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humour and sniping (Jim, Wim Harshaji, All)

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Harsha wrote:

>Thanks American Dakini for hovering over us.




....And thank you Harshaji for opening up the space. Clouds do

come and go but sun is always shining. Even when the children

track mud into the sacred abode, I remember it as the blessed



I will keep witnessing, soaring and listening ...


* * * * *

Judi wrote:

>******* *Hovering*, yes! You know Dakini, I had a dear friend

>many years ago, who said of me, Judi is like the sky, you can't

>put her into a milk carton, she simply doesn't fit! :-) Now I know

>what he was talking about. :-)


Well, that was then (many years ago); this is now. I have not

been able to detect any sky-like spaciousness in your posted

communications here, Judi. Au contrare, the cheap barbs and

abusive language induce a profound contraction in people's

hearts. Profanity doesn't shock me (I've worked with psychotics,

the mentally ill and even the criminally insane for years) -- it's just

so unskillful, unoriginal, inarticulate, uncivil and disrepsectful.


Voice / words / speech carry the energy that links body and mind.

Be mindful of all actions of body, speech and mind (to

paraphrase the buddha's methods). Mind's nature being

essentially empty, clear and luminous, mind will reflect and even

magnify whatever we put into it. The life we each have and live

today is essentially the sum total of the network of conversations

we are having with our own heart/mind, and the conversations

we are having with others in our environments. If that

conversation is full of negativity, abuse, profanity and cynicism,

one will have a life that is negative, abusive, profane and

hopelessly cynical. This will manifest very quickly. Dear ones,

always be careful about the power of your words and



I invite you, Judi, or any considering the power of words to wound

and injure (not yet convinced by your very own experience?) to

look up the derivation (root) of the word "sarcasm" in your

dictionary. Please report on what you find ....


* * * * *


I would also like to thank Wim for his timely words of wisdom,

sharing the painful account of the power of words to inflict pain

and damage.


Harsha wrote:

>Thanks American Dakini for hovering over us.




....And thank you Harshaji for opening up the space. Clouds do

come and go but sun is always shining. Even when the children

track mud into the sacred abode, I remember it as the blessed



I will keep witnessing, soaring and listening ...


* * * * *

Judi wrote:

>******* *Hovering*, yes! You know Dakini, I had a dear friend

>many years ago, who said of me, Judi is like the sky, you can't

>put her into a milk carton, she simply doesn't fit! :-) Now I know

>what he was talking about. :-)


Well, that was then (many years ago); this is now. I have not

been able to detect any sky-like spaciousness in your posted

communications here, Judi. Au contrare, the cheap barbs and

abusive language induce a profound contraction in people's

hearts. Profanity doesn't shock me (I've worked with psychotics,

the mentally ill and even the criminally insane for years) -- it's just

so unskillful, unoriginal, inarticulate, uncivil and disrepsectful.


Voice / words / speech carry the energy that links body and mind.

Be mindful of all actions of body, speech and mind (to

paraphrase the buddha's methods). Mind's nature being

essentially empty, clear and luminous, mind will reflect and even

magnify whatever we put into it. The life we each have and live

today is essentially the sum total of the network of conversations

we are having with our own heart/mind, and the conversations

we are having with others in our environments. If that

conversation is full of negativity, abuse, profanity and cynicism,

one will have a life that is negative, abusive, profane and

hopelessly cynical. This will manifest very quickly. Dear ones,

always be careful about the power of your words and



I invite you, Judi, or any considering the power of words to wound

and injure (not yet convinced by your very own experience?) to

look up the derivation (root) of the word "sarcasm" in your

dictionary. Please report on what you find ....


* * * * *


I would also like to thank Wim for his timely words of wisdom,

sharing the painful account of the power of words to inflict pain

and damage.


This is an aspect of our being that is so easily within our reach to

transform. Each second we choose: no words, kind and helpful

words, or harsh and hurting words. Words of love or words of

fear and negativity. Yes, sometimes we must be firm.

