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RE: Pattern of higher attunement/Listening

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Lobster said: Effective communication may sometimes remove the element of

choice and insist on being heard. This is when we have to listen most

carefully for there is a pattern of higher attunement being transmitted in

every contact.

Care and sensitivity often exists more

in receptivity than in expression . . .



To carry on what Lobster sated, if possible: As with all things we encounter

daily in life, and this goes for emails too, we have to learn to listen

without reaction (most difficult at times). However, learning to listen is

not possible without trust. And, without trust we are always on our guard;

we have barriers of self-protection that defends us from what we cannot

control. Listening is a state of openness, and the more we are open the more

we are able to hear. And because spiritual listening is done with the ear of

the heart as well as with our physical ears, the heart has to be open.

Listening to the teacher (whatever or whoever that is for the individual)

requires a degree of vulnerability in which we lay down our defenses, we

abandon our patterns of censorship. Listening to what we call God means

being totally open and surrendered... otherwise we will obscure God's hint

with our own little self and miss out on the teaching.


Love, Robert

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Robert, what you said is beautiful. Let me quote you.


"However, learning to listen is not possible without trust. And, without

trust we are always on our guard; we have barriers of self-protection that

defends us from what we cannot control. Listening is a state of openness,

and the more we are open the more we are able to hear. "


It seems to me Robert that you have put your finger on the key issue. In

order to communicate with the heart there has to be mutual trust and respect

and freedom from fear and reprisal. A true communication is a communion and

that is a joy.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts Robert. We welcome Lobster (our old friend

Ed Jason).


Love to all


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