

Good. They do not seek their own soul. The lose it; they

no longer possess it. If in entering into the mystery of

Divine filiation and becoming something of God, they gain

a transcendent personality, an independence and a liberty

which nothing of this world approaches, it is by forgetting all

else so that they do not live, but the Beloved lives in them."


from The Degrees of Knowledge, Jacques Maritain, p.10.






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Message: 25

Thu, 22 Feb 2001 19:41:34 -0500

"LC" <jyotish

Re: Humour or sniping.


Hi William,


I think you bring up good points here. Language is a vibration and the

quality of language can have a negative impact....whether or not it's meant

to be funny. I remember being told a long time ago that laughter is always

another form of tears and is always at the expense of someone else. Being

very young at the time I disagreed and was challenged to give one example of

a funny situation or joke that was not at the expense of another person....I

lost the argument :-).


I am a native New Yorker who spent 9 years in FL and then moved back to NY.

I've been really surprised to find myself put off by the roughness of NY

language. I'm also dealing with a truckload of difficult family situations

and sometimes find myself speaking in the same manner I did prior to living

in FL....however, those times are times of stress and frustration.... not

when I'm feeling peaceful or balanced.....the language does not really work

as a release but rather seems to enhance the negative. It seems that when I

pull back and consciously choose my words my whole attitude and vibration

seems to smooth out.


Thanks for sharing that story....in this time of a difficult new moon

combined with mercury retrograde it is a good reminder.




> I have a married couple as clients whose life together is quite peculiar.

> Now that humour has been brought up from various angles, I think it is

> worthwhile to bring this two-some up.

> I know it is extreme what they ended up with, but they started out very

> humorously in their relationship.

> I knew these people before they became clients as people who always left a

> snip

> The lady one morning came to

> our place as she had almost been strangled... while making love.

> Their humour was a gallows humour... quite nasty. Their love making

> eventually had them hanging from ropes and chains. Paining each other


> their enjoyment,



> These two are finally willing to check their language and take it from

> there. After some serious ultimatums were agreed upon.

> A long road...


> Yes we started with language... after all they tried to get at each


> throat...


> Love, Wim




> /join


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.





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