Boundaries must be set, whether you are focusing only on your

own realization or the enlightenment of all beings. Let us not

indulge people's victimhood or powerlessness; cynicism and

resignation is a sneaky form of victimhood and projecting blame

onto others and "circumstances beyond one's control". The only

position of power is one of responsibility. Let us also not

indulge melodramas. It is enabling, and not compassionate at

all, to indulge verbal abuse. Set boundaries, set standards for

civil, respectful communication and be an example. It is not

necessary to sugar-coat your words or lie. This exhortaion is for

the benefit of all. And remember the Law of Karma is alive and

well in all of our lives!!


(end of rant)


Wishing you all pure and powerful speech,


American Dakini


Wim wrote: (on Humour or sniping)

>Hi everyone,

>I have a married couple as clients whose life together is quite

peculiar. Now that humour has been brought up from various

angles, I think it is worthwhile to bring this two-some up.

I know it is extreme what they ended up with, but they started out

very humorously in their relationship. I knew these people

before they became clients as people who always left a

raunchy kind of happiness behind with sour notes ringing in the

background. As I got to know them better and observed their

conversations it became clear to me that their way of

communication was only through quips and clever remarks,

often quite hilarious, they were really on the ball. But behind it

was always some hurt that they did not seem to mind, gripes

really, often cloaked in coarse laughter. They were very

'realistic'..."Such is life." They also smoked and drank quite on

the heavy side. Their humour was primed, so to say, with

sarcasm, little pricks and teases. That was not why they

became clients though. The lady one morning came to

our place as she had almost been strangled... while making

love. Their humour was a gallows humour... quite nasty. Their

love making eventually had them hanging from ropes and

chains. Paining each other became their enjoyment, their

eroticism had taken that turn. Now this is extreme as these two

got to a point that only by being incredibly mean to each other

could they get some form of warped bliss (?) going, and they

needed more and more. They got into reading some pretty

heavy stuff from the web and started experimenting with pain

induced sex. Eventually they almost strangled each other.

It started with humour? Was this humour? What is humour

really...? If there is sniping in it, griping, a getting back at

somebody with quick repartees, needling comments in the

guise of teases etc... it ain't no humour.


A :-) happy face does not do the job.


These two are finally willing to check their language and take it

from there. After some serious ultimatums were agreed upon.

A long road...


Yes we started with language... after all they tried to get at each

other's throat...


Love, Wim






(off pulpit ...)


Wishing you all pure and powerful speech,


American Dakini


* * * * *


Wim wrote: (on Humour or sniping)

>Hi everyone,

>I have a married couple as clients whose life together is quite

peculiar. Now that humour has been brought up from various

angles, I think it is worthwhile to bring this two-some up.

I know it is extreme what they ended up with, but they started out

very humorously in their relationship. I knew these people

before they became clients as people who always left a

raunchy kind of happiness behind with sour notes ringing in the

background. As I got to know them better and observed their

conversations it became clear to me that their way of

communication was only through quips and clever remarks,

often quite hilarious, they were really on the ball. But behind it

was always some hurt that they did not seem to mind, gripes

really, often cloaked in coarse laughter. They were very

'realistic'..."Such is life." They also smoked and drank quite on

the heavy side. Their humour was primed, so to say, with

sarcasm, little pricks and teases. That was not why they

became clients though. The lady one morning came to

our place as she had almost been strangled... while making

love. Their humour was a gallows humour... quite nasty. Their

love making eventually had them hanging from ropes and

chains. Paining each other became their enjoyment, their

eroticism had taken that turn. Now this is extreme as these two

got to a point that only by being incredibly mean to each other

could they get some form of warped bliss (?) going, and they

needed more and more. They got into reading some pretty

heavy stuff from the web and started experimenting with pain

induced sex. Eventually they almost strangled each other.

It started with humour? Was this humour? What is humour

really...? If there is sniping in it, griping, a getting back at

somebody with quick repartees, needling comments in the

guise of teases etc... it ain't no humour.


A :-) happy face does not do the job.


These two are finally willing to check their language and take it

from there. After some serious ultimatums were agreed upon.

A long road...


Yes we started with language... after all they tried to get at each

other's throat...


Love, Wim

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On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 21:14:20 -0000 dakini writes:

> Harsha wrote:


> >Thanks American Dakini for hovering over us.


> >Love

> >Harsha


> ...And thank you Harshaji for opening up the space. Clouds do

> come and go but sun is always shining. Even when the children

> track mud into the sacred abode, I remember it as the blessed

> earth.


> I will keep witnessing, soaring and listening ...


> * * * * *

> Judi wrote:


> >******* *Hovering*, yes! You know Dakini, I had a dear friend

> >many years ago, who said of me, Judi is like the sky, you can't

> >put her into a milk carton, she simply doesn't fit! :-) Now I know

> >what he was talking about. :-)


> Well, that was then (many years ago); this is now. I have not

> been able to detect any sky-like spaciousness in your posted

> communications here, Judi.


Ah, but is this perhaps a failure

of detection rather than an

actual absence of "spaciousness?"

> Au contrare, the cheap barbs and

> abusive language induce a profound contraction in people's

> hearts.


I view such generalizations as

extremely suspect. Many of those

whom we venerate as masters today

were extremely controversial is

their times for their unswerving

willingness to confront people's

habitual comfort zones in ways

that would "induce a profound

contraction in people's hearts"

-- except for those lucky few who

were ready to gaze back into the

mirror that was the master.

> Profanity doesn't shock me (I've worked with psychotics,

> the mentally ill and even the criminally insane for years) -- it's

> just

> so unskillful, unoriginal, inarticulate, uncivil and disrepsectful.


Well then, now we know know your

opinion -- thanks for sharing!


> Voice / words / speech carry the energy that links body and mind.


Nah, "mind" is a fiction

created by thought to deceive

itself into believing it is an

ongoing entity rather than the

transient phenomenon it actually

is. Body is inexorably linked

to "mind" because thought itself

has a physiological basis --

with or without "Voice / words /


> Be mindful of all actions of body, speech and mind (to

> paraphrase the buddha's methods). Mind's nature being

> essentially empty, clear and luminous, mind will reflect and even

> magnify whatever we put into it.


That which is empty, clear, and

luminous can neither reflect nor

magnify -- it can only illuminate.

When we confuse the "mind" which

reacts and consciousness which

abides we foist our own confusion

upon our readers.

> The life we each have and live

> today is essentially the sum total of the network of conversations

> we are having with our own heart/mind, and the conversations

> we are having with others in our environments. If that

> conversation is full of negativity, abuse, profanity and cynicism,

> one will have a life that is negative, abusive, profane and

> hopelessly cynical. This will manifest very quickly. Dear ones,

> always be careful about the power of your words and

> conversations!


I didn't know the lecture lamp was

lit! Let us distill this lovely

speech to it's essence, shall we?


Translation: "To do no harm is

to walk on eggshells. Any words

that do not fall within my

preconceptions of correct speech

will earn one or more pejoratives

including (but not limited to)

'negative, abusive, profane and

hopelessly cynical'. I have



> I invite you, Judi, or any considering the power of words to wound

> and injure (not yet convinced by your very own experience?) to

> look up the derivation (root) of the word "sarcasm" in your

> dictionary. Please report on what you find ....


I invite you, who call yourself

"Dakini," to rediscover the Dakini

essence, to whit:


"Superficially, the Dakini embodies

the spirit of female wrath, she

appears to dance in a wild frenzy,

bent on destruction, chaos, and

transformation. She is naked except

for a necklace of skulls around her

neck. The skulls are those of her

slain victims. In her right hand she

holds a vajra or knife. In the left

she caries a skullcup, it is filled

with blood which shedrinks. In most

images of the Dakini she is seen

dancing on the corpse of a human."


Does this sound like tiptoeing

civility to you? Like Whitman, we

all "contain multitudes," but surely

"Dakini" evokes the dance of Shiva

and not the rote scolding of "Miss

Manners" or some inveterately

affirmative twelve-stepper!


I would respectfully advise you not

to impersonate she whom you are

unwilling to embody. In deference

to Harshadeva, who is my brother

and whose satsangha we attend here,

I now return to my usual silence on

such matters -- this is Harsha's

house, and to step in is to agree

to his rules. Peace!


> * * * * *


> * * * * *


[mucho snippage]









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